Starfinder – 3 & 4 – Gorn of A Different Color script

Starfinder – Gorn Of A Different Color
Valkara: Lacy Bennett
Krang: Mike Medeiros
Sklood: Adrianne Grady
Vasch: Bazag
Purina: Michelle Heiner
To’jet: “Hippie” John Scheuerman
Chalice: Terilynn Shull
Torq: Marvin McHardy
Hathar: Elio “Elijah” Lleo
Melonar: Anthony Battles
Kresh: Oren Ashkenazi
Siskish: Paul Dennis
Xilit: John Barnes
Shlist: Sunseahl
Goresh: Darqun
Doris: Michelle Heiner
Liamo: Havraha
Proktar: Marvin McHardy
M’artosh: Mike Tripp
Frintz: Kelli Nighthammer
Child: Ariana McHardy
Native 1: Michael Coleman
Native 2: Alan Clifton
Elder Native 1: Scott Reu
Elder Native 2: Scott Reu
Tyr Gash 1: John Barnes
Tyr Gash 2: Scott Reu
Clutch Mother: Lem (Kestra) McHardy
Nurse Prillo: Terilynn Shull
Starfinder Crew
ANND: Geoff Montgomery
Dominic: Matt Giaquinto
Alura: Erin K
Neetal: Aaron Calhoun
Penn: Steven Trent
Vaihuu: Kim Sharp
Torik: Kevin Brown
Zol: Mike L.
Abrins: Scott Lowry
Chief: Peter Spalding
Byrnes: George Silsby
Stark: Peter Spalding
Act 1 / Scene 1
(We are on the Bridge of the I.K.S. Kradec. They are at battle readiness condition Red. Tensions are high,
as they are currently in the middle of battle with Tholians. We hear weapons fire and explosions in the
background. A Large, very close explosion goes off and Jessup dies with a scream.)
1. Valkara: Report!
2. Melonar: Jessup is dead, General.
3. To’jet: The Tholians have destroyed our aft shield emitters.
4. Valkara: Someone send Jessup to Sto’vo’kor and notify Siskish we need him on the bridge.
Melonar, you’re the new chief engineer, Qapla’.
(In the background, a warrior sends Jessup to Sto’vo’kor with a loud cry. )
Melonar: Thank you General, I will…(She cuts him off)
Krang: Celebrate later Melonar. Boost power to the ventral and dorsal shield emitters.
Melonar: Yes sir, transferring power now…(She cuts him off again)
Valkara: Belay that. Throw that power into weapons, To’jet, dispersive fire. Purina keep our bow
on the Tholians, if you let those insects get a clear shot at our shahut, I will use your skin for a
Purina: If they do, To’jet can desecrate what’s left of my remains.
To’jet: (mumbling under his breath) promises. Promises. (speaking at full volume to Valkara) The
Tholians are coming about.
Sklood: Their starboard shields are weakening.
Valkara: Focus fire on their starboard side.
To’Jet: Firing all weapons. (disruptors fire, torpedoes launch.) Purina, keep us at optimal firing
(the door opens and Siskish, the doctor arrives. He’s thrown off balance as a torpedo strike rocks the
Purina: Quit yapping at me like a needy pup, Tojet.
Siskish: (Enters the bridge with a hiss of the door) Reporting as ordered, General?
Valkara: Yes, Doctor. See that rotting pile of flesh over there? Get it off my bridge.
Siskish: (Under his breath) You needed your ship’s doctor for this? (Taps his communicator with
a chirp) Sezra team, to the bridge with a stretcher.
(Siskish grumbles under his breath as his team arrives on the bridge. The door closes as they leave.)
18. Krang: Science officer, are you just going to sit there and read to us or are you going to do
anything useful?
19. Sklood: As a matter of fact commander, I can. I have just modulated a subnucleonic beam to
overload their starboard shield emitters. All that remains is to charge the main deflector.
20. To’jet: That would be helpful.
21. Valkara: Do it.
22. Sklood: (Growls an affirmative.)
23. Purina: What’s the matter, Tojet, are your reflexes dulling in your old age?
24. To’jet: I may be your elder, but you couldn’t keep up with me.
25. Krang: Silence you two! Focus on your duties.
26. Sklood: Deflector charged and ready.
27. Valkara: Fire! (The pulse fires and the Tholian ship’s shields flare and die)
28. To’jet: Their shields are down. Torpedo volleys away.
29. Krang: Move us to a safe distance.
30. Purina: yes, sir.
31. Valkara: (displeased growl) Belay that order. (speaking to krang.) Foolish is the warrior that
under estimates his opponent or over estimates his own prowess.
32. Krang: (defeated) yes, General.
33. To’jet: Direct hits. Their engine core is overloading. It’s going to detonate.
34. Valkara: Purina, take us to a safe distance.
(As the I.K.S. Kradec backs off, the Tholian vessel explodes. The Kradec is rocked by the explosion, but is
undamaged. The crew cheers in victory. Emotions are high.)
35. Krang: Science officer! Where did that Tholian ship come from?
36. Sklood: (After a few beeps from her console.) It emerged from a nebula two light years from
here. The nebula’s gasses obscured our sensors preventing us from detecting it.
37. Krang: We must find out what the Tholians were doing in there and if there are any more hiding
within. Helm, plot a course to follow that trail.
38. Purina: At once Commander.
39. Valkara: (furious) Krang, I want to see you in my office. Now! (She storms off with Krang
following behind her. (Scene ends with the dull thud of the office door closing.)
Act I / Scene 2
(The door to Valkara’s office closes behind Krang)
1. Krang: General, I …
2. Valkara: (She cuts him off with a snarl and the sound of her palm slamming down on her desk.) I
do not want to hear your excuses, Krang! I tire of your constant contradiction of my orders. If
you wish to challenge me for command of this vessel, do so. Now.
3. Krang: I do not want your command, Valkara.
4. Valkara: (Growling again, she bears her teeth) You dishonor yourself and this ship with your lies.
5. Krang: Do you now question my honor? How long have we known each other? How long have
we served with one another?
6. Valkara: A long time.
7. Krang: It’s been more than 30 years. We have tasted victory and defeat together. We have
fought Romulans, Humans, Gorn, Jem’Hadar, and the Borg together. In all that time, have I ever
failed you?
8. Valkara: No.
9. Krang: Then, why would I start now?
10. Valkara: That is precisely my point! What has gotten into you as of late? You are not the same
warrior that has fought at my side for all these years. Your recent actions stink of cowardice.
11. Krang: (surprised) You accuse me of cowardice!? Your accusations cannot go unchallenged.
(blades spring forth from the dagger with a click.)
12. Valkara: You are no coward Krang, I can see the fire of your heart blazing though your eyes. But
your behavior especially towards me has become … uncharacteristic. What is wrong with you?
13. Krang: You are one of the bravest and most honorable warriors I have ever fought beside. But
you are blind to what is in front of you.
14. Valkara: (growling in arousal) I have had enough of your vague implications. I will have an
answer! (she unsheathes her dagger and lunges for Krang).
(They fight. Blades cut through the air. Blocks and punches)
15. Krang: (with great exertion) I do not want this, Valkara. Not like this. (he shoves her away).
16. Valkara: (She yells as she hits a wall hard with her fist.) Then what is it? What do you want
Krang? Answer me!
17. Krang: (the blades retracts with a click. He hangs his head in shame). I cannot tell you.
18. Valkara: (Cries out in rage). Defend yourself.
19. Krang: I will not. If you think that I would do anything to harm you, kill me now and be done with
it. (he drops his dagger. It hits the deck plates and its sound reverberates through the small
20. Valkara: I will not kill an unarmed warrior. Pick up your weapon.
21. Krang: No. (he steps towards her.)
22. Valkara: I will not tolerate this insubordination.
23. Krang: I know. (he steps toward her and places his hand on her weapon).
24. Valkara: What are you doing?
25. Krang: There. Your blade is to my neck. A flick of your wrist is all it will take.
26. Valkara: Why are you doing this?
27. Krang: It is not my place to tell you. You must figure it out for yourself.
28. Valkara: (aggravated, she screams and turns away. In a soft and vulnerable voice). Get out of my
29. Krang: If that is your wish General.
30. Valkara: (Her voice drips with venom and threat) Go! Before I change my mind.
31. Krang: Very well. (he turns and leaves the office. The door closes and she is alone.)
32. Valkara: (speaking to herself) I hardly recognize you, Krang. I do not care what you say, this
space, this Outback, has changed you.
Act 1 / Scene 3
(Krang storms out of Valkara’s office and takes the center chair. The crew are on edge seeing him upset.)
1. Krang: Report!
2. Sklood: The Tholian warp trail originates from an uncharted m-class world a few million Kelicams
from here. And based on the decay rate, they were in orbit of the planet for at least four hours.
3. To’jet: No additional enemy ships detected.
4. Krang: Why would the Tholians be interested in an M-class world? It is not suitable to their
biology. Is there anything remarkable about it?
5. Sklood: Not that I can detect from here. We will have to move in closer for a detailed scan.
6. Krang: Cloak the ship. Purina, bring us into a high orbit. Melonar, I want high altitude
reconnaissance probes launched the moment we arrive. I will inform the General.
7. Purina: Yes, sir.
8. Melonar: It shall be done Commander.
(Krang rises from his seat and heads back towards the General’s office. To’jet intercepts him.)
9. To’jet: May I have a word with you, Commander Krang?
10. Krang: (He grunts with fatigue) I’m not in the mood for your … “San-Taran wisdom” old man.
11. To’jet: (He pauses to lick his chops before continuing) I’m not the one that hungers to reveal
what is hidden in my heart.
12. Krang: (concerned that the crew may over hear) What do you know To’jet?
13. To’jet: I know that whatever is troubling you is starting to undermine your command of the
crew. If you don’t get yourself under control, you will lose more than their respect - you may
lose your life.
14. Krang: What do you know old man?
15. To’jet: The crew talks with me, and they are concerned about your behavior. It has
16. Krang: (getting angry) You too? The General accused me of the same thing.
17. To’jet: There is no accusation in my voice – only concern. Tell me what is going on.
18. Krang: You would not understand.
19. To’jet: (he’s starting to understand) I know heartsickness when I see it and I see it in your eyes
every time you look at her. You love her, Commander.
20. Krang: (getting defensive) Lower your voice, To’jet.
21. To’jet: Why hide it? Everyone on this ship knows.
22. Krang: (heart-broken) She... She does not. I do not know if she ever will.
23. To’jet: Because you refuse to tell her.
24. Krang: She’s the General! You know what people say about her, the rumors about her
promiscuity. How she achieved her rank by bedding her superiors. How would it look if we were
to pursue a relationship?
25. To’jet: First of all, you are not her superior. Secondly, we both know those are lies of jealousy
and contempt. And, finally, they do not reflect the general attitude of the crew. (With a bit of
mirth) You’re running out of excuses Commander.
26. Krang: Uhh …
27. To’jet: Think about what I have said. The battles have drained you, eat and rest; I will inform the
General of our imminent arrival.
28. Krang: Reporting to the General is my duty Lieutenant.
29. To’jet: Do you have the heart to face her so soon?
30. Krang: (He pauses and sighs) No…Do not say a word about this to her.
31. To’jet: You have my word as a Child of San Tarah.
(To’jet watches Krang make his way to the turbolift. When he’s gone, To’jet announces his presence to
the General. Door chime).
Act I / Scene 4
(Mess hall. The crew is segregated by species. There’s a table of gorn, another with orions, and yet
another with Klingons. Way in the back of the room is the outcasts table. The mic moves through the
room, catching glimpses of conversation from the various tables until we finally reach the outcasts
(overheard gorn chatter)
1. Goresh: The Klingons have no respect for we Gorn.
2. Xilit: (He groans as he tears apart some raw meat with his jaws) I know. I have more experience
than that idiot Melonar, but the General promoted him, a houseless-ss Klingon over me.
3. Siskish: They must have ss-some respect, our lovely Commander ss-Sklood is a trusted and
respected Bridge officer.
4. Goresh: Maybe so, but at least you don’t have an Orion task master as department head, who’s
more concerned with his abs than ship’s security.
5. Xilit: At least, he’s staying in shape. Melonar couldn’t even install a sensor package on the probe
Commander Krang ordered. I had to do it for him.
6. Goresh: What? And he’s now our engineering chief? This does not bode well for us-ss.
7. Xilit: If Melonar were an Orion or Naussican I would have killed him by now.
(overheard orion chatter)
8. Doris: (sets tray of food on the table) Say what you will about Orion ships, at least they are clean.
This place is disgusting. I don’t know what I stepped in back there, but I think it’s eating my boot.
9. Liamo: (sets tray down) Tell me about it. I thought our cooks were bad, but that Gorn chef… Did
you notice? He’s molting.
10. Doris: (has a seat and groans) Don’t tell me that. I already have a difficult time consuming the
stuff Klingons call food.
11. Liamo: The Gorn don’t seem to mind it, but I agree. I’d give up a kidney for a good shawarma.
12. Doris: (A wet slosh and squish) My dinner just grabbed my fork. (drops the implement and
pushes plate away) Got an extra replicator ration?
(overheard klingon chatter)
13. Proktar: … and the Ferengi said, you can’t have the Orion, but you can keep the Nausicaan in the
fur coat. (chuckles)
14. Chalice: (laughs heartily) That’s a good one. Have you heard the one about the Orion Gambler
with the Gorn-skin boots?
15. Proktar: (pours another mug of Bloodwine.) Yes. If only we could ...
16. Chalice: (drinks) What?
17. Proktar: You’re the security chief. Can’t you do anything about the Gorn. They’re always
whispering. I think they’re planning something.
18. Chalice: That’s their language. It’s nothing but hisses and growls. Besides, it’s a big ship. If you
don’t like it, you don’t have to be around them.
(the outcasts’ table)
19. Torq: (He speaks slowly, like he has to think about every word he says) I had to break up another
fight today. That’s the fourth one this week and it’s only Tuesday. There are many unhappy
people aboard this ship.
20. Frintz: I thought you Nausicaans liked getting in the middle of fights? Who was it this time,
21. Torq: M’artosh, do you know Gouge from engineering?
22. M’artosh: (Catlike hiss) Wish I didn’t. He’s one clumsy Klingon. If he ends up at the bottom of a
turbolift shaft, no one would be surprised.
23. Hathar: Is that what happened to Osecar?
24. Torq: It sure was, Hathar. Sometimes, I think Osecar goes looking for fights. That Orion
researcher had no business being down in engineering, yet there he was beating Gouge with a
spanner, yelling something about Jeneiva.
25. Hathar: So that’s what he meant.
26. Frintz: What, what? I don’t get it. I’m so confused.
27. Hathar: Don’t fret Frintz. I’m getting to it. … Apparently, Jeneiva was seen slipping into Gouge’s
bunk last night.
