WBS Assignment Plagiarism Declaration

Student details
Student Number:
Student name:
Email address:
Assignment details
Course Code:
Course Name:
Assignment no.
Due date:
Assignment topic (as given in the coursepack):
Student Declaration
I am aware that plagiarism (the use of someone else’s work without their permission and/or without adequately
acknowledging the original source) is wrong and is a violation of both
the General Rules for Student Conduct and
the Plagiarism Policy of the University of the Witwatersrand.
I am aware that it is wrong and is a violation of both the General Rules for Student Conduct and the rules of the Wits
Business School for a student to submit for a course, unit, or programme of study, without the written approval of the
course instructor or the programme director, all or a substantial portion of any work for which credit has previously
been obtained by the student or which has been or is being submitted by the student in another course, unit, or
programme of study in the University or elsewhere.
I confirm that this assignment my own unaided work except where I have explicitly indicated otherwise.
I confirm that this assignment has not been nor will be submitted in whole or in substantial part in another course, unit,
or programme of study in the University or elsewhere without the written approval of the course or unit instructor or the
programme coordinator.
I confirm that I have followed the required conventions in referencing the words and ideas of others in this assignment.
I confirm that I understand that this assignment may at any time be submitted to an electronic
plagiarism detection system, and may be stored electronically for that purpose.
I confirm that I have received a copy of the University’s Plagiarism Policy S2003/351B and a copy of the General Rules
for Student Conduct and Code of Conduct C2010/27.
I confirm that I understand that any and all applicable policies, procedures, and rules of the University and of the School
may be applied if there is a belief that this assignment is not my own new and unaided work, or that have
to follow the required conventions in referencing the words and ideas of others, and I understand that application of the
policies, procedures, and rules may lead to the University
taking disciplinary action against me.
Note: The attachment of this statement on any electronically submitted assignments will be deemed to have the same
authority as a signed statement.
Student Signature: