Wave Toy Advanced Activities Directions: When you have finished


Wave Toy Advanced Activities

Directions: When you have finished making your wave toy pick one of the following to complete. When completed continue attempting the advanced activities if you have time. See how many you can get done however; make sure each one is done well.

Option 1 – Creating A “Toy Report”

Make a title for your toy and draw a detailed diagram of the wave toy with color. Then neatly write out the ingredients and recipe. Lastly write a short report as if you were writing to a boss of a toy company reporting your toy experiment.

Discuss your success and failures. Offer suggestions for making more wave toys or improving on the current wave toy.

Option 2 – Graphing Density

We have handled many materials with different densities. Create a “relative density line graph”, a graph with no numbers but showing the density of objects compared to each other. The graph must be 1 graph that has many lines for each item including: water, isopropanol, mineral oil, candle wax, squinky, and 1 other object of your choice. Don’t forget to label the x and y axis and include units. Hint:

The slope of the line should be the density of the object. Use the equation for finding slope and the equation for finding density to help figure out what to label your axis.

Option 3 – Multiple Layer Wave Toy

This challenge has two parts. First you must create an ingredients list and a very detailed recipe of how you would make a 3 layered wave toy. Make sure to include the order you would put the materials. Describe why you think this will work. After you have created this recipe then you may try and make your wave toy.

Draw and describe your attempt. Write about if it was successful or unsuccessful and how it could be improved upon.