28. M’artosh: (surprised) Jeneiva? No … I never saw that one coming. But that does explain why the
Klingon smelled of Orion perfume.
29. Hathar: Osecar didn’t take to kindly to that. He said that he would have to deal with it, but at
the time I didn’t know what he meant about that.
30. Vasch: If they all had it their way, everyone would stay with their own kind.
31. Torq: We don’t have that luxury. Nausicaans, Ferasans and Lethians are not plentiful on this ship
or in the defence force.
32. Frintz: Plenty of us random aliens though.
33. Torq: What race are you Frintz?
34. Frintz: (Playfully) That’s a good question.
35. Hathar: We’re outcasts on this ship. We have to stick together.
36. Vasch: But you are Orion Hathar, why are you not with your kind?
37. Hathar: You’re she ship’s Intelligence officer and a Lethean, Vasch. I imagine you already know.
38. Vasch: (With a sly tone) Indulge me.
39. Frintz: If you ask me, our solidarity gives us an advantage over the others.
40. M’artosh: If the different species could stop segregating themselves long enough to look around
and talk to each other, they might see what’s happening here.
41. Vasch: (Slides back his chair, silencing the group.) As much fun as it is to talk politics with all of
you, I have my rounds to do. (The following line is delivered as a command) I’ll be seeing all of
you later.
(Vasch gets up from the table and leaves the mess hall.)
42. Torq: (waiting for vasch to leave the mess hall) Letheans are creepy enough to begin with, but
Vasch, he really scares me, and knowing that he works for Klingon Intelligence only makes it
43. Hathar: I know what you mean.
44. Frintz: I saw him the other night during one of his rounds.
45. M’artosh: You did? What was he doing?
46. Frintz: He was standing over sleeping crewmen, waving his hands around, as if he was plucking
dreams from their sleep.
47. Hathar: Don’t tell me that. He already gives me the chills without knowing that he’s plucking
thoughts from my unconscious mind. Can we change the subject?
48. Torq: We can, look. Our first officer, Commander Krang, has decided to come to the mess hall
49. M’artosh: That’s not like him. He’s also chosen to sit by himself, instead of with the Klingons.
50. Frintz: I saw him speaking with To’jet on the bridge. By the looks of it, the old canine got through
to him.
51. Hathar: Good. I hope that Krang figures it out and comes back to his senses. He’s a good first
officer, when he’s not pining for the General.
52. M’artosh: Should we invite him to sit with us?
53. Frintz: We should let him be. I suspect he has a lot to think about.
54. Hathar: (his pad begins to beep) It seems the preliminary data from the probe we launched is
coming in. As much fun as this has been, I’ve got to get back to the lab. Sklood is very impatient
for a Gorn and I’d rather not get on her bad side.
55. Torq: Are we still on for this evening?
56. M’artosh: What are we doing tonight?
57. Frintz: I’ve come across a Cardassian holo-novel in the ship’s database. I thought we could check
it out when we’re off duty.
58. Hathar: A Carassian holo-novel? Those are no fun. It’s all about generations of duty to the
Union. If you’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all.
59. Frintz: Well, its new to me! Who’s with me?
60. Torq: Me. It still sounds better than listening to my roommate ramble on about the nutritional
value of tuber roots and the thousands upon thousands of ways to prepare them.
61. M’artosh: Count me in. I’ve got nothing else going for me.
62. Hathar: Well, it seems like I won’t be missing that much, then.
Act 1 / Scene 5
(Science Labs aboard the Kradec. The data from the probe is starting to come in. Sklood is with Melonar
and a Gorn technician named Shlist. They’re looking over the data as it comes in.)
1. Sklood: Melonar, boost the gain on the probe’s transceiver. There is some kind of interference
distorting the data.
2. Melonar: The gain is at maximum Commander Sklood, but we’re still getting distortion.
3. Shlist: I think I can clean up the ss-signal with a fractal filter.
4. Melonar: Good work, but at this point I’m more interested in what’s causing the interference.
5. Sklood: What do you mean?
6. Melonar: It’s artificially generated interference.
7. Shlist: Are you sure? It could be the planet’s geology.
8. Melonar: Do you take me for a fool? I’ve discounted all natural forms of interference Lieutenant
9. Shlist: (Patronizingly) I’m just making sure you haven’t missed anything.
10. Sklood: Can we focus on the tasks at hand?
11. Melonar: (Grumbles under his breath) Cold blooded know-it-all…
12. Shlist: What did you say to me, Mammal?
13. Melonar: I grow weary of your constant second guessing of my readings and analysis.
14. Shlist: I have little choice; you are a hot blooded mammalian engineer who is best ss-suited to
tuning spanners and patching pipes-ss. You should leave the analysis to those whose brains are
better ss-suited to it.
(Melonar draws his knife and Shlist growls in anticipation for a fight but Sklood steps between them)
15. Sklood: (Snarls) That is enough! I will have no duels in MY lab. Do I have to report both of you to
Commander Krang? Shlist, Melonar is now the Chief Engineer of this ship and is here at my
invitation. You will show him the respect he is due or I will discipline you myself.
16. Shlist: (Bewildered) What is wrong with you? We are Gorn. Yet you will defend this lesser
evolved Klingon over me? Whose side are you on Sklood?
17. Sklood: There are no sides. We are all one crew aboard this ship. We can only function together,
only if we work as one.
18. Shlist: It is a pity we do not all share you idealistic views. (moves towards the door).
19. Sklood: I have not dismissed you Shlist, where are you going?
20. Shlist: I’m going for a walk. (leaves the science lab.)
21. Melonar: What’s gotten into him?
22. Sklood: (sighs heavily.) I don’t know. (she works the controls which chime in response.) General
Valkara, Commander Krang, this is Commander Sklood. I request you come to Science Lab 3 at
once. The results from the probe are starting to come in.
23. Valkara: (over the comm.) On my way.
24. Krang: (also over the comm.) Be right there.
(Sklood closes the channel and goes back to work when Hathar enters the science lab.)
Hathar: What’s gotten into Shlist?
Sklood: (distracted) What was that Hathar?
Melonar: (Bitterly) He’s gone for a “walk”.
Hathar: He almost knocked me over. He seemed to be preoccupied and not paying attention to
where he was going.
Sklood: Where was he going.
Hathar: Towards Sickbay I think. What did the probe find?
Sklood: See for yourself. General Valkara and Commander Krang will be here shortly. I’ll save the
report until then.
Hathar: Yes, Commander.
(They work together in silence.)
33. Sklood: (mumbles thoughtfully under breath.) Why was he going to Sickbay? He was not injured
or ill.
34. Melonar: Did you say something Commander?
35. Sklood: It is nothing. Never mind.
(Doors open. Krang and Valkara arrive).
36. Krang: (cautiously) General.
37. Valkara: (still upset with him.) Krang. (She changes the subject and asks Sklood) What have you
38. Sklood: This planet is inhabited, populated by a reptilian race. Based on the clustering of their
settlements along the planet’s equator and the relatively low body heat readings I suspect that
they may be cold-blooded.
39. Krang: Another Gornoid species? How many does that make now? Five?
40. Sklood: Many, many more than that within the Hegemony alone Commander. According to
these readings they are at an early industrialization period, mostly steam power.
41. Hathar: Commander I may have something.
42. Sklood: Go ahead Hathar.
43. Hathar: Although, they may be pre-industrial, I suspect that there is more going on down there
than our sensor can tell us.
44. Valkara: It’s Hathar, right? What do you have?
45. Hathar: (pleased that General Valkara remembered her name) Yes it is, General. There is no sign
of Tholian activity on the planet, but I think I know what drew them here.
46. Krang: Speak quickly Bekk.
47. Hathar: I’ve triangulated the source of the interference. It’s a form of unidentified radiation and
it’s coming from beneath one of the largest cultural centers.
48. Krang: General, an away team must go down there to investigate and identify the source of
those readings.
49. Valkara: (She ponders a moment and then grunts in agreement) I agree with Krang – this time.
Prepare an away team comprising of Gorn crewmembers. Sklood, you will lead the away team.
50. Sklood: Yes, General. However, there is one small issue.
51. Valkara: What issue?
52. Sklood: If I may I draw your attention to the viewer. The probes were also able to capture some
visual images of the natives. As you can see, they are Gorn-like, but there are significant
superficial differences in their appearance. We must have Dr. Siskish make surgical alterations to
the away team so they can blend in with the native inhabitants-ss.
53. Valkara: Very well. Make the necessary preparations. I want you down on the planet within the
54. Sklood: Yes-ss, General.
Act I / Scene 6
(Kradec’s Sick Bay. Siskish, Shlist, Xilit, and Goresh are there, whispering conspiratorially.)
(This is what the Gorn whisper to each other).
1. Shlist: Can you believe it? We may have just discovered a cousin race from our ancient
2. Xilit: It’s too early to jump to those conclusions.
3. Goresh: I hate to admit it, but Shlist is correct.
4. Shlist: It is true Xilit, you’ve seen the images. In my mind, there is no doubt they are Gorn.
5. Xilit: You have not said a word yet Dr Siskish. What do have to say?
6. Siskish: There are significant biological differences, but they very well could be an offshoot. I
need a DNA sample to say for sure.
7. Goresh: (sniffs the air) Klingons coming.
(The sickbay door opens. Valkara, Krang, and Sklood arrive.)
8. Valkara: Doctor, we will have a word with you.
9. Siskish: (Graciously, almost mockingly) It is good to see you General Valkara and Commander
Krang. Welcome to my sickbay. It’s not too often that we’re graced by a visit from our fearless
leaders. (Charming) Commander Sklood, it’s always a pleasure to see you. My invitation to Latemeal is always open.
(A couple of the Gorn hiss)
10. Sklood: (not happy about the prospect) my duties keep me busy.
11. Krang: (Suspiciously) Are all of these crewmen injured?
12. Siskish: Not at all. When I received your orders that we will be sending down a team of surgically
altered Gorn to the planet, I took the initiative to choose a few crewmen that I feel would be
best suited for this mission.
13. Sklood: (Irritated growl) I will keep your suggestions under advisement, but I prefer to select my
own team.
14. Valkara: Your initiative is appreciated doctor. Why don’t you introduce me to these fine Gorn
15. Siskish: This is Shlist from Science department, Goresh from Engineering, and Xilit from the
16. Xilit, Goresh, and Shlist: General, Commander.
17. Valkara: These Gorn are already here. Might as well send them to the planet.
18. Krang: I agree.
19. Sklood: (Alarmed) General, this is highly irregular.
20. Krang: Do you have any specific objections to any of these crewmen?
21. Sklood: (Sputtering, desperate for an excuse but finding none.) Well, not really. No.
22. Valkara: it’s done. Doctor Siskish, I want them down on the planet as soon as possible.
23. Siskish: General, I would like to join the away team.
24. Sklood: (feeling like she’s losing control of her team) I don’t think the doctor would be a good
edition to the team.
25. Siskish: I’d be able to study their biology close up. It could prove useful.
26. Krang: That’s a good idea.
27. Valkara: It’s decided then.
28. Sklood: (Feeling defeated). As you command.
29. Siskish: I have a lot of work to do. Excuse me General, Commander. Sklood I think you will look
splendid with red accents and blue highlights. And those crest spikes will have to be enhanced.
What do think about a nose ring?
30. Sklood: As long as it passes muster with the natives, I do not really care, doctor.
31. Siskish: (laughs) Very well, let’s us begin. (picks up a dermal regenerator and begins to pass it
over Sklood’s body.) You don’t know how fortunate you are Sklood. Before the war I was a
cosmetic surgeon…
(End Act 1)
Act 2 / Scene 1
(Transporter room aboard the IKS Kradec. Proktar is on duty. Doris and Jeneiva are working nearby.
Proktar is being a dick).
1. Proktar: For Kahless’ sake, it’s lefty-tighty, righty-loosey, Doris. Everyone knows that. It is basic
2. Doris: Only on Klingon ships Proktar. Why don’t you just go back to degaussing the transporter
padd or something.
3. Proktar: (Lecherous growl) A feisty one. Are you anything like your friend? I hear she loves
Klingon ridges.
4. Jeneiva: I know you’re not talking about me?
5. Doris: Pay him no heed Jeneiva. He’s an idiot.
6. Proktar: That’s right I am talking to you. Gouge told me all about you and how good you are with
your hands.
7. Jeneiva: Did he now?
8. Proktar: (laughs) That’s right.
9. Doris: Ignore him. We don’t need any trouble right now. Just focus on the work.
10. Proktar: What’s the matter? Were you trying to keep it a secret or something? Well, too bad.
The secret is out. Everyone knows.
11. Jeneiva: I’m going to punch him.
12. Doris: Don’t do it. He’s not worth it. Can you hand me the hypospanner.
(Jeneiva picks it up and hands it her. We hear the sound of it smacking Doris’ palm.)
Proktar: The only thing I don’t know is how much he paid for your … services?
Doris: (She drops her spanner with a loud clatter and curses) Forget that. Go shut him up.
Jeneiva: Finally, hand me that spanner. (Jeneiva gets up and walks quickly to him)
Proktar: (laughs and speaks with a mocking tone) What? You look upset little girl. Did I hurt your
feelings? Are you going to cry?
17. Jeneiva: (deadpan) no.
(Proktar is laughing, until he is punched in the throat, his air way sealed closed. He’s gasping for air and
not getting any. She knees him in the groin, bending him over, Making him grunt in pain, before she
knocks him off his feet with an upper cut. He’s sprawled on the ground, groaning and trying to catch his
breathe. She claps her hands together and returns to her work.)
18. Doris: Good girl. You taught that brute some respect.
19. Jeneiva: We can hope, but I doubt it.
(Proktar more in control, struggles to get to his feet. Grunting as he does so.)
(Turbolift doors open. Valkara steps out and starts walking down the hall with the newly enhanced
Sklood at her side.)
20. Valkara: (seeing a bloodied Proktar getting up from behind the transporter console). What
happened here?
21. Proktar: (Still choking and coughing) Nothing at all General.
22. Valkara: Your face tells a different story.
23. Sklood: (turning to the Orions.) Did you see what happened here?
24. Doris: (gasps in surprise) Commander Sklood? Is that you?
25. Jeneiva: We didn’t recognize you.
26. Sklood: (Pauses as she admires the doctor’s work) Yes. I may keep brow spikes. (Serious again)
Now answer the question.
