FARINGTON ST - Farington Moss St Paul`s CE Primary School

Tel: 01772 336166
Dear Parents/Carers,
Leyland Morris Dancers
Well done to Classes 3/4 and 4/5 for taking part in the traditional dance lessons led by the
Morris men. The children joined in with enthusiasm and enjoyed the event.
Safety: Light nights and half term.
As the lighter nights have arrived we have had the Police in school talking to the children about
keeping safe whilst playing out and about. They have delivered an important message about not
talking to strangers and taking care when crossing the road. We want the children to enjoy
outdoor play at the same time as keeping safe.
Easter Bingo: 8th April at 6.00 p.m. for a 6.30 p.m. start
Thank you for the generous gifts of Easter chocolate for the Bingo. Please come along for a fun
evening to help raise funds for school. On this occasion we would like offers of cakes from Y1 and
Y4/5 on Tuesday, 8th April. Thank you.
Additional offers of help on the evening would be most welcome.
Year 4/5
This class will be introduced to the art of Felting led by a visiting artist. We look forward to their
Summer term curriculum 2014
In the new term the following curriculum lessons are planned and will be taught by specialist
sports coaches
Y2 and Y 3/ 4: Gymnastics
Y3 /4 and Y4/5: Cricket
Y4/5 and Y5/6: Tag rugby
Guitar tuition by a music specialist for Y5 for 12 weeks (details to follow)
Next Year 4 Swimming lesson is on Monday, 28th April
There will also be a number of student teachers on teaching placements throughout the term.
End of term Awards service
Awards service will take place on Tuesday, 8th April at 9.10 a.m. All welcome.
Easter end of term service
You are invited to the Easter service in St. Paul’s Church at 2.00 p.m. on Wednesday, 9th April.
The children will be collected form Church at 2.30 p.m. to begin the Easter holiday.
Parent View
Please continue to comment on an online website (called Parent View-see link below) about our
school. The Ofsted team did visit this site and valued your views. Access is also available
through the school website. //wwwparentview.ofsted.gov.uk/
Reminder: Camel Bear.com is a new and easy way for people to search for and book activities
online in the local area. All uploaded activities will generate a donation to school.
School re-opens on Tuesday, 22nd April
Have a lovely Easter break.
Alison Gibson
Head Teacher