
Carroll County Schools
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Sixth Grade First Nine Weeks
English Language Arts Benchmark Test
Use the following passage to answer questions 1-2.
The Brown Bear
Jon Reese
The brown bear (sometimes called a grizzly in North America) is a large animal, usually dark brown in
color, though it can vary from a light creamy shade through to black. The long guard hairs over the
shoulders and back are often tipped with white, which, from a distance, gives the animal a grizzled
appearance. The brown bear is characterized by a distinctive hump on the shoulders, a slightly dished
profile to the face, and long claws on the front paws.
1) All of the following are details about the appearance of the brown bear EXCEPT
A) a large animal.
B) sometimes called a grizzly.
C) usually dark brown in color.
D) long claws on the front paws.
Choose the sentence that would most logically come next in this passage.
A) The litter size ranges from one to four, but two is most common.
B) Female brown bears reach maturity at four-and-a-half to seven years of age.
C) Adult males may weigh 300 to 860 pounds compared with 205 to 455 pounds for
E) Despite their propensity for a solitary existence, brown bears congregate at high
densities where food is abundant.
Which word below is spelled correctly, according to the dictionary?
A) inapropriate
B) occassion
C) stationary
D) toungue
Use the following passage to answer question 4.
Denise's first trip to Disney World was an unforgettable experience. She spent her first day with her
family in the Magic Kingdom, meeting Mickey and all his friends. The second day was dedicated solely to
riding roller coasters in the Animal Kingdom and Hollywood Studios. On the third day, Denise and her
family visited each of the different countries in the World Showcase at Epcot. Every single minute of the
four days Denise spent in Disney World was packed with exciting events.
Which sentence would work best as a concluding sentence to this paragraph?
A) Last year, Denise and her family had gone on a vacation to the Grand Canyon.
B) Denise wished that her family had had time to visit Universal Studios as well.
C) The only thing Denise regretted was missing all her favorite TV shows that week.
D) Denise knew that her time at Disney World was definitely the best vacation of her life.
Carroll County Schools
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Sixth Grade First Nine Weeks
English Language Arts Benchmark Test
Use the following passage to answer question 5.
How young is too young for a child to have his or her own cell phone? Parents and parenting groups
disagree. While some parents believe that as long as a child is old enough to understand how to use the
phone and what to use it for, others believe that even fifteen years old is too young to have that kind of
responsibility. Some parents claim that cell phones help keep the family in closer communication and
keep children safer. Other parents warn that cell phones are a constant distraction from school and life
Which sentence would work best as a concluding sentence to this paragraph?
A) Some people believe that cell phones actually cause cancer of the brain.
B) Cell phones are quite expensive, but there are many different types of them out there.
C) Ultimately the decision of whether or not to give a child a cell phone belongs to each
D) A cell phone can not only be used to call people, it can often text, take pictures, and play
Use the following passage to answer question 6.
Emily Dickinson
Carole Jenkins
(1) Emily Dickinson is regarded as one of the greatest American poets. (2) She was born in 1830
in Amherst, Massachusetts, to a very prominent family. (3) Her childhood was normal, filled with
friends, activities, and having fun. (4) As she grew older, she began to isolate herself and even to refuse
to leave her home. (5) In her latter years, she wore only white and would not let anyone but her family
see her. (6)She spent most of her time alone writing poetry. (7) During her lifetime, she published only
seven of her poems, and she published those anonymously. (8) After her death in 1886, her sister
discovered packets of her poems in her drawer. (9) Four years later, her first books of poems were
(10) Her poetry is wonderful to read. (11) Concrete imagery was used by her to illustrate
abstract concepts, such as love and death. (12) Her unusual use of capitalization and punctuation and
her use of irregular meter and rhyme make her poetry unique.
Look at the portion of the passage number (7). In an effort to make the passage more concise,
which would be the BEST revision of the sentence?
During her lifetime, she published only seven of her poems, and she published those
She published only seven anonymous poems during her lifetime.
During her anonymous lifetime, she published only seven of her poems.
During her lifetime, she anonymously published only seven of her poems.
During her lifetime, she published only seven poems.
Carroll County Schools
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Sixth Grade First Nine Weeks
English Language Arts Benchmark Test
Use the following passage to answer questions 7-8.
Pet Dangers
Carole Jenkins
Everyone knows that a home should be "child-proof" to protect young babies and toddlers from
illness and injury. (2) Pets are also in danger from many common household sources which many people
don't realize. (3) Pets can chew and swallow seemingly safe things, resulting in disaster.