27. Doris: We didn’t see anything.
28. Jeneiva: Yah. We were working.
29. Proktar: (bows his head in shame.) I tripped.
30. Sklood: (surprised and suspicious) You tripped?
31. Proktar: Yes Commander.
32. Valkara: (Huffs and shrugs) Have you found transporter coordinates for the away team?
(The turbolift doors open and Dr. Siskish, Shlist, Xilit, and Goresh exit and approach)
33. Proktar: Yes General. (Coughs again) It’s a blind alley within the largest settlement on the planet,
closest to the source of the radiation. I’ve detected no activity in the area since we’ve arrived. It
should suit our needs.
34. Valkara: Good. Sklood, you may brief your team.
35. Sklood: Attention! This is a reconnaissance mission. We’re going down there to find out more
about these people and to determine the best approach for making first contact with them.
While we are there, we are to investigate the unusual radiation readings interfereing with our
scans. We are not to engage these people, or attempt to make contact with them at this time.
Do I make myself understood?
(The Gorn respond at roughly the same time)
Goresh: Yes Commander.
Shlist: Understood.
Xilit: You can count on us.
Dr. Siskish: I think we know how to handle ourselves on an away mission.
Valkara: Take your positions. Commander, a word.
Sklood: Yes General.
(the Gorn get on the transporter pad while the next few lines are spoken)
42. Valkara: (confidentially to Sklood) The Empire is claiming the Outback. Defense Force
reinforcements will arrive in a few weeks to establish the Empire’s first stronghold in this space.
I want this planet to be our first colony. I need to know the best way to approach these people,
to make them our ally. I do not want this world to be a repeat of San-Tara. Do I make myself
43. Sklood: Yes, General. Crystal clear. And if they refuse to become an ally?
44. Valkara: Then, we will do what we do best, conquest. Take your position Commander.
(Sklood joins the Gorn on the transporter padd.)
45. Valkara: (salutes) Qapla’!
46. Sklood: Energize.
(The transporter amps up and the all-gorn away team beams down to the planet.)
Act 2 / Scene 2
(An alley in the largest settlement on the planet. The sound of traffic, pedestrians, steam engines,
machinery, and steam jets can be heard in the distance. After a moment, a transporter winds up and
materializes the gorn away team Siskish, Shlist, Xilit, and Goresh led by Sklood.)
Sklood: Activate your subcutaneous transceivers. What are your backstories?
Goresh: We’re travelers from a distant land.
Xilit: From across the southern sea.
Shlist: The longer we are down here, the more likely we’re to be discovered.
Siskish: Let us proceeded then.
Sklood: The source of the radiation is three blocks over.
Siskish: We should split up. Sklood and Xilit, you two investigate the radiation, while Shlist,
Goresh, and I try to get to know the natives a little better.
8. Shlist: There’s a recreational area two blocks in the other direction. Should be a good place to
ask some discrete questions.
9. Sklood: Fine. Stay in contact at all times.
(The gorn walk down the alley. They turn a corner, and the traffic, pedestrians, steam engines,
machinery, and steam jets get louder. As they walk we hear the sound of their claws on cobblestones.
Clickety-clack. They emerge on the street, and the sound of traffic and pedestrians is at its loudest. The
two groups split up)
Act 2 / Scene 3
(Aboard the IKS Kradec. Krang is on the bridge with Purina and To’jet)
To’jet: Commander Krang, I have something on sensors. Purina, can you confirm?
Purina: I see it.
Krang: What is it? Have the Tholians returned?
Melonar: Not exactly.
Krang: What does that mean, Melonar?
To’jet: It is a debris field. Refined metals consisting of alloys used solely in Tholian construction.
Krang: On viewer.
Purina: That’s a lot of debris.
Krang: Why did we not see it before?
To’jet: It was on the far side of the planet. It only became visible when we adjusted our course.
Krang: What could have done that kind of damage to a Tholian vessel?
Melonar: I cannot say without further study, Commander.
Krang: To’jet, notify the General. Purina, set a course to investigate the debris. Melonar, I want
to know what did this.
14. Purina: Intercept course laid in.
15. Melonar: I’ll be in cargo bay three, preparing to transport some debris aboard.
16. To’jet: General Valkara, we need you on the bridge.
Act 2 / Scene 4
(We cut to Siskish, Shlist, and Goresh, when they reach the recreational center. It’s a meadow with birds
chirping and the sound of traffic is reduced. We hear some children reciting some children’s songs, and
playing games. In the background we hear a child reciting a children’s song.)
10. Child: Dragons sleep beneath our feet.
Its maw opens wide when you say Marroo
Without fear, the worthy will know what to do.
Yellow triangle; blue square; green circle, almost there.
A twist, a turn, one, two, three;
The crystal orb lets you see.
Red, Blue, Red, White; there are four more lights.
One is to fly; two is to go;
Four is to stop, three is to slow.
Arrows left and right, banks when in flight
Tap, tap, tap; the diamond spits fire;
Enemies of the Tyr Gash will taste our ire.
The purple dome will bring you home;
Green, blue, yellow will make the dragon sleep
The door is revealed with three long beeps.
(the gorn split up and start to mingle with the natives)
11. Native 1: And I said to him, who do you take me for, a lowly nespit? I am a Tyr Gash and your
insult will not go unpunished.
12. Native 2: Did you challenge him to a round of mish?
13. Native 1: Of course I did.
14. Siskish: They call themselves the Tyr Gash.
15. Shlist: What is mish?
16. Goresh: I think it’s some kind of game.
17. Siskish: Shhh. I can’t hear them. I’m moving in closer.
18. Native 2: Three straight rounds? He wasn’t much of a challenge.
19. Native 1: I’ve faced worthier opponents in some of these hatchlings.
20. Native 2: I’ve seen them play mish and I have to agree with you. They are cunning and worthy
(The sound of a steam powered ground vehicle approaches, growing louder. It’s air breaks hiss and it
comes to a stop nearby. A pair of Tyr Gash get out with hatchlings of their own. The hatchlings run
across a meadow yelling in joy.)
21. Goresh: These are strange conveyances they use.
22. Shlist: They are more advanced than what you would expect from an industrial age civilization.
The complexity of these machines and their steam technology suggests possible outside
23. Siskish: Fascinating. There’s a group of elder Tyr Gash over by the fountain. Let’s see what
they’re talking about.
(They approach the group of elder Tyr Gash, the sound of traffic and city noise gets reduced to barely
audible. The sound of a water fountain is heard.)
24. Elder Native 1: The Legend of Lisch, the first King of the Tyr Gash goes that he united the
settlements to stave off enemies from the sky.
25. Elder Native 2: That’s not the Legend of Lisch; that’s the Song of Cusco.
26. Elder Native 1: The song of Cusco is about the progenitors that came to this world, established
the first nests, and gave us the Clutch Mother before returning to the stars.
27. Elder Native 2: I thought that was the story of Distaz the traveler.
28. Elder Native 1: Distaz was the first Tyr Gash to circumnavigate the planet in a conveyance.
29. Elder Native 2: Are you sure? That doesn’t seem right.
30. Elder native 1: It is true.
31. Elder Native 2: Then who was responsible for overthrowing Overlord Blitsch?
32. Elder Native 1: that’s the one I couldn’t think of earlier. That’s the legend of Lisch.
33. Elder Native 2: Ahh, yes. I remember now.
34. Siskish: It appears we have just received a quick lesson in Tyr Gash history and social studies.
35. Goresh: Are you sure? I don’t think they really know what they were talking about.
36. Shlist: I don’t think we should take anything these old men say at face value.
37. Siskish: I don’t agree. They may be confused by the specifics, but there was more truth in what
they said than fiction.
38. Goresh: If you say so.
39. Siskish: That building across the meadow is getting a lot of attention. Let’s check it out.
(As the Gorn cross the meadow, the city sounds disappear. The birds get quiet before a thunder clap.)
40. Shlist: Where did this storm come from?
41. Siskish: It must be monsoon season. The tattooing and body paint shouldn’t run, but we
shouldn’t test it.
42. Goresh: Did you read that Sklood?
43. Sklood: (coming over the subcutaneous implant) Thanks for the heads up.
(The rain starts coming down. Slowly big fat water drops pound against the cobble stones, but quickly
increase into a torrent. The Gorn rush to take cover with other Tyr Gash around the outlying building.
There are lots of people around. Some are entering the building, others are leaving, while a few are
huddled over what appears to be an ancient Gorn console.
(Several Tyr Gash talk about the weather. Adlib a couple lines of chatter talking about the rain, monsoon
season or something to that affect to be played in the background. The sound of rain is heard.)
44. Tyr Gash 1: Clutch Mother, I need a new recipe for Durish Bird. Something with mushrooms and
Berin Beans.
45. Clutch Mother: (A tone is heard, followed by the shuffle of memory banks. A second tone is
heard before the answer is provided.) A book of Durish Bird recipes can be found in Section 3,
Aisle 2, Rack A, Shelf 4, Book ID: 83445: Classic Durish Bird recipes.
46. Tyr Gash 1: Thank the Clutch Mother for her wisdom. (she walks away).
47. Goresh: Is that a …?
48. Shlist: I recognize that console. It is an ancient Gorn computer terminal. We had one near our
nest growing up. It didn’t work of course, but this one apparently does.
49. Goresh: Then, that makes these Tyr Gash our brothers and sisters.
50. Shlist: Or cousins.
51. Siskish: We still need a DNA sample from one of them.
52. Shlist: I’ve got a recording device with me. I should be able to download their database
53. Siskish: You do that, while I retrieve the genetic material.
54. Goresh: What do you want me to do?
55. Siskish: Why don’t you take a quick stroll through the building. Keep your eyes open and your
head down.
56. Goresh: Yes Doctor.
Act 2 / Scene 5
(Xilit and Sklood have reached the epicenter of the radiation source. It’s raining and there are occasional
thunder claps. The sound of traffic can be heard nearby, but it’s slowed from earlier.)
1. Sklood: Xilit, according to these readings, the source of the radiation is coming from inside this
2. Xilit: It’s more of a shack than a building. It’s taller than it is wide, and there doesn’t seem to be
any doors or windows within easy reach. What do you expect us to do, Sklood?
3. Sklood: We need to get inside.
4. Xilit: I don’t see how.
5. Sklood: We may be able to find a way in from the roof.
6. Xilit: It’s pretty high. But, I might be able to reach it if you give me a boost.
7. Sklood: We can make the attempt from the back of the building. We don’t want to be seen by
anyone from the street.
8. Xilit: Very well.
(They walk around to the back side of the buiding. They grunt in exertion as Sklood lifts Xilit up onto the
9. Xilit: I’m up. There’s a door here. Let me give you a hand so we can go in together.
10. Sklood: Make it fast, Xilit.
(They grunt some more as Xilit pulls Sklood up the back side of the building.)
11. Xilit: (straining) Climb, Commander. I can’t pull you up by myself.
12. Sklood: (struggling) I am. Now quit talking and pull harder.
(more exertion and grunting. Until finally Sklood and Xilit are on the roof of the small building. They’re
breathing hard. The rain is louder now.)
13. Xilit: Let’s get inside quickly before someone sees us here.
(the door is locked and we hear the rattle of chains).
Sklood: It’s locked. We’ve come this far, we can’t turn back now.
Xilit: Stand back. (he hits the lock hard. And a loud bang is heard.)
Sklood: Wait! You’re making too much noise.
Xilit: I’ll wait for the next thunder clap.
(they wait a moment. A flash of lightning gives them cue to strike again).
18. Sklood: We’ve got lightning. Wait for it. (The rumble of a thunder clap) Now!
19. Xilit: (hits the lock once again. It’s smashes open) Got it.
(the rusty trap door is swung open with creaky hinges.)
Sklood: It’s dark in there. Did you bring a flashlight?
Xilit: I wouldn’t be much of an engineer if I hadn’t, Commander. (flicks on a light)
Sklood: Shine it down the shaft.
Xilit: There’s a ladder, but I can’t see the bottom of the shaft. I’m going to drop the light and see
how far down the ladder goes.
24. Sklood: Do it.
(xilit drops the light and it falls silently for several seconds. Before it distantly clatters on a hard surface
and echoes up the shaft.)
25. Xilit: That answers that question. By my calculations, the shaft runs about 50 meters down.
26. Sklood: After you.
(xilit starts climbing down the long ladder with Sklood following him down.)
Act 2 / Scene 6
(aboard the kradec. It has moved into position near the debris. Valkara enters.)
1. Valkara: What has happened?
2. Krang: We’ve found debris of a Tholian ship. It’s off our port bow. Melonar is beaming framents
aboard the Kradec as we speak. He will have a report for us momentarily.
3. Valkara: To’jet are we still cloaked?
4. To’jet: Yes, General.
5. Valkara: I have a bad feeling about this. Keep our cloak operational. Purina, back us away from
the debris, but keep us within transporter range.
6. Krang: What is it General?
7. Valkara: I do not know. But, my shoulder is starting to ache. The same shoulder that was nearly
taken off by a Jem’hadar tar’katan blade.
8. Krang: The last time your Dominion War injury ached …
9. Valkara: That’s right. We were ensnared in a hirogen’s trap.
10. Melonar: (over the comm channel). Melonar to the bridge.
11. Valkara: What have you found?
12. Melonar: General, I’ve beamed a chunk of debris to the cargo bay.
13. Valkara: Speak!
14. Melonar: The debris is saturated with the same radiation we found on the planet.
15. Krang: How is that possible?
16. Valkara: Are you trying to say, something on the planet did this to a Tholian ship?
17. Melonar: The evidence does suggest a common origin.
18. Krang: What is the condition of the away team?
19. To’jet: I’ve been monitoring their progress. Dr. Siskish and two others are in the recreational
area, while Commander Sklood’s team just entered a subterranean complex. We’ve lost contact
with them just after they started their decent.
20. Valkara: Get the Kradec away from that garbage. Keep scanning for Sklood and the away team. I
want transporter locks on them. And, let us hope that my shoulder is wrong.
Act 2 / Scene 7
(The recreation area. Shlist is waiting in line at the console. He’s grown impatient. Goresh is checking out
the library, while Siskish is working to obtain a dna sample. It’s still raining, but it has tapered off a little
1. Clutch Mother: Is there anything else I can do for you, little one?
2. Tyr Gash 2: Thank the Clutch Mother for her wisdom. (she walks away).
3. Shlist: (mumbles) Finally … (He sets his tricorder down on the console. Taps a few buttons
discretely and begins downloading the database. It quietly hums as it works, and the Clutch
Mother’s databanks begin to shuffle quietly.)
4. Clutch Mother: What is it that you seek my …
5. Shlist: I want know about the progenitors.
6. Clutch Mother: The progenitors. (tone. Shuffling of data banks gets louder until the tone and
then continues to quietly shuffle on.) There are six hundred and twent-eight volumes and oral
histories in the library about the progenitors.
7. Shlist: Tell me one of those stories.
8. Clutch Mother: (tone and shuffling data banks gets louder until the tone and then continues to
quietly shuffle on.) I have a dozen oral histories available for listening. Can you be more specific?
