CTR E2 - Markets success and failure

Name: _____________________________________________________ Period: _____
Objective: In preparation for active, ethical citizenship, students examine important topics in our market based, democratic republic,
and demonstrate critical thinking by generating informed claims supported by valid reasoning.
Due dates:
First draft: Friday 11/1
Final draft: Friday 11/8
Civic Participation Score
Originality Score
 CTR rubric with originality score from www.turnitin.com
 Final draft on time
 First draft with peer review comments and signature turned in with final draft
Prompt: Choose a specific market, and analyze the successes and failures of that market.
Be sure to focus on a market, such as the cell phone market, as opposed to a product within the market, such as the iPhone.
Examples of markets would include the labor market, a specific product market, the stock, bond or currency markets, various on-line
markets, or any other market approved by your teacher.
In your reflection, in addition to market structures and failures in Unit 3, consider the concepts from Units 1 and 2.
Critical Thinking Score:
 Advanced: all of the proficient criteria AND independent of course instruction
 identifies and analyzes specific, accurate failures and successes of the market from the perspective of producers
 identifies and analyzes the role of government regulation and/or deregulation in the successes and failures of the
 Proficient:
identifies the structure of a market
identifies specific, accurate failures and successes of that market from the perspective of consumers and wider society
analyzes specific, accurate failures and successes of that market from the perspective of consumers and wider society
supports analysis with effective selection of relevant content from Units 1, 2, and 3
uses valid reasoning
Name: ______________________________________________________________ Period: _____
Objective: In preparation for active, ethical citizenship, students demonstrate critical thinking by contributing curriculum that
enriches student learning about a critical thinking topic, through civic dialogue using historical or current applications.
Due dates:
Draft lesson plan: Tuesday 10/22
Lesson delivery: Wednesday or Thursday 10/30-31
Self-assessment: Monday 11/1
Civic Participation Score
Originality Score
SCC rubric with originality score from www.turnitin.com
Lesson plan draft on time
Final lesson on time
Self-assessment on time
Prompt: While promoting civic dialogue, model the selection of a specific market, and facilitate the analysis of that market’s
successes and failures.
Examples of markets would include the labor market, a specific product market, the stock, bond or currency markets, various on-line
markets, or any other market approved by your teacher.
In your reflection, in addition to market structures and failures, consider the concepts from Units 1 and 2.
Critical Thinking Score:
 Advanced: all of the proficient criteria AND independent of course instruction
 creates an activity that allows all students to actively participate and analyze specific, accurate failures and successes of
the market from the perspective of producers, through civic dialogue
 creates and activity that allows all students to actively participate and analyze the role of government regulation
and/or deregulation in the successes and failures of the market, through civic dialogue
 Proficient:
identifies the structure of a market
identifies specific, accurate failures and successes of that market from the perspective of consumers and wider society
selects relevant content from Units 1, 2, and 3
creates an activity that requires other students to analyze specific, accurate failures and successes of that market from
the perspective of consumers and wider society through civic dialogue
NOTE: When you are creating a SCC, you do not have to write the Critical Thinking Reflection.