(4) It may seem perfectly harmless to toss a pet a grape or a raisin as a treat, but these can be
very deadly. (5) Although the exact cause is not known, gastrointestinal problems result after a pet
ingests grapes or raisins. (6) Kidney failure frequently occurs.
(7) Flowering plants, when eaten by pets, can also be lethal. (8) Lilies are especially toxic to cats
by causing kidney failure. (9) Azaleas and rhododendrons can lead to serious problems for dogs. (10)
Vomiting, diarrhea, and central nervous system problems can result.
(11) Small amounts of Xylitol, an artificial sweetener used in sugar-free candy, chewing gum,
cookies, and other baked goods, can cause low blood sugar and liver damage in dogs. (12) It doesn't take
much of this stuff to cause serious problems.
(13) There are many other common household items that are hazardous to pets. (14) All pet
owners should educate themselves about these items and the effects that they have on pets. (15)Every
effort should be made to "pet-proof" homes to provide safe and healthy environments for pets.
Which is the BEST way to rewrite Sentence (2)?
A) Which many people don’t realize, pets are also in danger from many common
household sources.
B) Many people don't realize that pets from many common household sources are also
in danger.
C) From many common household sources, many people don't realize that pets are
also in danger.
D) Many people don't realize that pets are also in danger from many common
household sources.
It doesn't take much of this stuff to cause serious problems.
What is the BEST way to revise sentence number (12)?
A) Change the word 'much' to 'many.'
B) Change the word 'doesn't' to 'does.'
C) Substitute the word 'product' for the word 'stuff.'
D) Substitute the word 'critical' for the word 'serious.
Which sentence contains an intensive pronoun?
A) Bonny has her own set of golf clubs.
B) Matthew enjoys cooking dinner for his family.
C) Sam himself prepared breakfast for the family.
D) She went to the seashore for her summer vacation.
Recently, some American high schools have stopped buying textbooks for students and instead
have opted for e-readers. Part of the reason textbooks have become less popular is due to their great
Carroll County Schools
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Sixth Grade First Nine Weeks
English Language Arts Benchmark Test
expense, but there are also other more down-to-earth reasons such as backpacks that weigh up to forty
pounds. It is true that e-readers can be even more expensive than one textbook, but one e-reader can
hold more than 100 textbooks' contents.
Which sentence would fit the style and tone of the rest of this paragraph?
A) So I say, YES--let's get up, get going, and buy some e-readers today!
B) Unless you're a fool, you want to change from textbooks to e-readers for sure.
C) I don't know about e-readers--I'm not really sure that I would like them at all.
D) As technology becomes more important in our world, education must learn to keep up with
new trends.
Use the following passage to answer question 11.
Lose Weight Fast and Easy
Tracy Wilson
1 Are you trying to lose weight, but have little will power? Our new super diet pill is just what
you’ve been waiting for. Researchers from around the world have declared this fast-acting, appetite
suppressant as a modern medical miracle for Americans who struggle with weight loss.
Do you need to lose 30, 50, or even 75 pounds?
2 The fat burning action of our new diet pill enables even those who need to shed lots of weight
to drop pounds without strenuous exercise or ridiculous food restrictions. Weight loss begins to occur so
quickly that even skeptics are amazed! Try this new weight loss pill today and start losing weight
Which of these BEST identifies the text elements used in this text?
A) heading and italics print
B) caption and capitalization
C) caption and italics
D) capitalization and bold faced print
The final/conclusion paragraph of an essay MUST include:
A) new supporting detail.
B) a restatement of the thesis/controlling idea.
C) a new point to support the thesis.
D) a quotation from a well-known author.
Are your kids starting college this fall? Do you worry about them being so far from home? A
Now-Phone will keep you in touch with your college-aged kids at all times! By linking a phone line to
your child’s mp3 player, owning a Now-Phone means you’ll never have to play phone tag again.
Read this script for a television advertisement. Which sentence would be an effective and
appropriate conclusion for this script?
A) The Now-Phone lets kids and their friends have lots of fun.
B) The Now-Phone allows parents and kids to connect.
C) The Now-Phone comes in several different colors.
D) The Now-Phone connects to an mp3 player!
Use the following passage to answer questions 14-15.
Young People Can Make Their Communities Better Places
Carroll County Schools
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Sixth Grade First Nine Weeks
English Language Arts Benchmark Test
Prudential Insurance Companies of America
In this fast-paced world, it’s surprising there’s time for you to attend classes, do homework, take part
in extracurricular activities, and still manage to relax and have fun with family and friends.