9. Shlist: (remembering the conversation with the elders) Tell me about the Song of Cusco.
10. Clutch Mother: (tone. Shuffling data banks gets louder until the tone and then continues to
quietly shuffle on) The Song of Cusco.
11. Clutch Mother: (the soft shuffling from the mother continues) Millennia ago, when the stars
burned new and hot, the progenitors rode across the sky in their stone dragons. Their kind was
hunted by those that sought to steal their lands and to enslave their people. The progenitors
wanted nothing but to live free, unafraid of those that shared the sky with them. But, it was not
(Siskish approaches)
12. Siskish: I’ve got the DNA sample. How’s the download?
13. Shlist: It’s going, but you’ve got to hear this.
14. Clutch Mother: (the soft shuffling from the mother continues) The progenitors decided to fill the
universe with their kindred, positive that the enemy could not find them all. When the
Progenitors found this land they deemed it to be good to raise their hatchlings. They
constructed the first nests and set the Clutch Mother to watch over their eggs and hatchlings
before returning to the sky.
(the tricorder’s hum stops, and a soft beep is heard, indicating that it has finished its task. The soft
shuffling from the Clutch Mother’s data banks stop)
15. Shlist: It’s done. Let’s find Goresh and get out of here.
16. Siskish: (listening to the Clutch Mother) No not yet.
17. Clutch Mother: Before returning to the sky, the progenitors promised a great protector would
return one day and reunite their hatchlings allowing the Tyr Gash to take their rightful place
among the stars. (tone.) Is there more you seek to know?
18. Siskish: Yes, but it seems we must go.
(They walk away from the console, just as Goresh exits the library.)
19. Shlist: There’s Goresh.
(They meet Goresh in the middle. It’s stopped raining.)
20. Shlist: Your timing is impeccable, Goresh. The storm has moved on and we’re nearly finished.
21. Siskish: It’s true. I’ve got the DNA sample we need and Shlist got his hands on the Clutch
Mother’s database. What did you find?
22. Goresh: This place is a library. There’s nothing here but books and they’re all in the Tyr Gash
language. So, I can’t read any of them. But, I did get my hands on one covertly.
23. Siskish: Let me see. (Takes the book from him.) This looks similar to the ancient language of our
own progenitors. All of the evidence is pointing towards a common heritage between our two
peoples. The DNA will confirm it without question. This could be a discovery for our people.
24. Shlist: If the Klingons don’t wipe them out.
(The group settles into an uncomfortable silence until a hail comes in from their subcutaneous
25. Valkara: (coming over the com channel) Kradek to Dr. Siskish, we’ve lost contact with
Commander Sklood and her team. We need you and your team to extract them and return to
transport coordinates. It is time to go.
26. Siskish: But, General, there is still much we can learn about these people.
27. Valkara: You’ll have to make do with what you have already collected.
28. Siskish: (frustrated) Very well, General Valkara. (closes the com channel). You heard her, let’s
find Sklood and Xilit.
Act 2 / Scene 8
(The underground facility. Sklood and Xilit have reached the bottom of the shaft. It’s dark. There’s a hum
of ancient technology behind the mechanical sounds of Tyr Gash steam engine technology.)
1. Sklood: Do you have another flash light?
2. Xilit: Just the one.
3. Sklood: Alright. Give me the light and stay close.
(They take a few steps into the facility, when the overhead lights come on)
4. Xilit: Who turned on the lights? Have we been detected?
5. Sklood: (looking around) I don’t think so, Xilit. I do not smell anyone down here. I am beginning
to suspect that the Tyr Gash are much more advanced than they appear to be.
6. Xilit: I know what you mean. They utilize refined industrial age steam engine technology in such
a manner that it implies a level of science and engineering centuries more advanced than
anything I’ve ever seen before in a civilization at this stage of development. Look at the tubing
this machine uses. It is a duranium alloy.
7. Sklood: It certainly is fascinating, but I’d rather compare notes once were safely aboard the
Kradec. Let’s find the source of this radiation so we can get out of here.
8. Xilit: After you, Sklood.
(They walk down the corridor; the sound their claws make on the floor as they walk is different. They are
not walking on cobble stones. It’s a smooth metal surface.)
9. Sklood: The interference is coming from this room.
10. Xilit: We will make this quick.
(door opens and they step inside. The doors close behind them. The hum is louder now, and the machines
sounds are softer.)
11. Sklood: What is this? Some kind of reactor?
12. Xilit: (scans the device) Yes, it is. The power output is off the scale.
13. Sklood: Take scans of the reactor and it’s controls. I want to know how to turn this thing off if
we have to.
14. Xilit: Yes, Commander.
(xilit runs over to the reactor and starts taking scans. When the door opens, Dr. Siskish, Shlist, and
Goresh step inside.)
Sklood: Siskish? What are you doing down here?
Siskish: it is time to leave.
Sklood: We are almost done here. Why the urgency?
Shlist: The General ordered us to retrieve you and return to the transport coordinates
immediately. Something is happening up there, something bad.
Xilit: Just a few more minutes.
Siskish: (he sees a Clutch Mother console in the room. He goes over to it.) Clutch Mother, I have a
Clutch Mother: (tone as it awakens) What do you seek?
Sklood: Siskish, what are you doing?
Siskish: Do you know anything about the Gorn or the Gorn Hedgemony?
Goresh: What are you doing, doctor?
Clutch Mother: (Tone. The shuffle of memory banks followed by another tone). Did you mean,
Grotz the Hierarch of the Sizzo Plains?
Shlist: I used one of these devices at the recreation center we investigated.
Siskish: No. New question.
Sklood: I order you to stop what you’re doing, doctor.
Clutch Mother: (tone.) What do you seek?
Xilit: My scans are complete. Let’s get out of here.
Siskish: What are you?
Clutch Mother: (tone. The shuffle of memory banks followed by another tone.) I protect that
which was most valuable to the progenitors.
Sklood: (runs to the door. It opens.) Come on everyone out, now!
Siskish: That’s not what I meant. What is your nature?
Shlist: What about him?
Sklood: Go back to the shaft where we entered these tunnels, and start heading back up to the
surface. I’ll deal with Dr. Siskish myself. (every else follows her orders and leaves)
Clutch Mother: (the shuffle of memory banks continues) I do not understand.
38. Siskish: Are you an artificial lifeform.
39. Sklood: Doctor, No!
40. Clutch Mother: (the shuffle of memory banks comes to an abrupt stop.) The Tyr Gash have not
reached the level of understanding to conceive of such things. Therefore, you are not Tyr Gash.
Genetic analysis indicates that you share several common genetic markers with all Tyr Gash. Are
you kindred, or are you the progenitors?
41. Sklood: Enough Doctor! (She strains and grunts as she pulls him along by the collar.) S’Yazssa’s
teeth, Doctor. That was an unnecessary risk. You may have just alerted that…thing to our
presence and put this entire mission in danger!
42. Siskish: A small price to pay for a discovery like this. A Gorn society untainted by mammalian
influence and control. An operational Clutch Mother computer system with information that
dates back to the origins of our race!
43. Sklood: None of which will matter if we do not return to the Kradek at once. Now shut your
maw and get up that ladder.
Act 2 / Scene 9
(back aboard the Kradec. Krang, Valkara, Purina, To’jet, and Melonar are on the bridge.)
1. To’jet: The away team is emerging from the underground facility.
2. Valkara: Are there any signs of trouble?
3. Krang: I’ve been monitoring the Tyr Gash’s movements in the area. There is no sign that they
have been alerted to the away team’s presence. Any change to the radiation, Melonar?
4. Melonar: I’m detecting no change in the radiation field.
5. Valkara: Keep monitoring them, Melonar.
6. Purina: I’m moving us within transporter range of the away team and the beam out coordinates.
7. Valkara: Good.
8. To’jet: I’ve got transporter locks on the entire team, now.
9. Valkara: If we transport them out of there now, what’s the risk of them being seen?
10. Krang: I would advise against it, General. They are too close to a high-traffic street.
11. Valkara: (sighs) Then we wait.
12. To’jet: The away team is reporting in. They have scans of the reactor behind the radiation.
13. Melonar: That’s good news indeed. I can’t wait to see them.
14. Valkara: I appreciate your enthusiasm Melonar, but right now, we have to get them off the
planet in one piece.
15. Krang: To’jet, put them on speakers.
16. To’jet: Yes, Commander.
17. Sklood: (voice is a little tinny and static rolls through occasionally) Sklood here, we are moving
toward the extraction point. We obtained detailed scans of the reactor and it’s supporting
systems. There was something familiar about that technology.
18. Valkara: Familiar? How?
19. Siskish: (voice is a little tinny and static rolls through occasionally). If I may? Our evidence needs
to be confirmed, but I am certain the Tyr Gash and the Gorn stem from the same genetic pool.
20. Xilit: (voice is a little tinny and static rolls through occasionally). I agree with the doctor. Their
technology is reminiscent of ancient Gorn tech found throughout archeological sites in the
21. Goresh: (voice is a little tinny and static roll through occasionally). Lower your voices, and slow
down. We’re starting to draw unnecessary attention.
22. Valkara: How much farther until they reach the beam out coordinates.
23. Purina: 25 meters.
24. Valkara: You’re almost there.
25. Sklood: (voice is a little tinny and static rolls through occasionally). Yes General.
(pause in the dialog for a few seconds with nothing but the sounds of the ship turned way down. The
sound of the gorn away team walking their claws clicking against the cobble stones and breathing with a
tinny effect and static rolling through occasionally are the focus. Periodically, Purina’s next few lines will
be interjected, we want to build tension. Enhanced with music. )
Purina: 20 meters.
Purina: 15 meters
Purina: 10 meters
Purina: 5 meters
Valkara: Transporter standby.
Purina: 3 meters
Krang: Ready
Purina: 2 meters
Valkara: Transporter …
Purina: 1 meter
Valkara: jol yIchu'!
Krang: We’ve got them!
Valkara: Break orbit and take us out of the system.
Purina: The controls aren’t responding General.
Valkara: What?!
Melonar: The radiation. We’re enveloped in it and it is holding us in position. It is being emitted
from the same area as the generator the away team found.
Krang: When did that happen?
Melonar: It locked on the transporter beam.
To’jet: General, We’re being hailed from the planet.
Valkara: Get the away team up here now. I want to know what happened down there.
Krang: Yes General. (opens a com channel.) Security chief Chalice, escort the away team to the
bridge immediately.
Chalice: (over the com) Right away!
Valkara: Put it on screen.
End Act 2
Act 3 / Scene 1
(bridge of the kradec. We pick up where we left off at the end of act 2. The Clutch Mother appears on
1. Valkara: Identify yourself.
2. Clutch Mother: I am the Clutch Mother of the Tyr Gash.
3. Valkara: I am Genral Valkara, Commanding officer of the IKS Kradek and representative of the
Klingon Empire.
4. Clutch Mother: You are a Mammalian life form, warm blooded, encased in soft tissue. You are
not like those that walked among my hatchlings.
5. Valkara: I am Klingon. One of many aboard this vessel. Those we sent to the planet are known as
6. Clutch Mother: Curious. Do the Gorn serve you? Are they your slaves?
7. Valkara: No. The Gorn are citizens of the Empire as are all the members of my crew.
8. Clutch Mother: Why have you come to this world?
9. Valkara: This region of space has been claimed by the Klingon Empire and we are the
expeditionary force. Our mission is exploration and conquest. We battled a Tholian ship not far
from here and traced its path to your world.
10. Clutch Mother: As you have found, I protected this world from one threat already. I am
prepared to do it again, but I wish to learn more about these Gorn as well as your Empire.
(The door to the bridge opens and Chalice steps out with the Gorn away team in tow).
Valkara: What do you want to know? The Gorn that visited your world are now here.
Sklood: Is that …
Siskish: Clutch Mother. I spoke with you in the reactor room.
Clutch mother: I know who you are. What I do not know is why you hid your true identity from
Valkara: They were following my orders. We wanted to know more about your people before
we make first contact.
Clutch Mother: You wish to make contact with the Tyr Gash to bring them into your Empire.
Valkara: That is correct.
Clutch Mother: Your ship is one of battle and conquest. I see troops enough to take and hold the
major cities of this world. I see distant starships of your Empire, your reinforcements. I see
another ship, Starfinder…
(Krang grumbles at the name)
19. Clutch Mother: You have the means to make this world yours without the need to learn about
the people who inhabit it. Why have you not?
20. Valkara: In the past that would have been our way. Conquering worlds, taking what resources
we need and leaving the native people with nothing. But that path is not an honorable one. We
are warriors, not thugs or bullies. To’jet, rise.
(He obeys)
21. Valkara: My tactical officer, a Child of San-Tara. They were once ignorant of the galaxy around
them, content in their pastoral existence and their enviable warrior culture. When we found
them and tried to conquer them, we found that they held a kindred heart. We could have
scoured the planet and wiped them out but we did not. We fought on their terms…and lost. But
the San-Taran elders are wise old dogs and they knew even if we left that they would not always
be able to defend themselves against the threats of the greater galaxy. They offered their world
to us in exchange for our protection. Now we stand together as equals.
22. Clutch Mother: You would defend these beings like you would defend your own people?
23. Valkara: Failing to do so would be to dishonor the Empire.
24. Clutch Mother: Do not be alarmed, but I must confirm what you have said.
25. Melonar: (the sound of heavily active computer activity) General Valkara, our databanks are
being downloading.
26. Valkara: (angry) Are you doing this?
27. Clutch Mother: Yes. You downloaded our database; it’s only equitable that we do the same.
28. Valkara: (reigning back her anger) Very well.
29. Krang: General …
30. Valkara: Not now Krang.
31. Clutch Mother: (the computer activity ends) I have all I need. I will process the data and inform
the Tyr Gash of my findings. You will be held here until they have decided what to do with you.
32. Valkara: We will respect your wishes, but there is no need to hold us here. You have my word as
a Klingon Warrior.
33. Clutch Mother: I do not question your words or your honor, but we cannot take that risk.
34. Valkara: How long do you need?
35. Clutch Mother: It will not take long. Once we have reached a decision, we will contact you. If we
ask you to leave, you must do so immediately. If you refuse, your ship will be destroyed as we
have the others that threaten the Tyr Gash.
36. Valkara: We await your next transmission. Close channel. (the viewer goes dark).
(Vasch enters the bridge.)
Krang: General, I do not like this.
Valkara: Temper your tongue, Commander.
Vasch: What have I missed?
Valkara: Vasch, unless you have something useful that Klingon Intelligence is willing to share
with us, get off my bridge.
