File - Marina McAninch Graduation Portfolio

Marina McAninch Pd.8 3-5-13
"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men
stand ready to do violence on their behalf."
"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do
violence on their behalf." The real meaning behind this quote is people are in bed or sitting around
while our service men and women are out there risking their lives night and day for our freedom.
Because many people don’t work or don’t know what it is like to have commitments that people rely on
every day. I have chosen this quote for quite a few reasons but the main reason is because it makes me
upset when people don’t support our troops and many people don’t even want to work at all.
I agree with this quote because there are many people out there that can work but they are too
lazy to have commitments in life. There are so many people that would love the opportunities to work in
special fields and to even have the chance to have a job. There are so many people that are not allowed
to work but the ones that can don’t really even want to work most of the time and risk their lives to help
other people. I can really relate to this quote because my uncle is a Marine and has been for 10 years
now he has fought and is now fighting in Afghanistan. Every day he risks his own life fighting through
many things like losing people and dodging bullets, but he is proud at what he has done and is going to
do for this country. Also my mom is disabled and she wants to get out and work but she isn’t allowed to
so she does as much as she can as a volunteer to help people and animals.
This quote applies to Animal Farm by the dogs would guard the farm at night while the pigs
were in the house in beds and the other animals were in the barn sleeping. Like on it says “Now that the
small field beyond the orchard had been set for barley, it was rumored that a corner of the large pasture
was to be fenced off and turned into grazing-ground for superannuated animals”(114). I chose this
quote from the book because it shows what the animals are doing to help protect and feeding the
animals to help save them. The dogs were willing to fight through whatever they had to keep as many
people safe and to help make everyone feel safe to go to sleep knowing that there were dogs guarding
them as they sleep.
This quote applies to the real world by like I said all of our soldiers out there that fight for
months and even years for our country without seeing their families and friends. So many people don’t
realize how much each soldier fights for this country to protect us all. There are many people with
illnesses, diseases, and physical problems that they can’t join the military and most aren’t even allowed
to work in many places. I chose this example because I have a really good friend that is almost blind. He
fights everyday with his sight which he is losing more of each day. He isn’t allowed to drive and he does
do normal everyday things but in different ways. He goes to college and he has a job but some people
can’t even get a job because of their disabilities.
In conclusion to this quote "People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough
men stand ready to do violence on their behalf” means many things. The meaning behind this quote is
people are in bed or sitting around while our service men and women are out there risking their lives
night and day for our freedom. Also many people can get jobs but decide not to when they should be
proud that they can do thing because some people can’t. My quote from Animal Farm says a lot about
what one person or in this case one animal can do to help protect everyone around them. In my real
world examples everything is true because you can do things in your own way not just fall back when
you are having hard times.