Yet despite busy schedules, many young people like you are concerned about what’s going on in their
neighborhoods and communities, and are looking for ways to get involved. Here are some facts:
In a survey of nearly 1,000 young people commissioned by Prudential, 95 percent of
those interviewed said they felt it’s important for people to volunteer.
Almost two-thirds of those respondents said that individual responsibility is the best
way to address community problems.
67 percent indicated that they devote some of their time to volunteer activities.
Why Volunteer? Why are so many students interested in serving their communities? Because they want
Make a difference
Develop new skills
Prepare for college
Explore career path
Have fun working with friends
Feel good about themselves
Although the efforts of one person may seem small, every act of service can have an important impact
on someone … and millions of individual volunteers can create a revolution of sorts. Whatever your
reason for volunteering, once involved, it’s easy to get hooked— to “catch the spirit” of community
involvement. Volunteering can expand your horizons and become a satisfying, lifelong commitment.
What's Right for Me?
You may make an instant decision to volunteer in your community. But don't be hasty in selecting a
project or organization. First, take time to think about what problems or issues in your neighborhood or
community concern you.
Then, as you search for the “right” volunteer activity, ask yourself:
How much time do I have to commit?
What talents or skills do I offer?
What do I want to get out of my involvement?
Will I enjoy this type of service?
There are many reasons to volunteer. But one should be universal—volunteer for something you can
enjoy. Don’t limit your thinking. You may want to volunteer in the structured environment of a large
organization, or you may prefer the more informal “family” feeling of a smaller group. Perhaps you want
to create your own volunteer activity by engaging your friends or family, or maybe just work alone on a
project. When you’ve selected or narrowed your volunteer interests, you may want to talk to your
parents, friends, a teacher or club sponsor, a counselor, or someone at your church or synagogue. They
might have suggestions on how to go about making it happen. Call organizations and local government
offices that offer services to the public. Read your local newspaper. Watch and listen to the television
and radio news for ideas. After you’ve made a choice, commit yourself to it. Give it your energy—and
adequate time—to determine if it’s a good fit.
What is the overall tone that is conveyed by the use of questions, second person pronoun “you,”
and bullet points in the passage, Young People Can Make Their Communities Better Places?
Carroll County Schools
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Sixth Grade First Nine Weeks
English Language Arts Benchmark Test
Which statement is the BEST thesis/controlling idea for the passage, Young People Can Make
Their Communities Better Places?
A) In this fast-paced world, young people are very busy with so many activities.
B) There are many different reasons why young people become involved in their communities.
C) The efforts of one person may seem small, but every act of service can have an impact on
D) Though young people today are very busy, they still find time, reasons, and ways to
Peggy is writing a persuasive essay arguing for more schools to adopt a standard school uniform. One of
her paragraphs starts with the following topic sentence: School uniforms decrease the amount of
bullying that occurs within a school.
What type of detail would be best to support this topic sentence?
A) description of a standard school uniform policy
B) quote from a student who likes the convenience of a school uniform
C) statistics that show how many schools have adopted a uniform policy
D) statistics that show a drop in bullying rates at schools with uniforms
Social Media and Social Skills
Nancy Floyd
1With hundreds of Facebook friends and Twitter followers, it seems as though the average Joe is more
popular and well-connected than ever before. Social networking sites like Facebook, Friendster, and
MySpace allow us to form friendships with people from around the world, rekindle past relationships,
and stay in constant communication with friends and family. Microblogging sites like Twitter give
followers instant access to our activities and opinions at any given moment, while personal blogs keep
readers up-to-date on our political views, family life, and personal experiences. Our lives are more
accessible, but are our relationships any deeper as a result?
2One of the obvious benefits of social networking Web sites is having the ability to connect with friends,
family members, and coworkers instantly. Regardless of where you are in the world, you can tweet your
thoughts, post a message on a friend’s Facebook wall, or blog about your latest adventure.
3Real human interaction, however, is a bit trickier these days—it requires planning and commitment.
Although it’s all right to tweet or blog at three in the morning, this is hardly a suitable hour to enjoy
coffee and conversation with an actual friend. Due to the hectic nature of modern life, people prefer
maintaining relationships through social media sites, which allow them to put forth effort on their own
time and terms.
Which technique does the author use to strengthen her argument in her supporting paragraphs
(2 and 3)?