41. Vasch: Perhaps I do, perhaps I don’t. But I won’t know until I ascertain what you know.
42. Valkara: If it was my choice, I’d stick you in an escape pod and blast you to an uninhabited
frozen rock.
43. Vasch: I would not advise that.
44. Valkara: If I feel you’re keeping something from me, I will take that chance.
45. Melonar: General, based on the away team’s scans of the reactor, I’ve determined that it is the
source of both the Clutch Mother and the radiation source that has us in its grasp.
46. Krang: General …
47. Valkara: (annoyed) What is it Krang?
48. Krang: What are your orders?
49. Valkara: We wait.
50. Krang: Wait! They are holding a ship of the Empire; we cannot let this stand.
51. Valkara: (Gets in his face) What would you have us do? Attack them? They destroyed a Tholian
Tarantula with little effort.
52. Krang: (argues back) So have we.
53. Valkara: (aroused) We have no lack of enemies in this Outback. To survive we need allies.
54. Krang: (relishing the tension) If they decide to destroy us we must be ready to defend ourselves.
55. Purina: Uh … Should we leave the General and first officer alone?
56. To’jet: Choke on a hair ball cat. This is a good thing.
57. Valkara: (realizing where she’s at and how she’s feeling, she backs down uncomfortably). I want
to see how this plays out.
58. Krang: That does not mean we shouldn’t be prepared to strike if she chooses to act against us.
We can send down a demolitions team to destroy the reactor. Without their Clutch Mother, this
world can be claimed by the Empire with limited lives lost.
59. Valkara: Very well, Krang. You may begin preparations for invasion.
60. Siskish: General, I must protest!
61. Valkara: You didn’t let me finish Siskish. We will deploy our troops when I feel that all other
options have been exhausted. I choose to make a friend here today and not another enemy.
62. Krang: Thank you General.
63. Siskish: I do not like it.
64. Valkara: The decision has been made. We will wait to hear what the Tyr Gash have to say, and if
we don’t like their decision … then, we’ll proceed with the invasion. Now, go and make the ship
ready for battle. You’re all dismissed.
65. Krang: (pleased) Yes General.
66. Siskish: (displeased) Yesssss … General.
Act 3 / Scene 2
(Sickbay. Siskish is in his office, going over the data they retrieved. Some of the Gorn away team are
present. He is speaking to them in conspiratorial tones.)
1. Xilit: You wanted to speak with us, Siskish?
2. Shlist: Sklood is expecting me back in the science lab.
3. Goresh: The entire ship is preparing to go to war with our Tyr Gash brothers. We will not let this
4. Siskish: Just a moment. (pushes a button on the com) Nurse Prillo can you get more medkits
from storage please.
5. Nurse Prillo: Yes, Doctor. (she leaves the sickbay. The door closes behind her.)
6. Siskish: I’m disturbed by what the General is planning to do if Clutch Mother comes back with a
decision counter to what she is expecting.
7. Shlist: We have to do something.
8. Xilit: What can we do about it?
9. Siskish: I have been going over the data we’ve collected.
10. Goresh: Did you find something?
11. Siskish: I’m interested in the ancient Tyr Gash legends about the progenitors and the great
12. Shlist: What about them?
13. Siskish: I believe we can help these people. We can make them strong, and with their help, we
can create a new Hegemony. In time, all of our estranged brothers and sisters oppressed by the
Empire will join us.
14. Xilit: What are you saying, Siskish?
15. Siskish: We must be prepared to step in and protect the Tyr Gash from Valkara and the Empire,
especially if they are planning to attack or invade.
16. Goresh: You can count me in.
17. Shlist: I’ll start informing the other Gorn.
18. Xilit: As much as I do not like what’s going on here, I have to be sure. What you are suggesting is
19. Siskish: I do not want it to come to that, but if they force our hand, I want us to do what is
necessary. Xilit, are you in?
20. Xilit: (thinks about it.) Let us hope that it does not, but yes. I am in.
Act 3 / Scene 3
(Short Montage. Militaristic music plays cut with the sound of crew barking orders, weapons being
unpacked, loaded, and prepared, Krang mapping out attack plans, and the Gorn whispering silently in
their own language. The following lines will be sprinkled into the track.)
Chalice: What are you standing around for?
Melonar: Replace the EPS Relay.
To’jet: Put the Quantum Torpedoes back in storage. Load Transphasic Torpedoes
Sklood: We must find a shield frequency to negate the radiation’s effect.
Chalice: Replace every battery pack in the disruptors.
6. Melonar: If you can’t repair the hull breaches from our battle with the Tholians, seal off those
7. To’jet: Adjust the frequency of the disruptor cannons
8. Sklood: Reconfigure the deflector dish
9. Chalice: Sharpen your blades.
10. Melonar: We need more power from the warp core.
11. Krang: Strike teams will beam down here, here, and here.
12. Krang: The demolitions team will beam down to these coordinates just outside the entrance to
the underground facility.
13. Krang: Destroy the reactor.
14. Krang: Collapse the tunnels.
15. Krang: Fight until victory is secured
16. Krang: Conquer this world for the Empire.
17. All: For the Empire!
Act 3 / Scene 4
(Mess Hall. The mic moves through the mess hall capturing snippets of conversation from the various
tables as it makes its way to the table with the outcasts. We begin with the Klingon table.)
(Klingon Table. They are eagerly awaiting battle. They are loud and blusterous.)
1. Proktar: (laughing) I hope the Tyr Gash decide to fight. I’ve been stuck on this ship for too long.
2. Chalice: It remains to be seen. The General is determined to make an ally of these people.
3. Proktar: You’ve got to be kidding me. What could they possibly have to offer us besides being
Gorn...or Gorn like, Gorn-ish, Gornoid?
4. Melonar: The planet is rich in resources. It’s got everything the Empire needs to establish a
permanent presence in the Outback.
5. Chalice: (slams mug on the table.) I must go. I need to distribute explosives to the raiders.
6. Melonar: As should I. One of the plasma injectors is stuck and needs to be replaced. (gets up
from the table.)
7. Proktar: Bah! You two are no fun.
(the gorn are quiet. The sound of eating and drinking can be heard over the background noise of the ship
and the low mumbling and laughing of the other people in the mess hall. There is some Gorn language
whispered occasionally. But a few words are made out.)
Gorn1: … Siskish …
Gorn2: … Tyr Gash …
Gorn3: … Hegemony …
Gorn1: … Progenitor …
Gorn2: … oppression …
13. Gorn3: … the Gorn …
14. Gorn1: … Mutiny …
(orion chatter as the mic flies-by)_.
Doris: I’ve been assigned to one of the attack squads.
Liamo: You too? Which squad?
Doris: The 11th. How about you?
Liamo: I’m leading 251st. I’ll be transporting down to one of the outlying villages.
Doris: Now, that’s a plush job. I’m going to be on the frontlines in their capital.
Liamo: That’s what you get for trying to impress the Klingons with your fighting ability.
Doris: You got the job you wanted, I got the one I wanted. Can’t you just be happy for me?
Liamo: Just be careful down there.
Doris: You too.
(the mic reaches the outcast’s table.)
Torq: Morale on the ship hasn’t been this high since we arrived.
Frintz: I’ve never seen the Klingons so happy, and the Orions … well, they’ll follow their orders.
Martosh: What’s up with the Gorn? I’ve never seen them so quiet.
Hathar: I know, right. They are taking this Tyr Gash thing very seriously.
To’jet: Do not take the situation we are in lightly, Hathar.
Purina: Stop being a stick in the mud, you old mutt.
Torq: Don’t make me separate the two of you.
Frintz: I find their banter entertaining.
Martosh: I don’t. It gives me a headache.
To’jet: Anyone else concerned about the Gorn?
Purina: I am, but that’s not unusual. I don’t like the way they stare at me. I get the feeling they
want to eat me.
Torq: It’s not always about you Purina.
Martosh: What do you mean To’jet?
To’Jet: Haven’t you noticed how quiet they are being?
Frintz: Yes. Usually, they’re just as vocal as the Klingons and the Orions.
Vasch: (walks up and joins the table) Have I missed anything?
Hathar: Vasch, aren’t you usually on your rounds around this time?
Vasch: Yes, but with all of this talk of possible war, my work has been interrupted. Why must
they interfere with my work?
Torq: What exactly is your work Vasch?
Vasch: (Laughs) Wouldn’t you like to know?
Frintz: We’re talking about the Gorn.
Martosh: You wouldn’t know anything about what’s going on with them, would you Vasch?
Vasch: Not that I can say.
Hathar: You’re no fun.
48. To’jet: I swear, talking to you is like talking to bunch of Ferasans.
49. Purina: Hey! I’m not the one that starts panting and bounding about whenever someone pulls
out a ball or stick.
50. To’jet: (growls) one of these days, cat … One of these days ... I’m going to finish my meal on the
51. Purina: Look! A squirrel.
52. To’jet: Not funny Purina. (he gets up from his seat and leaves the mess hall).
Act 3 / Scene 5
(Valkara’s ready room. Krang and Valkara are present.)
Valkara: Commander Krang, are we ready to proceed?
Krang: Yes General. Give the order and the troops will take this world for the Empire.
Valkara: No, not yet. I want to see what the Tyr Gash and their Clutch Mother decide first.
Krang: But, General …
Valkara: Why must we go through this again?
Krang: We have no reason to trust these people. They are holding us hostage.
Valkara: Krang, you are walking a fine line.
Krang: General …
To’jet: If I may interrupt?
Valkara: What is it To’jet?
To’jet: He has a point, General.
Valkara: What?
Krang: Finally, someone sees through this madness.
To’jet: However, I also agree with Valkara. We shouldn’t rush into an action that could alienate a
potential ally. The best course of action right now is just to wait and see.
Valkara: (justified and pleased) You have my orders, Krang. We wait.
Krang: (angry and frustrated) I am on a slow ship to Grethor. (throws his hands up in defeat. He
grumbles as he departs). …battle drills with the strike teams on the holodeck. (He stomps out of
the office. Door closes behind him).
Valkara: What has gotten into him? He has become much more argumentative since we entered
the Outback. Do you suppose something in this space has affected him?
To’jet: (in hushed tones) That’s not it.
Valkara: What was that?
To’jet: Do you truly not see what is going on here?
Valkara: I’m in no mood to play your little guessing games, To’jet.
To’jet: (sighs). Krang’s affliction has nothing to do with this place. It’s his heart.
Valkara: What’s wrong with his heart? Can’t Dr. Siskish do anything for him with his … medicine?
To’jet: It’s not that kind of problem.
25. Valkara: He’s one of the mightiest warriors that I have ever fought beside. It’s the reason why I
made him my first officer. What’s wrong with his heart then?
26. To’jet: General, have you ever wondered why he never sought his own command? Or, why he
passed up transfer requests?
27. Valkara: He has always been a loyal officer, an honorable warrior, and a trusted comrade.
28. To’jet: What about friend? Or companion? A Partner perhaps? And, maybe on long cold nights,
a lover?
29. Valkara: (getting defensive) We never were lovers.
30. To’jet: Why not?
31. Valkara: (in denial she stammers) He’s … uh … Krang isn’t … (realization hits) ... by Khaless and
Lukara it can’t be…
32. To’jet: I recognize that expression. Follow the idea forward.
33. Valkara: (disbelief) He’s in love with me …
34. To’jet: (laughing) There you go.
35. Valkara: Are you sure? How long has this been going on?
36. To’jet: You don’t know? What am I saying, of course not. It was obvious since the moment I met
the two of you.
37. Valkara: That long?
38. To’jet: I suspect longer.
39. Valkara: I never even knew.
40. To’jet: You saw only what you wanted to see.
41. Valkara: What prompted him to change so suddenly?
42. To’jet: That I do not know. You should ask him.
Act 3 / Scene 6
(Sickbay, Doctor’s office. Siskish sits hunched over his computer speaking in soft hisses. Sklood enters
sounding agrivated.)
1. Sklood: I hope this is important Doctor. In case you have not noticed the ship is preparing for
war and my department is understandably busy.
2. Siskish: (Sarcastic retort) Yes. I am sure it is. You must be swamped making detailed scans of the
planet surface to determine the best strategic strike zones and effective blast radius for orbital
3. Sklood: (Exasperated and a bit angry) What do you want?
4. Siskish: The ship is indeed preparing for war, but not the war you are expecting. The time has
come, my dear, to choose a side.
5. Sklood: What in the Frozen Plains are you talking about? What side?
6. Siskish: Are you happy here? Are you content taking orders from Klingons, working with dim
witted Nausicaans, dodging the simple minded Orions, choking on the shedding fur of Ferasans?
7. Sklood: I’m waiting for you to get to the point.
8. Siskish: You are set apart from the rest of us Sklood. You are a department head, a bridge
officer. You are trusted by the General and all of her officers but my first question remains. Are
you happy here?
9. Sklood: (She sighs and lets out a long irritated hiss.) No, I’m not happy. But I took an oath to do
what is expected of me. If anything, I would say I am … content. When we are not in battle, I am
free to pursue my research. I have full access to the Empire’s scientific database as reference
material and as you pointed out I am trusted by the General.
10. Siskish: I see.
11. Sklood: There, I have answered your question. I’m leaving now.
(Siskish blocks her path to the door.)
12. Sklood: Get out of my way Doctor.
13. Siskish: You answered only one of my questions. Now the other. Who’s side are you on.
14. Sklood: I am fed up with that question. Shlist asked me that question yesterday and my answer
is the same. We are ONE crew, aboard ONE ship. The petty bickering between the different
species aboard this ship is foolish and only serves to make life aboard it that much more
difficult. Now If we are quite done here…
15. Siskish: We are taking this ship.
(Sklood is speechless or a moment.)
16. Sklood: What?!
17. Siskish: We will not allow the Klingons to taint this world with their wretched Mammalian
presence. Soon our brothers and sisters aboard this ship will rise up and cast off the shackles
that have bound us for far too long. The Tyr Gash deserve to be reunited with their brothers and
sisters in the Hegemony but not by the hand of the Klingon Empire.
18. Sklood: (sputtering) You … that’s … no … You swore an oath.
19. Siskish: An OATH to liars and thieves! An oath to a hand that holds a spear to your throat is an
oath MADE to be broken. Just as they will be broken when the green tide rises and sweeps their
presence clean from this ship, this planet and this sector. News of our deeds will reach the
Hegemony. Slathis will be cast down, the Black Scales will rise, the yoke of oppression will be
lifted and all Gorn will flock to this new beacon of hope – the home of the new Hegemony.
20. Sklood: You are mad … and foolish If you think you can defeat the Klingons aboard their own
ship. I will have no part of this … (She slips away from Siskish and runs as fast as she can. Xilit
walks in from the side.
