TBEP_CCMP Goals and Actions_Updated

2006 CCMP Goal
Preventing increases in the bay’s nitrogen levels to
provide water clarity sufficient to recover 10,976
acres of seagrass. To accomplish this, local
governments and industries will need to reduce their
future nitrogen contributions to the bay by about 7%
by the year 2010, or approximately 17 tons per year.
Reducing the amount of toxic chemicals in
contaminated bay sediments and protecting relatively
clean areas of the bay from contamination.
Understanding and addressing the sources and
impacts of air pollution on the bay’s water quality.
Reducing bacterial contamination now present in the
bay to levels safe for swimming and shellfish
DRAFT staff recommendation
Water and Sediment Quality
REVISED GOAL: Maintain nitrogen loading rates at adopted limits to provide water
clarity sufficient to recover and maintain at least 38,000 acres of seagrass baywide.
ABM/TAC Input:
 Evaluation of positive benefits seen from actual community N reductions
in reference to goals.
 Support for consistency in stated goals
 Continue to develop non-regulatory mechanisms to encourage N
MB Input:
 Background actions should include N management strategy/NMC efforts
related to chl-a/N allocation compliance
 Include actions to address development of Tidal Creek NNC
NO CHANGE to goal
ELIMINATE this goal (encompassed within nitrogen management goal)
REVISED GOAL: Reducing bacterial contamination from land-based sources in the
watershed to maintain recreational uses of the bay such as fishing and swimming.
MB Input:
New Goal/Action potentially under WQ
 Consideration for HABs/nuisance algae bloom
Recovering an additional 10,976 acres of seagrass
over 2004 levels, while preserving the bay’s existing
grass beds and reducing propeller scarring of
Bay Habitats
REVISED GOAL: Recovering and maintaining at least 38,000 acres of seagrass
baywide and reducing propeller scarring of seagrasses
“Restoring the historic balance” of coastal wetland
habitats in Tampa Bay by restoring at least 100 acres
of low-salinity tidal marsh every five years.
REVISED GOAL: ‘Restoring the historic balance’ of coastal wetland habitats by
restoring and maintaining total of 6,313 acres of salt marsh; 1,287 acres of salt
barren habitats; and preserving 15,139 acres of existing mangrove habitat .
ABM/TAC Input:
 Discussion on whether paradigm is still recommended for the future
MB Input:
 Consider rewording total acreage targets to ”at least”
 Reference Habitat Master Plan Updates as amendments to specific
acreage targets, but still state acreage targets ‘as of XXXX’
 Clarify mangrove target language to ‘maintaining existing’ acreages
Preserving and enhancing the bay’s 18,800 acres of
existing mangrove/salt marsh habitats.
ELIMINATE this as a separate goal, and MERGE with previous goal
NEW GOAL: ‘Restoring the historic balance’ of freshwater wetlands in the Tampa
Bay watershed by restoring and protecting a total of 24,541 acres of forested
wetlands and 13,373 acres of non-forested wetlands.
MB Input:
 Consider rewording total acreage targets to ”at least”
 Include wording to ‘maintain’ current FW wetlands (to avoid unnecessary
impacts to natural habitats)
Establishing and maintaining adequate freshwater
flow to Tampa Bay and its tributaries
REVISED GOAL: Establishing and maintaining adequate freshwater flow to Tampa
Bay and enhancing the ecosystem values of tidal tributaries.
MB Input:
 Actions should consider magnitude, timing, quality and distribution to
further define adequate FW inflows
MB Input:
 Consider new catch-all goal for critical coastal habitats, “Restoring the
Balance of critical coastal habitats in Tampa Bay.”
 List specific acreage targets for habitats, as they are developed as actions
Dredging and Dredged Material Management
Develop a long-term dredging and dredged material RETIRE AND REPLACE GOAL: Implementing beneficial uses of dredged material
management plan for Tampa Bay
where appropriate in Tampa Bay.
Increasing on-water enforcement of environmental
Preserving the abundance and diversity of Tampa
Bay’s wildlife
Fish and Wildlife
NO CHANGE to goal
REVISED GOAL: Preserving the abundance and diversity of Tampa Bay’s fish and
MB Input:
 Consider broadening goal related to “fish and wildlife”
 Goal should support ‘native’ fish and wildlife
 Consider linkages to coastal Gulf as an action (e.g. Gag grouper
populations)  May need to consider as a completely separate
 Making links to ‘essential fish habitats’ in actions
Establishing and enforcing manatee protection zones
Restoring bay scallop populations in the bay to
support recreational harvest
REVISED GOAL: Supporting enforcement of established manatee protection areas
to protect manatees and reduce seagrass scarring
REVISED GOAL: Restoring bay scallop populations to self-sustaining levels
MB Input:
 Agree this is the first step
Spill Prevention and Response
Installing a state-of-the-art vessel traffic and
REVISED GOAL: Reducing the risk of hazardous material spills and enhancing spill
information system (VTIS) to improve coordination of response plans.
ship movements along the bay’s narrow channels
Securing a permanent funding source for the Physical RETIRE GOAL
Oceanographic Real-Time System (PORTS) of
ABM/TAC Input:
navigational information
Increasing scientific understanding and public
awareness of the bay’s vulnerability to marine bioinvasions
There still is a need for this goal
Invasive Species
RETIRE AND REPLACE GOAL: Reducing impacts of existing and potential harmful
invasive species in Tampa Bay and its watershed.
MB Input:
 Education should still be an action under this goal
Creating an early warning system, utilizing bay
managers and citizens, to assist in preventing future
Reduce human and pet waste to ensure the
continued viability of traditional bay recreation areas
ELIMINATE this as a separate goal and incorporate as an action
Public Access
ELIMINATE this goal and include it as an action under the bacterial contamination
NEW GOAL: Fostering adequate and appropriate access and addressing competing
uses of the bay
Public Education and Involvement
Create a constituency of informed, involved citizens NO CHANGE to goal
who understand both the environmental and
economic value of Tampa Bay and actively participate
in restoring and protecting it
Climate Change
NEW GOAL : Assessing the vulnerability of critical coastal habitats to sea level rise
and supporting adaptation strategies that promote the long-term resiliency and
diversity of these habitats.
NEW GOAL: Considering and incorporating the implications and effects of climate
change on the implementation of the key goals and priorities set forth in the
Tampa Bay Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan
MB Input:
 Replace implications to ‘direct and indirect effects’ of climate change