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English Language Arts Benchmark Test
addressing both positive and negative aspects
describing the various uses of social media
providing statistics on social media usage
using personal testimonies
Which sentence contains an intensive pronoun?
A) She approved the book's cover.
B) Did you see the cover of the book?
C) The author approved the book cover herself.
D) The author approved the book cover by herself.
What type of writing would most likely include a "call to action," encouraging the reader to act
in some way?
A) narrative essay
B) expository essay
C) persuasive essay
D) descriptive essay
I can hardly remember what I did before I got my own personal computer. Not only does it improve the
quality and efficiency of my homework, the games I play are really cool. I also like to surf the Internet in
search of websites about interesting topics such as skateboarding and rollerblading.
Which would be the BEST topic sentence for the paragraph?
A) Last night I looked for information on Tony Hawk.
B) My mom and dad never had a computer when they were young.
C) Having my own computer has made life so much easier and much more fun.
D) Computer use should be monitored by parents at all times to protect their children.
My math teacher, Mr. Johansen, became very ill during class; ____________ a substitute was called in to
finish the day.
Which transition word or phrase BEST completes the sentence?
A) because
B) therefore
C) for example
D) in other words
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Sixth Grade First Nine Weeks
English Language Arts Benchmark Test
Thermometer Pills
Tracy Wilson
Over the past ten years more than two dozen athletes have died from the medical condition known as
heatstroke. Heatstroke occurs when the body’s internal temperature becomes so elevated that its
cooling system begins shutting down. Who is most at risk? Surprisingly, it is younger athletes. They often
either do not recognize or ignore the warning signs until it’s too late. To make matters worse, children’s
bodies are much less efficient than adults at cooling themselves. A promising new product hopes to end
the all too common heatstroke trend. It is called a thermometer pill.
While it doesn’t look much different from the average vitamin capsule, the work it does inside the body
is truly amazing. Once ingested these capsules send an internal body temperature reading to a portable
device that is not much bigger than an iPhone. A coach or professional trainer monitors the device
during practices or events held when temperatures and heat indexes are particularly high. If an athlete’s
body temperature reaches a dangerous level, the monitor immediately transmits an alert. The player is
then rushed indoors and placed in an ice bath to rapidly decrease his or her body temperature. This is
important, since internal organs can begin shutting down at 105 degrees Fahrenheit.
While these tiny lifesavers have proven to be effective, they are quite expensive. On average the cost is
$50.00 per pill. However, many parents of young athletes say that it is a small price to pay for the piece
of mind it gives them on a hot, sultry day.
The word however is used in paragraph 3 to show
A) that the price of the pills is outrageous.
B) that the pills are not a good idea for young athletes.
C) that some parents will not buy the pills because of the expense.
D) that some parents will buy the thermometer pills in spite of the expense.
Implore v.-plored, -ploring, -plores. To appeal to in supplication; entreat; beseech; to plead or beg for
urgently.-implorer, imploringly.
Judging from the dictionary definition of the word implore, which form of the word is
A) implored
B) imploreingly
C) implores
D) imploring
No one should just throw out plastic bottles or aluminum cans; he should recycle them.
Which of these is the MOST appropriate transitional word to add to this sentence?
A) consequently
B) finally
C) instead
D) thus
Carroll County Schools
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Sixth Grade First Nine Weeks
English Language Arts Benchmark Test
In a story containing the following points, which would likely occur LAST?
A) Franklin was excited about his upcoming hiking trip.
B) The night before the trip, Franklin could barely sleep.
C) On the day of the Franklin's hike, the sunny weather was perfect.
D) To prepare for the trips, Franklin went to the outdoor sports store to buy new hiking boots.
Complete the sentence by adding a personal pronoun that agrees with the antecedent:
Are Jon and Kyle going to give _____________ presentation today?
A) his
B) its
C) our
D) their
Which sentence below is a fragment?
A) Many new cars are expensive.
B) The lawyer filed the report.
C) Running is good exercise.
D) The family’s tiny, new kitten.
How should the capitalization in the sentence below be corrected?
Shirley shouted, “we need to get going, guys!”
put a capital S in shouted
put a capital W in We
put a capital N in need
put a capital G in guys
Which sentence is punctuated correctly?
A) “Carole,” which of these bagels do you want?
B) “Our piano was just tuned,” said Ms. Halloway.
C) They traveled for four days,” Sherie said.
D) “We know,” said Owen, that you are happy about it.
Which would BEST completes the sentence below?
__________ pair of guy shorts are these?