- H4H Initiative

This week sees the launch of Hydration for Health Hub - an exciting new development
for the growing Hydration for Health (H4H) Initiative - hosted on their new website
The new ‘expert opinion blog site’ provides a platform for scientific and medical expert
opinion on a wide range of subjects related to healthy hydration and healthy hydration
advice. More importantly, it offers the wider healthcare professional community the
opportunity to comment and engage in discussion and debate with their peers.
The Hydration for Health (H4H) Initiative
The H4H Initiative mission is ‘to establish healthy hydration as an integral part of public
health nutritional guidelines and routine patient counseling so people can make
informed choices.’ The Hydration for Health Hub and the recently launched Hydration
for Health (H4H) Initiative website are important new elements to help realise this
important mission.
A welcome and ongoing online platform for Healthcare professionals
Professor David Haslam, Chairman of the UK’s National Obesity Forum, is the author of
the first blog posted to the Hydration for Health Hub: ‘The role of healthy hydration in
obesity prevention’. Commenting on his post and the launch of the Hydration for Health
Hub, Professor Haslam said “Sometimes we look at unnecessarily complex solutions to
problems and overlook the obvious. ‘Drink plenty of water’ is almost the simplest health
advice one can give.”
Many expert opinion blogs from other experts, researchers and physicians on hydrationrelated topics will be posted to the Hydration for Health Hub over the coming months. It
is hoped that it will become a valued forum for discussion and debate on these
important issues. Healthcare professionals can read and comment on the blogs by
signing up for free membership to the H4H Initiative.
About the Hydration for Health Initiative
The H4H Initiative mission is to establish healthy hydration as an integral part of public health nutritional
guidelines and routine patient counseling so people can make informed choices. A primary challenge of
the H4H Initiative is to communicate the fundamental need for healthcare policymakers and practitioners
to proactively provide healthy hydration advice.
The H4H Initiative website and the Hydration for Health Hub
Hydration for Health Hub blogs are hosted on the official H4H Initiative website, www.h4hinitiative.com,
which is for healthcare professionals only. Launched in July 2010, the website is an online resource with
practical tools and extensive coverage of the science behind healthy hydration. As well as important
insights into the role of healthy hydration in combating obesity and associated cardiometabolic diseases,
it also includes information on the benefits of increased water intake on performance, reducing the risk of
kidney stones and intake guidance for different patient groups.
For more information about the H4H Initiative, please contact
H4H Initiative Secretariat
Email to: secretariat@h4hinitiative.com
About Danone Waters
Danone Waters is the water division of Group Danone. Major worldwide brands include Evian, Badoit,
Danone is convinced that diet is the prime vehicle for building and preserving the body’s health
resources. All of Danone’s R&D efforts rely on the ability of the scientific teams to ensure that each
product starts with high-quality ingredients and has a unique benefit in terms of health, nutrition or
enjoyment. R&D competencies are united under DANONE RESEARCH, a worldwide organization
present in around 15 countries. This organization is comprised of 1,160 employees and has engaged in
close to 200 global scientific partnerships. Danone has activities in four core business areas including:
Fresh Dairy Products (#1 worldwide), waters (#2 worldwide in bottled waters), Baby Foods (#2 worldwide)
and Medical Nutrition. 2007 sales reached a record 12.7 billion Euros.
About Danone
Danone is a Fortune 500 company and one of the most successful healthy food companies in the world.
Its mission is to bring health through tasty, nutritious and affordable food and beverage products to as
many people as possible. Fulfilling this mission is a major contributor to the Group’s continuous fast
growth. Danone, with 160 plants and around 80,000 employees, has a presence in all five continents and
over 120 countries. In 2008, Danone recorded €15.2 billion sales. Danone enjoys leading positions on
healthy food in four businesses: fresh dairy products (n°1 worldwide), waters (n° 2 on the packaged
water market), baby nutrition (n°2 worldwide) and medical nutrition. Listed on Euronext Paris, Danone is
also ranked among the main index of social responsibility: Dow Jones Sustainability Index Stoxx and
World, ASPI Eurozone and Ethibel Sustainability index.