21. Xilit: Should I go after her? She could alert the Klingons.
22. Siskish: No, even If she did it would be far too late.
Act 3 / Scene 7
(Bridge of the IKS Kradec. The bridge crew is present. A com channel is beeping as Valkara steps out of
her office. The doors close.)
1. Valkara: Report!
2. Krang: All departments report ready. The invasion can begin on your command.
3. Valkara: Don’t get ahead of yourself Krang. Put the Clutch Mother on screen.
(view screen activates, but it’s not the Clutch mother.)
4. Kresh: I am Kresh, and I now speak for the Tyr Gash.
5. Valkara: I am General Valkara, Commander of the Kradec. What happened to the Clutch
6. Kresh: The Clutch Mother is busy preparing our people for your arrival.
7. Valkara: Very well. I assume she’s told you about us and what we want?
8. Kresh: Yes, she has.
9. Valkara: What have you and your people decided?
10. Kresh: We have asked her to release your vessel as a gesture of good faith.
11. To’jet: Confirmed. I’m no longer detecting the radiation field around the Kradec.
12. Valkara: Thank you Kresh. When would I be allowed to speak with your people about the
Empire’s proposal?
13. Kresh: We will hear you, but it is not necessary. Clutch Mother knows what you require in this
outpost. We need time.
14. Krang: Time? Time for what?
15. Valkara: How much time do you need?
16. Kresh: We have been preparing for your arrival for generations, but the Clutch Mother was not
expecting your arrival so soon. She has begun accelerating our education. She tells us that we
will be prepared to join our kindred in the stars in a matter of weeks.
17. Krang: Weeks? The Tyr Gash are several hundred years from space flight.
18. Valkara: We’re on a tight schedule. We’ll need an answer soon, or we will have to look
19. Kresh: We know about the incoming fleet and your orders in this space.
20. Valkara: So you understand our needs and our intentions.
21. Kresh: We do and we will receive them when they arrive.
22. Krang: What?
23. Kresh: They will be guests of the Tyr Gash people. We will provide them with an outpost in
which to explore and defend this region of space. And, when our education is complete, the Tyr
Gash will join your quest.
24. To’jet: General, it sounds as if a portion of your mission has been completed.
25. Kresh: We have much to do before your people arrive. Please leave us to our work.
26. Valkara: Thank you Kresh we will leave you in peace, and will return once our fleet arrives. End
(the transmission ends)
27. Krang: It’s not the way I would have handled the situation, but none-the-less your methods
were successful this time. Qapla’ General Valkara!
28. Valkara: (half-heartedly) Qapla’. (considers her next course of action) Don’t break out the barrels
of blood wine just yet. My shoulder still aches. Open a secure channel to the subspace relay
satellite on our end of the subspace tunnel.
29. To’jet: Channel is open.
30. Valkara: To Brigadier General Cholaq: Qapla’! We have negotiated an agreement with a Gornlike species in the Outback to use their planet as an outpost. We are transmitting everything
that we have learned about these people and the coordinates to their home world now. Final
inspections will be required. Rendezvous outside the system until inspections are complete.
Additional details are attached to this transmission. Glory to the Empire. Qapla’! End
31. To’jet: Message sent.
(the doors to the turbolift opens. Vasch and Sklood enters the bridge in a hurry and out of breath).
Valkara: Set a course out of the system.
Vasch: General. We have a serious problem.
Valkara: What is it?
Sklood: (Heaving and out of breath) My people, the Gorn…
Krang: What is it? What about the Gorn?
(the doors to the bridge explode and several Gorn jump out.)
37. Goresh and Xilit: For the Hegemony!
(a round of weapons fire is heard. Valkara cries out.)
38. Krang: Valkara. NO!
Act 4 / Scene 1
(bridge of the Starfinder. The dialog takes place aboard ship, but there will be a couple of exterior sounds
of the ship jumping in and out of warp, and slipstream.)
1. ANND: Captain’s Log: Stardate (Stardate) Remarkably, things have been quiet aboard the ship
over the past few days. The excitement that has defined our voyage into the Outback seems to
have calmed for the most part. The star systems we have encountered over the past few days
have been unremarkable and barren. Most of the crew is taking the opportunity to relax and
recuperate. The only item of note today is an increase in communications traffic from our
Klingon counterpart, the IKS Kradek. The warship has broken her subspace radio silence and has
been sending regular reports through the subspace corridor. Commander Vaihuu has assigned
Zeller to analyze and decrypt the transmissions.
Dominic: Captain, we’ve intercepted another transmission from the Klingons.
ANND: Another directed transmission out of the Outback?
Dominic: No, sir. This is a general distress call.
ANND: Let’s hear it.
Valkara: (over the com channel. Gun fire can be heard in the background). This is the I.K.S.
Kradec to any vessel within range. Immediate assistance is requested. We are under attack from
within. The Gorn are … (the transmission is cut off abruptly).
Alura: What happened?
Dominic: Transmission was cut off at its source.
ANND: Neetal, triangulate the source of that transmission
Neetal: There wasn’t enough signal to establish a lock, but if I patch in the previous
transmissions from the Kradec, I should be able to pin-point it to within two light years.
ANND: Do it.
Neetal: There we go. Sending the coordinate to the helm.
Penn: Got ‘em.
Vaihuu: Set a course, maximum warp.
Penn: Course laid in.
ANND: Engage. Mr. Neetal, I want you to start scanning for the Kradec as soon as we’re within
sensor range of the region.
Neetal: Yes, sir.
(exterior the USS Starfinder jumps to warp)
Vaihuu: (com badge tap) Vaihuu to Dr. Torik.
Torik: (over com channel) Yes, Commander.
Vaihuu: We’re en route to a distress call from the Klingon ship.
Torik: (over com channel) Sick bay will be ready. Torik out.
Zol: I’ll send a security team to sick bay.
Abrins: Better put the MACOs on standby. They are Klingons after all.
ANND: How long until we reach the Kradec?
Penn: 6 hours 32 minutes at maximum warp.
ANND: (taps com badge) Chief, what’s the status of our slip stream drive?
Stark: I can give you 47 seconds.
Penn: At slipstream, we can be there reach the Kradec in 21 seconds.
ANND: Make it happen.
(exterior. starfinder jumps to slipstream.)
30. Vaihuu: Anything on sensors yet Mr. Donarti?
31. Dominic: We’ll be coming into sensor range in 3, 2, 1, mark. There it is. Course corrections sent
to helm.
32. Penn: Adjusting heading to intercept.
33. ANND: Take us out of slipstream.
(exterior, starfinder drops out of slipstream. It’s still traveling at warp)
34. Abrins: The Kradec is just ahead.
35. ANND: Put it on screen.
(the view screen activates)
36. Alura: It’s listing to one side. Are there any life signs?
37. Dominic: They’re weak and sporadic, but they’re still alive down there. Unsure for how long
38. Vaihuu: What do you mean?
39. Dominic: I’m detecting major internal damage; life support systems will fail in three hours.
40. Abrins: I’m detecting a hull breach on the aft end o the ship. According to these readings it was
an explosive decompression from their aft docking port. Something blew up from inside the
(exterior, starfinder drops out of warp a few hundred meters from the kradec).
Penn: Holding position 250,000 meters off the Klingon vessel’s port bow.
ANND: Hail the Kradec.
Dominic: No response from the Klingons.
ANND: I’m going over there. Penn, get Zeller and meet me in the transporter room.
Vaihuu: Captain, I must object.
Alura: I agree with Vaihuu.
ANND: I owe Valkara a favor after she helped us with that Tholian Tarantula, and I won’t pass up
this opportunity to solidify our nascent relationship. Besides, if that transmission we intercepted
turns out to be true and the Klingons are establishing a presence within the Outback, we need
to get in on the ground floor. The Outback is too dangerous for any of us to go it alone. Now,
excuse me, I’ve got to get my mobile emitter out of storage.
Vaihuu: If you insist, Captain, but I will notify Byrnes and the MACOs to join you.
ANND: Very well. Also, notify Torik and Chief Stark and have them send a team of medics and
engineers, to join us on the Kradec.
Vaihuu: Yes sir.
Alura: I’ll send Karu’kar and a team of Jem Hadar to escort you.
ANND: I don’t want to alarm the Klingons. I think for now, it’s better if the Jem Hadar remain
Alura: If you think that’s the best course of action …
ANND: I do. But, have them standby in case we encounter resistance to our presence.
Alura: You heard the Captain, First. Prepare your men.
Karu’kar: Yes, mistress.
(ANND transfers his program off the bridge).
Act 4 / Scene 2
(interior of the kradec. It’s quiet except for the sound of fires burning in the distance. The engines are
offline. The away teams from starfinder beams over. Everyone, except for ANND, is wearing an EV suit
and their voices and breaths are tinny and almost mechanical sounding.)
1. Byrnes: I don’t like this. It’s too quiet in here.
(Zellar beeps)
2. Penn: You’re right Zellar. There’s something eerie about a quiet Klingon ship.
3. ANND: Byrnes, you’re with me. Have your men secure the deck.
4. Byrnes: You heard the Captain. Move out. (the other Macos run down the hall, their magnetic
boots echo eerily).
5. ANND: Penn, Zellar, why don’t you take the engineering team and get life support operational.
6. Penn: We’ve got it covered, Captain. Come on Zellar. Let’s get to work.
(Zellar beeps as they begin to search for a computer terminal.)
7. ANND: Chief Stark, try to find out what happened here. That goes for your teams as well Mr.
8. Stark: Yes Sir.
9. Torik: (speaking to his medics) This is a Triage situation. Identify, prioritize, and move on.
Transport only the most seriously wounded to Starfinder’s sickbay. If anyone finds this ship’s
med bay, I want to know immediately. It is time to get to work people.
(The med team spreads out)
10. ANND: Valkara should be on the bridge. The rest of you are with me.
11. Byrnes: The Bridge is this way.
(They walk down the hall towards the bridge.)
12. Penn: Captain, Zellar has found the problem with life support.
13. ANND: What is it?
14. Penn: Anesthizine gas was pumped through the environmental systems. He’s purging the
system now.
15. Torik: Torik to medical teams. The crew was gassed with anesthizine. Administer 20cc of
16. Byrnes: Torik, hold that order until we find Valkara and have had a chance to explain our
unexpected presence.
17. ANND: Agreed.
18. Torik: Yes, Captain. (speaking to his med teams) Standby with the Netinaline for the time being.
19. Byrnes: The Bridge is just a few meters ahead.
20. Torik: Reports are coming in from the med teams. We’ve got a lot of dead. Too many injuries,
but only a handful are serious. They are being beamed up to the ship.
21. ANND: What happened here.
22. Byrnes: I may have an answer to that, Captain.
23. ANND: Go ahead.
24. Byrnes: My teams are reporting that there are definite signs of a struggle inside the ship. If I
were to guess I’d say we are looking at an attempted mutiny.
25. ANND: That’s not good. Any idea who the mutineers are?
26. Byrnes: Hard to tell sir.
27. Penn: Captain, life support has been restored.
(Byrnes and Torik remove their helmets with a press of a button followed by an audible hiss. Penn’s voice
is still coming over the com channel).
28. Penn: Zellar reports that the Kradec’s Bird-of-Prey isn’t in its berth.
29. ANND: I think we know where the mutineers went. (Taps his com badge) Commander Vaihuu,
are you monitoring?
30. Vaihuu: (over the com) Yes, Captain.
31. ANND: Maintain yellow alert and have Neetal scan the area.
32. Vaihuu: What is he looking for exactly?
33. ANND: I don’t know. A warp signature, any signs of a cloaked ship, anything unusual that could
tell us where that Bird of Prey went.
34. Vaihuu: Right away. Vaihuu out.
35. Byrnes: The door to the bridge is sealed from the other side.
36. ANND: Can you override?
37. Byrnes: (laughs and fires a round from his gun) That should do it.
38. ANND: That’s not what I meant, but I can’t argue with the results.
39. Byrnes: (straining to push open the door) Torik, give me a hand pushing the door open.
(without much effort Torik pushes the door open. We hear the heavy blast door slide aside. They
hurry inside. Byrnes is the first one in.)
40. Byrnes: We’re clear. The General and her first officer are over here.
41. ANND: Dr. Torik, what’s their condition?
42. Torik: The First officer has suffered multiple disruptor impacts and blunt forse trauma but his
armor and personal shields took most of the impacts. He does have a minor concussion, easily
repaired. The General is seriously wounded, looks like a pulse-wave disruptor blast at close
range. Her nervous system is in shock and she is developing a brain hemorrhage. I’ll have to
transport her to sick bay immediately. (taps combadge) Standby to beam two directly to sickbay.
Let me wake the First Officer first. (a hypo is injected into the first officer’s neck).
43. Krang: (Disoriented) Wha … Who …
44. Torik: The disorientation will wear off quickly.
45. Krang: (Eyes focusing he growls in recognition.) Starfleet…
ANND: I am Captain ANND of the USS Starfinder.
Krang: (vehemently) I know who you are, Captain.
ANND: We got your distress call.
Krang: So you board my ship and seek to pick it apart like carrion birds?
ANND: No, we…
Krang: You will not take this ship! (He lunges at ANND, letting out an angry war cry)
Byrnes: Captain, look out! (He intercepts Krang and they struggle, grappling, punching, kicking.
Krang’s Blade striking Byrnes’s rifle. As they fight Krang keep shouting.)
Krang: You will not take this ship from me!
ANND: Byrnes!
Byrnes: It’s alright Captain, I’ve been sparring with Karu’Kar, I can handle an angry Klingon.
Krang: I will not let you take this ship, I will not let you take the General!
Torik: I believe I understand now.
ANND: What do you mean Doctor?
Torik: Sargent, If you would be so kind as to hold the Commander still for a moment.
Byrnes: (Hufing with exertion) I’ve got this! I can take him!
Torik: I highly doubt that.
Krang: (Lets out a long enraged scream)
Byrnes: (Sounding fatigued) Ok Doc, I could use a hand.
Torik: Only one hand. Forgive me Commander. (Krang goes suddenly silent and crumples to the
floor in a heap.)
Byrnes: Doc, you are going to have to teach me that nerve pinch trick some time.
Toric: It is far from any form of trickery. It is a delicate and precise maneuver that takes
significant mental discipline to achieve – discipline, I’m afraid, you do not possess, Sargent.
Byrnes: I Love a challenge.
ANND: That’s enough from both of you. Doctor, revive Commander Krang gently. We need his
cooperation if we are to help this ship. Byrnes, stand ready, just in case.
Krang: (The hypospray hisses and Krang begins to stir) Ugh, my General…I will protect you.
ANND: (With a commanding voice) Commander Krang, can you hear me?
Krang: (He pauses as he looks to ANND) You? Oh…it is you. Starfinder. I should have guessed it
would be you who responded to the General’s distress call.
