Call for papers: 2014 International Conference on Arts, Culture

Call for papers: 2014 International Conference on Arts, Culture, Heritage and the National
Development Plan: Vision For 2030, 1-3 October 2014
Ndwamato George Mugovhani
The Faculty of the Arts of the Tshwane University of Technology, Pretoria is hosting an international
conference on the theme: The Strategic Repositioning of Arts, Culture and Heritage in the 21st
The conference will be primarily informed by South African policy papers such as the Department of
Arts and Culture’s Revised White Paper on Arts, Culture and Heritage (1996, Version 2, 4 June 2013)
and the Presidency’s National Development Plan: Vision for 2013 (2011) but the hosts are inviting
both international and local academics, members of relevant industries and policy makers to submit
papers on the theme and the following sub-themes:
The role of government in the promotion of cultural and creative industries
The role of cultural and creative industries in engendering social cohesion, enhancing nation
building and contributing to economic growth and development
The significance of partnerships between institutions of higher learning and cultural and
industries in the expansion of career skills and knowledge
Challenges around culture, heritage and moral regeneration in modern societies
Restoration and advancement of arts and cultural practices in modern democracies
Commercialisation and preservation of intellectual property in the arts, culture and heritage
Economic development and urban regeneration
Cultural planning and urban tourism
Creative industries and social development
Creative industries and nation building
Creative industries and moral regeneration
Creative industries and economic development
Culture and development
The role of creative and cultural industries in developing an inclusive cohesive society
Cultural policy and development
Entrepreneurship and creative economy
Arts and rural development
Africanisation of arts curricula
South Africanisation of arts curricula
Arts and urban regeneration
The role of arts education
Arts, culture and heritage education and national development
Ubuntu and African Renaissance in the developmental agenda of the post-millennium world
The arts in identity and multicultural politics
Arts and climate change
The humanities and social sciences as custodians of indigenous and endogenous languages
The humanities and social sciences as a repository of heritage, history, memory and meaning
The humanities and social sciences in community practice
The humanities and social sciences in political economy and internationalism
Arts and children
Presenters are invited to submit abstracts (300 words in PDF or MS Word format) to reach the
Conference Secretariat by 31 March 2014.
Conference secretariat
Correspondence to:
DEVELOPMENT PLAN: VISION FOR 2030, Faculty of the Arts, Tshwane University of Technology,
Private Bag X680, PRETORIA 0001
Enquiries to:
Irene Botes, e-mail: ; tel: +27 12 382 6175; fax: +27 12 382 6178; or
Joyce Ringane, e-mail:; tel: +27 12 382 6183; fax: + 27 12 382 6178
Further details
Ndwamato George Mugovhani is Head of the Department of Performing Arts (Dance, Musical
Theatre, Music and Vocal Art) at the Tshwane University of Technology, Pretoria