Being Human 2015 Audience 12 and over questionnaire

[Insert Event Title & Venue]
Being Human festival of the humanities 2015
Audience Feedback (age 12 and over)
Your feedback will help us assess the Being Human festival’s impacts and identify any potential improvements.
This survey will only take a few minutes and you could win a £100 online shopping voucher. You can also
complete it online at
Your views about today’s Being Human event
1. How did you hear about the event? (tick all that apply to you)
⃝ Being Human festival website
⃝ Other website
⃝ Being Human festival printed programme
⃝ Being Human festival flier
⃝ Twitter
⃝ Facebook
⃝ Mailing/email from the venue
⃝ Other direct mailing/email
⃝ Eventbrite
⃝ Word of mouth (told by someone)
⃝ Local media/press
⃝ National media/press
⃝ Poster/banner/advert in public place
⃝ Other (please describe)_______________________
2. How do you rate the following aspects of this Being Human festival event?
Very poor
Overall impression
3. What, if anything, about this event do you think … (please write in the boxes and explain why)
… was most
successful ?
…. could be
4. How much, if at all, has this Being Human festival event…
Not at
A little
A lot
… increased your knowledge of the humanities?
… increased your understanding of the relevance of the
humanities to everyday life?
… made you want to find out more about the humanities?
(Please turn over)
[Insert Event Title & Venue]
5. Have you used the Being Human festival printed programme booklet?
⃝ No
⃝ Yes
⃝ Don’t know
If YES, please rate the Being Human festival printed programme booklet:
⃝ Very poor
⃝ Poor
⃝ Average
⃝ Good
⃝ Excellent
6. Have you been to/are you planning to go to other events at the Being Human festival?
⃝ No
⃝ Yes
⃝ Don’t know
How many Being Human festival events do you plan to attend in total?____________
7. Would you recommend the Being Human festival to others?
⃝ No
⃝ Yes
⃝ Maybe
8. Any other comments about today’s event, the Being Human festival or the humanities generally?
Some information about you (Choose one answer per question)
1. Your age?
⃝ 12 to 15
⃝ 16 to 19
⃝ 20 to 24
⃝ 25 to 34
⃝ 35 to 44
⃝ 45 to 54
⃝ 55 to 64
⃝ 65+
2. Your gender?
⃝ female
3. Your ethnicity?
⃝ White
⃝ Asian
⃝ Asian British
⃝ Black
⃝ African
⃝ Caribbean
⃝ Mixed
⃝ Other ethnic group
4. Do you have a disability?
⃝ male
⃝ No
⃝ Yes
⃝ prefer not to say
⃝ Black British
⃝ Prefer not to say
⃝ prefer not to say
5. Do you have a degree or equivalent qualification?
⃝ No
⃝ Yes, in a humanities subject
⃝ Yes, in another (not humanities) subject
Prize Draw to win £100 online shopping voucher
Thank you very much for your feedback. As our way of saying ‘thanks’ you can now choose to be entered into
a prize draw for a £100 online shopping voucher. To be entered in the draw, please provide your email address
(or the email address of an adult if you’re age under 16).
Your email address will be used only to notify the winner of the prize draw and kept separate from your
answers in order to maintain the anonymity of your feedback. It will not be passed to any third party or held
any longer than necessary to administer the prize draw.