ANND: We have little time Commander. The General is wounded and she must be treated if she
is going to live.
Krang: You should have let us die, you have robbed us of our place in Sto-vo-kor.
ANND: You should be grateful Commander. As I understand it failing to prevent a mutiny entitles
you to a seat on the Barge of the Dead. Now if that is the fate you want for General Valkara, by
all means, keep her here to die an inglorious death. You will have protected her in vain.
Krang: (reluctantly complies) If any harm comes to her on your ship, I will see you in Grethor.
ANND: We’re here to help Commander, nothing more.
Torik: Byrnes, here is the hypo. Start waking the bridge crew.
Byrnes: Sure thing, Doc.
80. Torik: (taps his combadge) Two to beam to sickbay now.
(Transporter whisks him and Valkara away as Byrnes moves about the bridge reviving the crew).
ANND: What happened here?
Krang: I do not have to answer any of your questions.
To’jet: The Gorn … They mutinied.
Krang: Hold your tongue you old fool!
To’jet: If they were here to take this ship, why would they have gone to all of the trouble of
waking us?
(another hypo)
86. Krang: (growls) Siskish …
87. ANND: Who’s Siskish?
88. Krang: He was our doctor until he decided to try and take the bridge by force.
(As they talk about what happened, the action fades in and fills the background punctuating the
89. To’jet: The Gorn burst onto the bridge and opened fire immediately.
(Battle cries from the Gorn and disruptor bolts are fired)
90. Krang: Valkara was struck in the opening volley
(Valkara cries out in pain)
91. To’jet: We sprang into action.
(attack yells from the bridge crew. Weapons are unholstered. Blades unsheathe. Disruptor fire.)
92. Krang: (background). Kill the dishonorable petaQ!
93. To’jet: The spirit of Kahless descended on Krang.
(blade swipes. Gorn are struck by blades. Another member of the bridge crew is struck. They cry out.)
94. To’jet: His warrior’s heart thirsts for battle.
(more blades cut through the air and Gorn as he unleashes his battle cry.)
Krang: (background) Today is a good day to die!
To’jet: He fought off scores of Gorn single handedly.
Krang: (background) Secure the bridge. Lock that door!
Melonar: (background) Yes Command—ahh! (he is struck by a disruptor bolt)
Krang: But I suddenly found myself alone against a horde of Gorn.
(the fight sounds grow more intense, but there are fewer people participating in it. Faster swipes, more
cries out from the Gorn as they are struck down by Krang’s frenzied blades. A long continuous cry is
heard from him.)
100. Krang: Then, the cowards sounded a retreat.
101. Siskish: (background) We’ve failed in our primary objective. Fall back to our secondary position!
(the gorn attack dies down)
102. Krang: I secured the bridge and tended to my General’s wounds.
103. Krang: (background) Valkara, you foolish woman. Look at what you have done to yourself.
(silence as we transition back into the present moment)
104. Krang: and that’s all I remember until you woke me.
105. ANND: The Gorn used anesthizine to incapacitate your entire crew.
106. Krang: Where are they now? Were you able to stop them?
107. ANND: When we arrived, they were already gone and so was the ship’s Auxiliary Bird of Prey.
108. Krang: Those thieving Gorn will pay for what they have done. Now, leave our ship. We have
much to do before we can pursue them.
109. ANND: We’d like to help.
110. Krang: can help by staying out of our way.
111. ANND: If you insist, I guess, we’ll return to our ship. I’ll check on Valkara and report back to you
as soon as I know about her condition.
Act 4 / Scene 3
(sickbay aboard the starfinder. Dr. Torik is busy treating the Klingons that were transported aboard.
Valkara wakes up.
1. Valkara: Where am I?
2. Torik: You’re in sickbay aboard the USS Starfinder, General. I’m Dr. Torik and I’ve been treating
your injuries.
3. Valkara: This is unacceptable. Send me back to my ship at once!
4. Torik: (taps his combadge) Torik to Captain ANND.
5. ANND: (over the com channel) What is it doctor?
6. Torik: Our VIP guest is awake.
7. ANND: On my way. (channel closes)
(ANND’s hologram materializes in the Torik’s office in sickbay)
8. ANND: Where is she, doctor?
9. Valkara: Am I your prisoner, Starfleet?
ANND: (steps over to her biobed) You are our guest. How are you feeling?
Valkara: I am fine. Why am I here?
ANND: Doctor.
Torik: You took the brunt of a close range pulse-wave disruptor blast. We arrived just in time to
save your life.
Valkara: You should not have denied my entry into Sto’vo’kor.
ANND: You can rest assured there is no honor in your death at this time as I explained to your
First Officer.
Torik: I have repaired the damage to your nervous system and healed your wounds. You may be
sore for a few days, but I don’t see any reason to keep you here any longer.
Valkara: Good. Now get out of my way.
ANND: We have a few questions first, General.
Valkara: (She scoffs, annoyed) Of course you do.
ANND: Do you know why the Gorn decided to mutiny against you?
Valkara: I have my suspicions, but I cannot say for sure
ANND: Well, we know where they went.
Valkara: (She growls, a predator taking the scent of her prey) Tell me where they are.
ANND: We analyzed the warp signature of your bird of prey and tracked it back to the planet
from which you had come.
Valkara: (suspects that he knows more than he’s letting on) Show me the way to my ship, and
we will deal with these traitors directly.
ANND: Your ship is in no shape to take them on alone. You’ve got hull breaches and your
engines are offline.
Valkara: What did you do to my ship, Human?
ANND: We didn’t do this to you. We found you this way. But, we’re willing to help you repair
your vessel and deal with your mutineers.
Valkara: What do you want in return?
ANND: The Outback is a dangerous place, even for Klingons. I believe we need to work together
in order to achieve our goals.
Valkara: We are Klingons. We do not need your help.
ANND: Even Kahless had Lukara to fight at his side in the Great Hall of Qam-Chee.
Valkara: (Laughs at the thought) You are no Kahless.
ANND: Even so, the fact remains that we need each other.
Valkara: There is truth to your words. We will allow you to join us to track the fugitives, but we
will deal with them in our way and by our laws. I warn you now, do not interfere with my
vengeance. We must reclaim our honor. Do I make myself clear?
ANND: This could be a pivotal moment for our two ships. One that could lead to greater rewards
in the future.
Valkara: Perhaps after the mutineers have been dealt with, we can dine together?
ANND: What about your par’Mach’kai?
Valkara: par’Mach’kai? I have no mate.
ANND: Your first officer, I just assumed.
41. Valkara: What are you talking about?
42. ANND: When we found you, he held you and protected you. When we revived him, he attacked
us to protect you.
43. Valkara: (thoughtfully) Return me to my ship.
Act 4 / Scene 4
(Transporter Room of the IKS Kradec. Proktar is on duty. Doris and Jeneiva are working nearby. Door
opens and Krang walks into the transporter room.)
Krang: Report? Are the transporters operational yet?
Proktar: Starfinder reports the General is ready to transport back to the ship.
Krang: What are you waiting for then?
Doris: We’re not ready yet.
Jeneiva: The Gorn destroyed the transporter system on their way out.
Krang: Keep working. We need to get the transporter online as soon as possible.
Proktar: Should I notify Starfinder that they will have to transport the General over
Krang: Not yet.
Doris: Commander, it’s going to be at least six hours. The pattern reassembly unit is fried.
Krang: (feeling defeated) Can this day get any worse. Proktar, notify Starfinder of our status and
tell them to initiate transport when ready.
(Proktar keys in the command and a moment later the General beams aboard the Kradec and she’s not
happy. She steps off the transporter padd and they walk towards the turbolift.)
11. Valkara: KRANG! What happened to my ship?
12. Krang: (growls the words) The Gorn. They killed nearly seventy-five crewmen and injured a few
hundred more. We’ve got hull breaches in 23% of the ship; emergency bulkheads are holding.
Engines are offline. If it wasn’t for Starfinder’s crew reactivating the life support systems, we’d
all be in Grethor now for failing to stop the mutiny.
13. Valkara: My heart is still set on Sto’vo’kor. Grethor will have to wait until we can send those
mutineers there or wherever the Gorn send their dishonored dead. How long until we have
warp capability?
14. Krang: Last report from Melonar is two and a half hours.
15. Valkara: Unacceptable. Tell Melonar that he’s got forty-five minutes, or he’ll be joining the Gorn
in Grethor.
16. Krang: Yes, General. I’ll make sure he thoroughly understands your orders. General, there’s one
more thing you need to know.
(Turbolift doors open the General steps inside. She holds the door open.)
17. Valkara: What is it Krang?
18. Krang: Sklood.
19. Valkara: What about her?
20. Krang: She’s in the brig with a few of the Gorn that were wounded and left behind. She insists
on speaking with you.
21. Valkara: As far as I am concerned, she can stay there and rot with her compatriots.
22. Krang: Sklood, like a few of the Gorn being held, did not participate in the mutiny and even
helped defend the ship. In fact, I couldn’t have held the bridge if it weren’t for Sklood.
23. Valkara: Why is she in the brig?
24. Krang: We put her there for her protection. There is much hostility against her people aboard
this ship. We took heavy causalities. Everyone has lost a friend or a mate. They are angry and
want to take it out on the Gorn who stayed behind. I do not necessarily blame them. However, I
can attest to the bravery and nobility of their actions today.
25. Valkara: Very well. I will speak to her right away. (she releases the turbolift doors. As they close,
she says) Brig.
(The door closes, and Krang is left alone with the technicians).
Proktar: The General doesn’t seem be to in a good mood.
Doris: You can say that again. I sure don’t want to be those Gorn, when we find them.
Krang: You don’t know her like I do. Val … I mean, the General does not like to lose.
Jeneiva: That’s good to know, next time she invites me to play a game of klingza with her.
Proktar: The General has never asked you to play Klingza.
Jeneiva: Not yet anyways, but I’ve been practicing. Who knows perhaps I may convince her.
Krang: Proktar, if you want to challenge her, I will see to it myself that you get your chance, but
for right now, we need to get this ship operational. Get back to work.
33. Jeneiva, Doris, and Proktar: Yes, Commander.
(Turbolift door opens again. Krang steps inside. The door closes.)
Act 4 / Scene 5
(External. The Bird of Prey the Gorn stole from the Kradec drops out of warp. We cut to the bridge of the
Xilit: Siskish, We’ve reached orbit around the Tyr Gash homeworld. We’re still cloaked.
Siskish: Take us down to the planet.
Goresh: Coordinates?
Siskish: The cultural center we visited should do.
Shlist: There’s something going on down there. The energy reading we detected earlier has
amplified significantly.
6. Siskish: They’re rather primitive. I doubt it’s that big of a jump.
7. Shlist: It’s been magnified by a factor of 10 to 8th power in magnitude.
8. Siskish: (the numbers catch Siskish’s attention) That’s impossible.
9. Xilit: Confirmed. They could not have figured out how to use the ancient equipment beneath
their feet so quickly. Could they?
10. Siskish: I doubt it.
11. Shlist: This seems different.
12. Siskish: It’s more likely, the Clutch Mother demonstrated her power and scared the Klingons
away. We’re probably seeing the remnants of that demonstration. When we get down there,
our Tyr Gash brothers will join us and we will teach them how to harness that power for all
Gorn. I will not rest until all Gorn are free from the captivity of mammalian species everywhere
and I will be remembered as the liberator of all Gorn. (maniacal gorn laughs)
(the Gorn on the bridge of the BOP become uncomfortably silent. Perhaps we can demonstrate their
concern for the sanity of the one the Gorn have chosen to follow through a change in the background
Act 5 / Scene 1
(Bridge of the IKS Kradec.)
1. Valkara: Melonar, your time is up.
2. Melonar: Yes, General. You have warp and impulse online. But we have no weapons and our
shields are barely holding.
3. Valkara: Melonar you have until we find the MuronD to give me a weapon. I don’t care what it
is, but I intend to fight and die to regain the honor those mutineers stole from us – if necessary.
4. Melonar: You will have one, General. (trailing off) The General needs a weapon. This is what
we’re going to do …
(doors to the turbolift opens. A pair of security guards and a handcuffed sklood arrive.)
5. Valkara: It’s about time. Release her from her restraints immediately. Sklood, you’re needed at
your post. … and it is good to have you back.
(They remove the handcuffs.)
6. Sklood: Thank you General. It’s good to be back.
7. Valkara: (turning to the guards) Don’t the rest of you have work to do? You’re dismissed. (to
To’jet). Hail Starfinder.
8. To’jet: Channel open.
9. Valkara: Captain ANN-D, we are ready to proceed.
10. ANND: We’re setting a course. We’ll do our best to cover you if they start shooting.
11. Valkara: (laughs) Today is a good day to die. Close channel. Purina, follow the Starfinder.
12. Purina: We are in pursuit.
(Krang begins to sing. The others on the bridge join in. To’jet, Purina, Valkara, and Sklood join in. To’jet
opens a channel during the song, and it echoes throughout the ship as they prepare for battle. To hear
the song,
Ya-zjah kay-oh
bah-dah too-moh
Sho-jah doo-roh
Ya-zjah kay-oh
Ya-zjah kay-oh
Ya-zjah kay-oh-ooo
Mah dok, u-do
jih dok, mah zjoo
Par dok, cha-bah!
bu-rak, chu-qa
Telbar nay-goo
Moo-go toh-doo
Ya-zjah kay-oh
Ya-zjah kay-oh
Ya-zjah kayoh-ooo
Boh-naj ya-deetch
Not-veer bah-reech
Key-jol kel-baj
keh-dah oh-kie
Ya-zjah kay-oh
Ya-zjah kay-oh
Ya-zjah kayoh-ooo
Act 5 / Scene 2
(the MuronD lands on the Tyr Gash homeworld. It is still cloaked. The ship decloaks. A large crowd of Tyr
Gash gathered around the BOP. A gang plank lowers and several Gorn troops stomp out of the ship
followed by Shlist, Goresh, Xilit, and Siskish. The gathered crowd begins whispering among themselves.)
1. Siskish: I am Siskish and I am here to help prepare you for the upcoming invasion by the Klingons
and their puppet allies. Together we can defend your world, defeat the Klingon oppressors, and
unite the Gorn, the Tyr Gash, and all of our reptilian brothers together under a new hegemony.
2. Kresh: Those are big words from such a little whelp.
3. Siskish: (looking around the crowd.) Who said that?
4. Kresh: I did. I am Kresh and I speak for my people. (not letting him reply.) Your presence here
violates the terms of our agreement with Valkara. Who are you to make such bold claims?
