Supplementary File 2. Procedure for Coding a Primary Theory

Supplementary File 2. Procedure for Coding a Primary Theory Source
Coders will assess each primary theory source to determine the names of theories that
informed the development of the theory.
Theories are defined using the definition from the compendium:
Theory is ‘a set of concepts and/or statements with specification of how phenomena relate to
each other. Theory provides an organising description of a system that accounts for what is
known, and explains and predicts phenomena’.
To be deemed as a theory that informed the development of the theory, the theory must have
contributed to the development of one or more constructs within the theory. The same
definition of ‘construct’ that was used in the compendium will be employed:
‘A construct in a theory is a component of that model or theory. It is a representation of an
object, event, state of affairs, feature of one of these or relationship between two or more of
them, derived from observation and inference’.
Additional Notes
1. Do not record single studies in the theory section of the chart. Single studies can be
referenced in the comments section.
2. Determine whether the author is discussing a parent theory (i.e. influenced
development) or a peer theory (i.e. parallel theory).
a. Parent theories should be included in the main chart, peer theories should be
included in the comments section. In both cases, provide page numbers.
3. To be included as a theory that informed the development of the theory/construct the
author must clearly state that a particular theory informed the development of their
theory. Broad statements or reviews of literature/theory or single studies should not
be included.
4. Carefully review the definition of a theory. In particular:
 Assess whether the supporting evidence discusses a number of different studies
that explain an observation/phenomenon by providing an organising description of
a system (i.e. theory) vs. one single study (i.e. not a theory).
 Be aware of words that may indicate the existence of a theory such as: construct,
function, determinant or mechanism.
1. Read the description of the theory and constructs in the compendium.
2. Read the primary source and identify:
a. Theories with the compendium of behaviour change that informed the
development of the theory/constructs.
3. For each theory identified, the coders must:
a. Reference the page number(s) (as listed in the original article) that provides
evidence that the theory informed the development of the theory/construct.
b. Provide a comment in the pdf indicating places where the authors indicates
their theory developed based on that theory.
4. Assess the reference list for references to theories listed within the compendium of
behaviour change theories (a reference list provided to coders).
5. Additional theories not in the compendium of behaviour change that informed the
development of the theory/constructs can be included in the comments section but
will not be included in the main area of the table or computed for inter-rater
6. List challenges or concerns when coding (e.g., difficulties in interpreting the text) or
recommendations for future reporting of theory (e.g., ways that the document could
be improved for clarity).
Data Extraction Chart
Primary Theory Name
Contributing Compendium Theories
Page Reference