Workforce & Economic Vitality Council Meeting Minutes

Workforce & Economic Vitality Council Meeting
DATE: 1-16-15
Present: Ann Buchele, Gary Price, Dale Moon, Ann Custer, Justin Chin, Terri Houde, Jason Kovac,
Claudia DeVilla, Julie Hessel, Josephine Fleetwood, David Bird, David Becker, Chris Ruderman,
Angie Klampe
From the open discussion (see highlights below) it was decided 7 workgroups were needed:
Job Placement: Lead: David Bird; Members: Justin Chin, Chris Ruderman, Claudia DeVilla, Angie
Advisory Committees: Leads: Ann Buchele and Dave Becker; Members; Dale Moon, Terri Houde,
Ann will send out an ask to CTE faculty
Business Partnerships/Incumbent workers: Lead: Gary Price; Members, Angie Klampe, Terri
CTE Program Effectiveness; Lead: Gary Price; Members: Dave Becker, Ann Custer, Dale Moon,
and Ann Buchele
High School Connections; Lead: Dale Moon; Members: Jason Kovac, Claudia DeVilla, Julie
Hessel, Chris Ruderman, Josephine Fleetwood, Carol McKiel (was nominated to serve- Dale please
reach out to Carol).
New Program Development: Lead: Ann Custer; Members: Gary Price, Ann Buchele, IR
Adult basic skills transition; Lead: Jason Kovac; Members: Justin Chin, Terrie Houde, Joyce
Thompson, (Jason Kovac will ask one more person from his division in to serve)
Introduction and Open Discussion:
Council members introduced themselves, shared what they hoped to see this council be able to do:
Dale Moon: Regional Perkins programs director, would like to see how we can streamline the
process of adding courses, getting programs approved, etc…
Justin Chin: LB iLearn program, Case grant, outreach, hopes for this committee: easy access to
LBCC, helping to move students from training to employment.
Terri Houde: Case grant manager, hope: would hope that this committee’s work will help
employers think of LBCC.
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Jason Kovac: Dean of Academic Foundations, hope: that this committee produces research that will
help us to think strategically for career paths, GED, ESoL, etc.,
Claudia DeVilla: Student recruitment specialist; hopes that the committee will foster connections to
workforce, doing so, would helpful in working with students,
Julie Hessel: Center for accessibility resources; hopes the committee will help create
relationships/and designs that are universally designed for all.
Josephine Fleetwood: Albany Chamber of Commerce, Workforce Development; hopes to create
partnership/program with Albany schools.
Ann Custer: Program Director for Occupational Therapy Assistant in Lebanon; would like to see
healthcare focus for healthcare occupations.
David Bird: interim CWE coordinator, hopes committee would be able to make professional
connections that would help in placing students in CWE jobs.
Ann Buchele: Dean, Healthcare, E-Learn, Media, council leader; hopes to connect all CTE
programs, make strides, set goals, to move CTE in the community.
Dave Becker: Dean, BATTI, hopes to see us focus on building relationships in the community in
order to best meet needs of industry.
Chris Ruderman: LBCC business faculty, hopes to get in touch with local economy, so that we can
do all that we can to help students.
Angie Klampe: LBCC counselor, hopes to find a way to connect with employers to find out what
employability skills, they’d like our students to have when they come in to the workforce.
Gary Price: Regional director for Linn county centers, would like to see a consolidated approach to
CTE programs, and to establish better communication between LBCC and the business community
as a whole.
Ann shared the following as communicated by college President Greg Hamann:
He would like to see an increased focus on CTE programs. Employers have communicated that they
have a need for more CTE graduates.
He would like to see more consistency in advisory committees
CTE Program Review is needed so programs can stay connected with industry needs
Open discussion:
Ann shared that Greg has communicated that advisory committees and program review are at the top
of the list for (timeframe for short time at the end of 2014-2015 academic year.
New program development: we typically don’t start new programs, how do we decide if a new
program should get started?
Program effectiveness: team will look at results of review, what’s good, not good, work with IR to
get a good program review process
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It is expected that the workgroups that are included in this council will make suggestions and
recommendations to the larger council and Greg/Beth
One important piece of information that we need to know, is of our students, who’s graduating,
who’s not, where are students going?
How do we help older than average students with job placement?
We sometimes are inefficient, we need to become more efficient in getting students to work.
When community colleges were developed, they we were a pass thru to universities, now, more
often put out more CTE students.
Ann Buchele shared that she has recently been meeting with local employers to discuss CTE needs.
When Perkins comes out, the plan is to combine high school advisory committees.
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