Geer Park Elementary School

What is a School-Parent Compact?
Building Partnerships
Geer Park Elementary School
A School-Parent compact is an agreement that
parents, students, and school staff develop
together. The compact explains how parents,
students and teachers work together to improve
student success and achieve improvement goals.
Geer Park will communicate with parents,
students, teachers and community members in
various ways, including:
 Parent-Teacher Conferences
 Literacy & Math Nights
 Volunteer Opportunities
 Dads and Donuts/Moms and Muffins
 Parenting Classes & Parenting Book Club
 Newsletter
 Robo-Calls
 School and Teacher Blogs
 Grade Level Parent Meetings
 Parent representation on SIP committee
 Student/Staff Mentor Program
Michigan Department of Education
Reward School – 2 consecutive years
Effective compacts link to goals of the school
improvement plan, focus on student learning
skills, describe how teachers will help students
develop those skills using high quality
instruction, share strategies parents can use at
home, explain how parents and teachers will
communicate about progress, and describe
opportunities for parents to become
meaningfully involved in their child’s education.
Parents and staff work together to develop
School-Parent Compacts. Teachers suggest
home learning strategies, parents add ideas to
make them more specific, and students tell us
what will help them learn. Meetings are held
every year to review the Compact and make
changes based on student needs.
Parents can contribute comments at any time.
Please send comments or concerns directly to
your school principal.
Dearborn Public School Reports/Downloads:
Major Assessments
Diagnostic, Formative, and Summative
assessment are completed on all students
MEAP, Grades 3-5
NWEA, ELA, Math, Science, Grades K-5
District Common Assessments, Writing,
Math, Social Studies, Grades K-5
DRA2, Grades K-5
Rubrics for Projects and other
assignments, Grades K-5
End of Unit assessments, Grades K-5
Specific Initiatives
Language & Literacy in every classroom
Team Support Meetings
MTSS with extensive progress monitoring
Data Analysis
Lime colored school on the Michigan
Accountability Scorecard
Certified Michigan Green School
Lamis Srour, Principal
14767 Prospect
Dearborn, MI 48126
Mission Statement
Our Mission at Geer Park Elementary School,
in partnership with families and the
community, ensures students’ academic
achievement by maintaining high
expectations and recognizing different styles
of learning. We will provide a safe and
nurturing environment; we will foster long
learners, productive citizens, and active
members of the ever-changing global society
Points of Pride
District Improvement Goals
All students will increase in reading and writing
proficiency across the content areas
All students will increase in math proficiency
across the content areas
All students will increase proficiency in science
and social studies across the content areas
Being recognized, for the 3rd year in a
row, as a, “Beating the Odds” school by
the State of Michigan.
The entire Geer Park Elementary School
who “Do the Right Thing” and “Put
children first”.
Our wonderful PTA who work hard to
provide enriching educational
assemblies to compliment our
curriculum. Also, for the fund raisers
and all the volunteer time they put in.
All of the Geer Park instructional staff
for implementing effective strategies
and working hard for the benefit of each
and every student, even when it means
changing and adapting what they have
been doing.
School Improvement Goals
All students, K-2, will improve their reading and
comprehension by a minimum of one year’s
growth as evidenced on the DRA2. All students,
will improve their reading and comprehension by
a minimum of one year’s growth as evidenced on
the NWEA.
All students will show a minimum improvement
in writing by an average of 2 points on each trait
as evidenced on the 6+1 District Writing Prompt.
All students will improve their math score by a
minimum of one year’s growth as evidenced on
NWEA. All students, K-5 will show proficiency on
the end of the year district common assessment.
All students, grades 3-5, will show proficiency on
the district common assessments for each unit.
2013-2014 MEAP writing scores were
highest in the district with an
improvement of 34%
6th Grade: Highest increase District-wide
for Reading (18%), an 8% increase in
Math, and 30% in Social Studies
Partnerships with DTE, Lebanese
Heritage Club, ACCESS, and HYPE.
Each student sets personal goals, with their teacher,
to help them succeed in school.
Being a Professional Learning
Community (PLC) at all grade levels.
A staff that goes above and beyond and
does whatever it takes to advance ALL
These goals are communicated and agreed upon
with parents. Follow up occurs throughout the
school year.
All parents, students, and teachers are required to
agree on the school compact.
Geer Park has an open door policy
In the Classroom
Geer Park Elementary staff works with students
and their families to support student success in
reading, writing, math, science, & social studies
Differentiated instruction in all subjects
Daily 5/CAFÉ
Math Workshop
Eight Mathematical Practices
Research-based strategies
Writer’s Workshop
Modeling/ Co-Teaching
RtI team
Instructional Coach/Resource Staff
Bridging Home & School
Geer Park Elementary staff members work
closely with parents to build strong relationships
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Student/Parent/Teacher Compact
Grade level parent meetings
Classroom parent meetings
Open House
PTA meetings
Home Visits
Monthly parent meetings
Parent volunteers
Open door policy
Extended day and extended year
Literacy & Math Nights
Bridge Magazine
Academic Champions