Uxbridge Secondary School
Community Council Meeting Minutes
November 18, 2014
Present: Steve David (Principal), Connie White (Vice Principal) Chris Boulton (Student Rep), Lisa Edwards
(Chair), Randy Parliament (Custodian), Karen Lee Boulton (Secretary), Bobbi-Leigh Pick, Vicki Jean Bennett,
Corry Campbell, Trish Irven, Lisa Jones, Karen Higgins, Michelle Bagshaw, Sandy Neprily, Irene Liska,
Jen Thorson, Julie Steele
1) Welcome
2) October Minutes approved by Karen Higgins and seconded by Sandy Neprily
3) EQAO Conference and Science Presentation
 Lisa shared dates and information on both events and distributed flyers
4) Update on USS Santa Float and Volunteers for Friday, November 21
 Volunteers can help with the float on Friday November 21 at the school
5) Connie White, VP: The USS exam schedule and support given to students leading up to exams,
including summative assessments. Approximately 70% of marks are obtainable from term work and 30%
from final exam.
 Exam schedule is in Student Agenda. Exams start at 8:45.
o Semester 1 Exam schedule: Period 1 class – January 22, Period 2 class – January 23,
Period 3 – January 26, Period 4 - January 27. Final exams are generally worth 30%.
Credit completion is available on January 28. Semester two begins on January 29, with a
wrap up of first semester classes in the morning and introduction to second semester classes
in the afternoon.
o Summative assessments – review, presentations, culminating projects are scheduled so that
students do not have all due on one day
o Report cards for Semester 1 will be distributed mid-February
o Parents noted concern regarding students in shorter exams disrupting those in longer exams
as they exit their exams. Teachers will be positioned in the hallways, and exams with shorter
timeframes will be in different areas of the school where possible to avoid this issue.
6) Reports:
a. Students' Representative Report - Chris Boulton
 Tiger sunglasses sale went well, about 10-15 pairs are available at $7.00 pair. Student Council may
purchase more to sell in the spring.
 Halloween dance did not run due to lack of interest.
 Winter semi-formal is being held in the old gym on December 11, 6:30- 10:00. It's being run by
Student Council and Leadership Committee. Tickets – $10.00, discount of $1.00 if a non-perishable
food item donated for the Uxbridge food bank.
 Student Council, Leadership, Spirit Squad, Dance Company, Athletes and Tiger Tunes Band
participating in the Santa Claus parade, Winter Wonderland theme.
b. Teachers’ Representative Report – Steve David for Rob Walker
 Parent Seminar including a presentation and workshop on Pathways in High School will be held on
January 28th in the library for parents & students in grades 8-11 from 6:30-9:00 pm
 Career Day will be organized by the Co-op Department - Date: To be provided
 Please note new zones for on Durham Transportation website for inclement weather bus
cancellations – Uxbridge is Zone 2. School synervoice system will be used for cancellation updates
 School Spirit wear will be on sale in the school, P.E. teacher Josh De Heus is organizing this
 As a result of students seeing the movie ‘Alive Inside’ based on the work conducted by the Music
and Memory project, students are collecting donations of gently used iPods for the Durham
Alzheimer’s Society. Personalized music has been proven beneficial to people with dementia. IPod
shuffles, chargers and i-tunes cards can be donated to the school.
c. Principal’s Report – Steve David
 Assisted Technology Training for Parents Seminar: Dec. 10 - 6:30-8:00 pm. Emphasis is for parents
of special education students, though of value to all parents and everyone is welcome to attend
 District Review of USS (class walk through) - Dec. 2
 Volunteer of Distinction Night – Lisa Edwards honoured on behalf of her work at USS
 Remembrance Day Assembly went extremely well with 12-15 veterans attending, and students
accompanying them. A Minute of Silence was also held at 11:00 am, a request by students
 Courtyard Update – work will resume in the spring
Meeting Adjourned at 7:20
Important Dates
Grade 12 Commencement Gown Fitting - Nov. 19
P.A. Day - All Schools - Friday Nov. 21
Advanced Technology Training for Parents Seminar: Dec. 10. 6:30-8:00 pm
Next SCC Meeting is January 20, 6:30pm in the library