Level D Vocabulary 11B (includes Word List

Level D, 11B Daily
1. Proponent – noun – one who puts forward a proposal; one who supports a cause or belief
Synonyms: supporter, advocate, exponent
Antonyms: opponent, critic, foe, adversary
2. Quaver – verb – to shake, tremble; to trill
Synonyms: quiver, vibrate, shiver, quake, palpitate
3. Recoil – verb – to spring back, shrink; noun – the act of springing back
Synonyms: (verb)flinch; (noun) kickback
Antonyms: (verb)advance, proceed, gain ground
4. Recoup – verb – to make up for; regain
Synonyms: recover, retrieve
Antonyms: lose, default, forfeit, kiss goodbye
5. Reek – noun – an unpleasant smell;
verb- to give off unpleasant smells; to give a strong
Synonyms: (noun) stench; (verb) stink, smell
Antonyms: (noun) perfume, fragrance, bouquet
6. Relentless – adj.- unyielding, harsh, without pity
Synonyms: stern, merciless, persistent, unremitting
Antonyms: merciful, accommodating, indulgent
7. Rivulet – noun – a small stream
Synonyms: brook, creek, rill
8. Squander – verb – to spend foolishly, waste
Synonyms: misspend, dissipate
Antonyms: save, economize, hoard, squirrel away
9. Staccato – adj – detached or disconnected in sound or style
Synonyms: abrupt, disjointed
Antonyms: continuous, flowing, unbroken
10. Statute – noun- a law
Synonyms: rule, ordinance, enactment
Name ______________________________
Level D Vocab 11B Cloze
Using the words from this unit, select the correct form of the one which best completes each
_____________________________1. The program featured a debate between _____ or supporters
of gun control and critics of legislation restricting ownership of
_____________________________2. “I’m not afraid of anyone!” the boy piped up bravely, but we
noticed that his voice _____ as he said it.
_____________________________3. The telltale stench or _____ of gas reminded us that someone
had left a burner open on the stove.
_____________________________4. Now that the storm has damaged the crops, we must work
twice as hard to recover or _____ our losses.
_____________________________5. How often have we heard candidates for public office promise
that they will be tough and _____ in fighting organized crime.
_____________________________6. In a passage that a composer has marked _____, every note
should sound like the quick thrust of a knife.
_____________________________7. Since you worked so long and hard for the money you earned,
it is doubly foolish to _____ it on things you don’t really want or
_____________________________8. What we need is not a lot of new legislation, but tough
enforcement of the _____ already on the books.
_____________________________9. The child ______ in fear and disgust as the harmless water
snake slithered over the floor.
____________________________10. As it wound its way through the desert, the mighty river
became a mere ______ that travelers could easily wade across.
Name ____________________________________
Level D Vocab 11B Synonyms/Antonyms
Synonyms: Identify the correct form of the word from this lesson that is most nearly the same as the
bold word or phrase.
____________________________1. The unremitting persecution of Huguenots
____________________________2. A small stream of sweet water
____________________________3. An abrupt or disjointed style of speech
____________________________4. An ordinance passed by the legislature
____________________________5. Clothes that smell of tobacco
____________________________ 6. Quake or quiver with emotion
____________________________ 7. Flinch at the sound of an explosion
Antonyms: Identify the correct form of the word from this lesson that is most nearly the opposite as
the bold word or phrase.
____________________________ 8. An ardent critic of states’ rights
____________________________ 9. Squirrel away a small fortune
____________________________ 10. Forfeit money or property
Name __________________________
Level D Vocab 11B Review Words
Identify the letter of the word which best completes each sentence.
______ 1. When we tried to straighten out the mess, we found ourselves (A. mired
a mass of inaccurate, incomplete and mixed-up records.
B. chided) in
______ 2. In the (A. slipshod B. extemporaneous) give-and-take of a televised debate, it is easy
for a nervous nominee to make a slip of the tongue.
______ 3. I could see that the merchant’s long, sad story about bad luck was only the (A. adept
B. preamble) to a request for a loan.
______ 4. I would never trust my funds to anyone who is so (A. bleak B. slipshod) in managing his
own affairs.
______ 5. When Emerson said, “Hitch your wagon to a star,” he meant that we should (A. aspire
B. mire) to reach the very highest levels of which we are capable.
______ 6. The young woman’s (A. demure B. staccato) smile and flirtatious manner drew
admiring glances.
______ 7. In an attempt to mislead the enemy, the crafty prisoner of war deliberately (A. divulged
B. garbled) his account of how the attack had been planned.
______ 8. A person accused of a crime is not obligated to (A. divulge B. deteriorate) anything that
might be incriminating.
______ 9. In order to (A. recoil B. forestall) criticism of my proposal, I prepared myself with
relevant facts and figures before the meeting.
______ 10. The charitable programs sponsored by this organization (A. forestall B. comport) well
with our conception of a just and compassionate society.
Review 1-9
______ 11. Exodus is to adieu as
A. anarchy is to good-bye
C. advent is to hello
B. metropolis to bon voyage
D. servitude is to welcome
______ 12. Salvage is to scuttle as
A. dilate is to feign
C. dissent is to escalate
B. proliferate is to dwindle
D. abridge is to reprieve
______ 13. Spurious is to bogus as
A. mournful is to doleful
C. exorbitant is to minimal
B. superfluous is to essential
D. lucid is to opaque
______ 14. Compensate is to remunerate as
A. taunt is to jeer
C. hew is to relinquish
B. malign is to supplant
D. warp is to rectify
______ 15. Arduous is to difficulty as
A. inanimate is to strength
C. perilous is to danger
B. sterling is to intensity
D. pompous is to simplicity
Choose the letter of the word that best completes the statement after the sentence.
______ 16. After a decade of neglect, the once splendid hotel had taken on a decidedly shoddy
The word shoddy is best defined as
A. flimsy
B. tacky
C. mediocre
D. run-down
______ 17. It was not his behavior so much as the rabid nature of his talk that gave him away as a
The word rabid is used to mean
A. furious
B. diseased
C. insane
D. odd
______ 18. In her talk the psychiatrist described the brain as the “console of human perception.”
The word console most nearly means
A. monitor
B. comfort
C. origin
D. solace
______ 19. Consumer advocates demanded that the manufacturer either retract or substantiate the
exorbitant claims advanced for the product. The word exorbitant most nearly means
A. overpriced
B. unproven
C. excessive
D. modest
______ 20. Scholars and students alike now use computers to access vast stores of information
housed in libraries all over the world. Access most nearly means
A. approach
B. gain entry to
C. admit
D. communicate