9th April 14 - WordPress.com

Hanley West and Shelton Community First
PM Training, Atlas Works, College Road, North Shelton ST1 4DQ
Wednesday 19th April 2014 -6.00-7.30 pm
Alistair Watson, Mercy Wallace, Bernard Lovett, Dan Canavan, Penny Vincent, Mike Brunt, Malcolm
Newman, Vicky Lacey (PCSO), Wendy Williams, Leroy Chevalloux and PC Dave Marshall
Carole Ware, Sarah Hall and Mehwish Javid
Quick introduction of all attending
Review of last meetings minutes
All in agreement that the minutes were a true and accurate record and there were no matters arising
Future of the group
As this is the final year of funding and no guarantee of anymore being received after this year Malcolm
put to the group whether or not we should continue. The group requires a lot of time from the panel
members therefore would we still be able to commit?
MN suggested that the group could merge with the business group/wider community forum. AW was in
agreement as the main purpose for the group was to aid local groups with funding but as we had made
good contacts a decision needed to be made as to what next.
PV –Mehwish would continue to work with the students/residents to connect people through community
cohesion and will be able to attend the next meeting.
BL- enquired as to the involvement of the University in engaging the community by putting money into
the business growth and developing educational aspects for the area
MN – there needed to be a purposeful and realistic reason for continuing the HW&SCF group if we have
no funding.
DM – there are quite a few focus groups that need to come together to discuss things as a community
especially as a lot of things are discussed at the FOHP meetings.
MN – could have business forums which UniQ could take on but this might not extend to the Etruria area.
BL – the main problem in this area that needs addressing is security
MB – there are regenerate PACT meetings which discuss which wards are joining and what is happening
in some of the areas (Hanley & Etruria and Shelton & Hanley Park). The police are trying to engage the
communities to find out what the problems are and the way forward.
DM – the Hartshill meetings are chaired by the community with different speakers.
Malcolm requested an invite to the next PACT meeting which will be at the North Shelton Community
Centre 1st May at 7.00pm.
MN –surmised that the business group for the area could develop a neighbourhood plan. Urban Vision has
an opportunity in looking at the poverty in the area. But unless further funding becomes available the
HW&SCF may not continue past the next calendar year.
LC – the community needs to know that they are allowed to attend these types of meetings as some may
think that only certain people should attend.
PV – not everyone would want to attend a meeting like this but maybe we should have been attending
their meetings.
We have £16,953 to distribute which has to be spend by Feb 2015
We need to act quickly to inform groups that the next round of funding is now available
Next meeting in May needs to be a closed meeting to look at applications with May 21 st being the
June 11th will be used for interviews.
Action – Carole to prepare flyers
Action – Penny and Mercy to look at application form
BL –enquired as to any guidance for those completing the form?
PV – there is an example on the website
MW – we can also offer help to any group who have submitted a form but may have completed it
Community & Action Plan
The plan is now in completion and has been submitted to the university for printing. They will be in print
by the next meeting. We will make sure that it is distributed to stakeholders and groups we have funded.
Action- PV – a celebration to present our plan is needed where the community plan can be distributed
and we should invite the groups we have funded.
PV – Wants the student volunteers to help record/report the impact the HW&SCF has had on the area
through the groups that have received funding. Maybe a film could be shown.