MF2-Baseball Cards

Baseball Cards
Kevin, Dustin, and Mike collect baseball cards.
Together Dustin and Kevin have 81 cards.
If Dustin and Mike combined their cards, they would total 96.
The sum of Kevin's and Mike's cards is 93.
Question: How many cards does each boy have? Use the space below to explain
your answer and how you know it works.
Extra: The boys want to store their cards in albums. The pages hold 9 cards each.
How many pages will each boy need to hold his current collection?
Explain your response.
Expected Solution
The answer is Dustin = 42 cards, Kevin = 39 cards, and Mike = 54 cards.
Extra: Dustin = 5 pages, Kevin = 5 pages, and Mike = 6 pages
Student Response: When I solved this problem, I started by writing down all the facts of
the question I know.
Next I compared D+K=81 and D+M=96 and found out that M and K are 15 away from
each other by doing 96-81=15. Then I did the same steps for D+M=96 and K+M=93 and
found out that D and K are 3 away from each other. Then I tried to get near the middle
of 81. The numbers 40 and 41 are in the middle but you can't use those numbers
because they are not 3 apart. So I tried a different number that would be 3 apart and
add the 1's place of each number so it adds up to 11. I chose 11 to try to get 81, so I
tried 42 and 39 because those numbers are 3 apart and they add up to 81. Then I
subtracted 42 from 81 to try to figure out Mike's number of cards and got 54. After
that I added 54 and 39 to see if the sum would be 93 and I was right. To see if I was
correct I replaced the letters with the numbers and I got:
D+K=81 to 42+39=81
D+M=96 to 42+54=96
K+M=93 to 39+54=93
And the facts were correct.
Each page holds 9 cards, so I divided the number of cards each person has by 9.
Dustin: 42/9= 4 remainder 6 but it would be 5 pages because the remainder will be in
the 5th page.
Kevin: 39/9= 4 remainder 3 but it would be 5 pages because the remainder will be in the
5th page.
Mike: 54/9=6, so it would be 6 pages.