5. Siskish: We are here to save you from the Klingons. There is an armada of ships on the way. Tens
of thousands of heavily armed troops are going to take over your world and enslave your
6. Kresh: I do not believe you. Leave this world immediately.
7. Siskish: You do not understand the threat against your world. The Klingons in their Mammalian
hordes will descend upon this world; supplant your culture and history with their own. They will
take the bounty of your heritage and use it to grow their power and influence. Your Culture –
your way of life will end, for the Klingons will hold a spear to your throats for the rest of your
8. Kresh: The Clutch Mother has vouched for them and she has told me they value honor above all
else. She has also told me about your people in the Klingon Empire. Your King Sslathis sits on the
High Council of the Empire – one among equals, a distinction like no other. And, yet here you
are, contradicting everything we know to be true.
9. Siskish: Sslathis is a puppet, a farce, a fiction to keep our people content.
10. Kresh: We also know about the Gorn resistance. Your words and actions here today lead me to
conclude that you and your fellow Gorn are aligned with them. Further, the ship you arrived in
was docked with the Klingon vessel, it is powered by the same technology. The only way you
could have obtained this vessel would be theft.
11. Siskish: It was necessary in order to defend this world!
12. Kresh: Such a theft would not have gone unnoticed and, judging by the smell of blood, you have
taken life in cold blood.
13. Siskish: That too was necessary to prevent the massacres that will be coming!
14. Kresh: You are thieves, murderers, and mutineers. You have betrayed your ship and crew. You
have turned against those who depend on you for their very lives. You have no honor and are
blind to see all the blessings you have. We want nothing to do with your ignorance and
foolishness. Leave our world and do not come back.
15. Siskish: You leave me with no choice. (raises his rifle and takes aim. Pulls the trigger and the rifle
fizzles out).
16. Kresh: (laughs) Clutch Mother deactivated your weapons the moment you stepped off your
ship. You may leave willingly, or we will be forced to defend ourselves.
(The whisper of advanced steam powered machinery becomes audible followed by the sound of
clockwork equipment clicking and ticking into place as Tyr Gash weaponry came online.)
17. Siskish: (laughs) Defend yourselves? You are defenseless compared to the might of just one of
our photon torpedoes!
18. Goresh: Siskish, you might want to see this.
19. Xilit: They are not as defenseless as they appear.
20. Shlist: Ships! They have ships and we’re surrounded!
21. Goresh: I’m more worried about their cannons rather than the ships themselves. They are white
hot and primed to fire.
22. Kresh: This is your final warning. Leave and do NOT return or we will destroy you.
23. Xilit: it’s time to go.
24. Shlist: This is not what we were promised.
25. Goresh: I don’t know about you, but I’m leaving.
(The Gorn board the MuronD, leaving Siskish all alone.)
26. Kresh: Your friends made the right decision. What is it going to be?
27. Siskish: It appears I am dead either way.
28. Kresh: Perhaps, but all is not lost. You may be able to redeem yourself, if you turn yourself in.
Then, those that foolishly followed you will not meet the same fate.
29. Siskish: You are right. No one else should have to die today.
(Siskish turns around, boards the MuronD, and it lifts off.)
Act 5 / Scene 3
(aboard the MuronD)
1. Siskish: how could I have been so wrong about these people?
2. Xilit: We believed you, and now we are all alone in his hostile region of space. What are we to
3. Shlist: We cannot return to the Kradec. We will be killed for the mutiny.
4. Goresh: It wasn’t that bad being on the ship. Was it?
5. Siskish: I will turn myself over to General Valkara. I was the one that jeopardized everything;
that convinced all of you to join my rebellion. I will take full responsibility for my actions, and
hopefully, she will spare you.
6. Xilit: And if she does not?
7. Goresh: Then, we die.
8. Shlist: I won’t allow them to kill me without a fight.
9. Xilit: At least they would respect us for that.
10. Goresh: We’ve reached orbit. Course?
11. Xilit: Take us back to the last known coordinates of the Kradec.
12. Goresh: Course laid in.
13. Siskish: You should take me into custody. You will lose credibility with the General if I am seen
roaming free on the bridge.
(Guards step forward and shackle Siskish.)
14. Shlist: We’ve got two ships incoming. (pause and work the console.) It’s the Kradec. They’ve got
Starfinder with them.
15. Siskish: Put them on screen. And Goresh, adjust course to intercept. Drop us out of warp when
we’re within a light year from them.
16. Goresh: (hesitating). Alright …
17. Siskish: We must not appear threatening in any way. Take shields and weapons off line.
18. Shlist: We’ll be defenseless. If they open fire, we’ll be destroyed.
19. Siskish: Starfinder is with the Kradec. They will encourage Valkara to negotiate.
20. Xilit: Valkara won’t let the Federation make decisions for her. If she wants to kill us, they won’t
be able to stop her.
21. Goresh: Dropping out of warp.
Act 5 / Scene 4
(bridge of the kradec.)
Valkara: Melonar, where’s my weapon?
Melonar: (over the com) We have one torpedo. It’ll have to be launched and targeted manually.
Krang: One torpedo?
Melonar: Best I can do on such short notice.
Valkara: One torpedo is all I need. Good work, Melonar.
Purina: We’re within a light year of the MuronD.
Valkara: Drop us out warp.
Purina: Yes, General.
Valkara: Arm the torpedo.
To’jet: They have taken their weapons and shields offline. They’re hailing.
Valkara: Target their warp core.
To’jet: General, they are surrendering. They have Siskish, the leader of the mutiny in custody.
Valkara: Good. Fire the torpedo.
Krang: Yes, General.
Sklood: Wait. Shouldn’t we at least listen to what they have to say?
Valkara: I will hear them out, once honor has been served and not a moment sooner. I said fire
the torpedo.
17. To’jet: (signals Melonar) Fire the torpedo. … (torpedo launch sound) … Torpedo away.
(silence as the crew hold their breath. The torpedo meanders along and strikes the ship. We hear a
distant explosion).
Sklood: We missed their warp core, but we’ve breached their hull. They’re venting atmosphere.
To’jet: Starfinder is hailing us now.
Valkara: (satisfied) Open a channel to both vessels.
To’jet: Channel open, General.
Valkara: (confidently) We are prepared to accept your unconditional surrender. Comply or be
23. Sklood: General, please don’t do anything hasty.
24. Krang: Sklood, you’re bordering on insubordination.
25. Sklood: if you kill them, then, you are giving credibility to their beliefs that the Empire is
suppressing them. You’d turn them into martyrs.
26. Krang: That’s enough!
27. Sklood: This is an opportunity, General. Show them mercy and punish the one responsible for
poisoning their minds against the Empire.
28. Krang: That’s it.
29. Valkara: Wait Krang. (thoughtfully) I will accept your terms if you hand over Siskish immediately.
In exchange I will allow you all back onto my ship. Each of you will be required to service the
crew until you’ve proven yourself and earned my trust, that of my officers, and the crew. If I
even suspect that something like this will occur again, I will not hesitate to execute each and
every one of you. Do you accept these terms?
30. Xlist: We accept your terms.
31. Valkara: We will transmit transport coordinates to you shortly. End Transmission. (channel
closes). Sklood, I’m holding you personally responsible for these people. For your sake, I hope
you can keep them in line.
32. Sklood: Thank you, General. We will not disappoint you.
33. Valkara: To’jet, on my orders, send them the coordinates to the starboard docking port, just
inside the airlock for Siskish. Purina, give them the best view of the docking port. Krang, you
have the bridge. Sklood, you’re with me.
34. To’jet, Siskish, Purina, Krang, and Sklood: (all say a variation of) Yes General. As you command.
Right away.
Act 5 / Scene 5
(Aboard the kradec, outside of the starboard airlock. Valkara and Sklood walk up.)
Valkara: Perhaps we should invite Captain ANN-D to witness the execution.
Sklood: Starfleet would object to this.
Valkara: Yes, they would. However, ANN-D strikes me as someone that would appreciate this.
Sklood: I don’t agree, but don’t let me stop you.
Valkara: It was a rhetorical question, Commander. (taps her combadge) Contact Starfinder, and
extend an invitation to Captain ANN-D to witness the execution.
6. Krang: (over the com) Yes, General. … The channel is open
7. Valkara: We are in position. Would you care to witness the determination of this ship and her
crew to the redemption of our honor?
8. ANND: (over the com) Thank you for the offer General. I will join you momentarily.
(ANND beams aboard the Kradec a few feet from Valkara and Sklood).
9. Valkara: Welcome back Captain.
10. ANND: Thank you for allowing me to bear witness to the redemption of your honor.
11. Sklood: May we get this horrible business over with please?
12. Valkara: There’s no need to be squeamish, Commander. (she taps her combadge.) Hail the
MuronD, and order them to beam Siskish to the coordinates.
13. Krang: (over the com) Your order has been relayed.
(Siskish beams to the sealed chamber between airlocks.)
14. Valkara: (steps up to the airlock, and pushes a com button) Last words are usually not allowed in
these circumstances, but in honor of our guest, I will allow them this time. What do you say?
15. Siskish: (through the com) You gave your word that my people will not suffer for the choices I
16. Valkara: I intend to keep it. Die well, and may you rot in Grethor, or whatever hell, you Gorn
(She pushes a button and the outer airlock door opens and the contents of the airlock are flushed away
into space.)
Sklood: (Saddened by what she witnessed) And now it is done.
Valkara: Sklood go to the ventral docking port and welcome your people aboard.
Sklood: Yes General.
Valkara: Make sure they are aware that I am holding you personally responsible for their actions
and reintegration into the rest of the crew.
Sklood: I will notify them immediately. (Sklood walks away).
Valkara: (taps her combadge) Bridge. Hail the MuronD and tell them to return the ship to its
Krang: (over com) As you command.
Valkara: Based on your silence, I assume you disapprove of our methods?
ANND: It is not the Federation’s policy to interfere with the internal politics of the Empire. Nor is
it my place to pass judgment of the laws and customs of others no matter how I feel about them
personally. However, I have to admit that I am surprised that you didn’t kill them all for their
Valkara: They all deserved to die for the dishonor they bestowed on this ship. However, it would
be detrimental to our mission if I executed a sixth of my crew. They will be permitted the
opportunity to regain their honor and my trust.
ANND: I see. General, Have you given any consideration to our previous conversation?
Cooperation would be in our best interest if we are to survive out here.
Valkara: Based on your actions today, it is not outside the realm of possibilities.
ANND: In the spirit of friendship, I need to tell you that we know that the Empire is staking a
claim in the Outback.
Valkara: (getting angry) What!
ANND: We know the Empire is establishing a starbase on this planet.
Valkara: You have compromised our encryption?
33. ANND: It wasn’t difficult, but that is not important. We would like permission to use the
starbase as a port of call for supplies, repairs, and shore leave once it has become active.
34. Valkara: This is how you negotiate? You spy on us, rub our failures in our faces, and then
attempt to gain unfettered access to the Empire’s newest asset? You have gall Captain. I like
that, but I do not like being backed into a corner.
35. ANND: If we work together rather than against one another, there will be no further need for
subterfuge and mistrust. Our respective missions in the Outback are more likely to succeed by
pooling resources, sharing information, and backing each other up in a pinch.
36. Valkara: Our reinforcements arrive in two weeks, the stronghold will be established shortly
thereafter. The Tyr Gash world is already ours. I have everything I require. What does Starfinder
offer us that the Empire does not already provide?
37. ANND: We have enhanced sensor systems, slipstream drive, the ability to analyze and catalogue
phenomena that outclasses anything the Empire has. We’ve got the most resourceful Engineers,
the brightest scientific minds, and some of the cleverest tacticians in the quadrant. We are fast,
resourceful, and most importantly, flexible. We cannot take part in offensive action but we will
do our part in defense.
38. Valkara: (reluctantly) You make a solid case but I only see marginal benefit.
39. ANND: Did I mention we have a company of Jem’Hadar aboard sworn to obey my orders?
40. Valkara: (Surprised) You are serious?
41. ANND: I am. The resources at my disposal can be made available to you, if we can come to an
agreement. Besides, the Outback is a complete unknown, and if there is anything that embodies
Starfleet primary mission, it is the search for the unknown. It is what every single officer is
trained for. Space, the Final … (ANND begins the line but is interrupted)
42. Valkara: Yes yes, you have made your case Captain, and a compelling one. But, I do not know.
43. ANND: Did I mention that you will have my personal gratitude?
44. Valkara: I am sure I will. However, I cannot make any formal agreements until after I speak with
my superiors, but for now I am willing to accept your cooperation … (She pauses) with
45. ANND: What conditions?
46. Valkara: The starbase is sovereign Klingon territory. You will obey our laws and customs at all
times. You will not interfere with military operations or planetary conquests. Any interference,
intervention, or meddling will nullify our agreement and make you our enemy.
47. ANND: Now I’m the one that’s cornered. I understand General.
48. Valkara: Good. You are far more understanding than I originally gave you credit for.
49. ANND: (happy) I feel that this is the start of a very beneficial relationship.
50. Valkara: Come. Let us seal our agreement with bloodwine and song.
51. ANND: Another time General. I should get back to my ship and get us underway. You and your
crew have a lot of work ahead of you.
Act 5 / Scene 6
(mess hall of the kradec. It is crowded. The mic travels across the mess hall picking up conversations from
the various tables on the way to the table where the outcasts are seated. It begins near the table that
had once been used by Gorn. We find Valkara and Jeneiva playing Klingzha. There is a crowd of
onlookers, cheering and jeering.)
1. Krang: Valkara hasn’t lost a game of kling zha in three years. I doubt her winning streak will end
2. Sklood: How about a friendly wager?
3. Krang: What are the stakes?
4. Sklood: I’ll wager a barrel of bloodwine against a case of Merridor.
5. Krang: You’re on.
6. Valkara: I will conquer your goal in six moves. Give up now and retain what little honor you have
7. Jeneiva: Don’t be so hasty General, because now you’re down two pieces.
(moving on to the second table)
8. Xilit: Melonar, if we reroute power to the primary containment field, we can take the secondary
antimatter pod offline to repair the damage.
9. Melonar: That’s not a bad idea, Xilit. But, it’ll reduce power to weapons, shields, and engines. I’ll
have to let the General know that we will be in a weakened state until repairs are complete.
10. Doris: We can always tap into the impulse engines.
11. Xilit: What’s that?
12. Doris: We can supplement power to the containment field by siphoning it from the impulse
engines. Then, there wouldn’t be such a drain on those other systems. It’s not warp power, but
we’d at least be able to keep the lights on during a fight.
13. Melonar: That’s a good idea. Start working on a plan, while I get us something to drink. (gets up
from his chair and goes to the replicator)
14. Xilit: I’d have to reconfigure the EPS grid. I’ll need about an hour, but it’s doable.
(moving on to the third table.)
15. Liamo: This is a holo-image of my nephew.
16. Chalice: He’s a fine looking boy. He will one day make a mighty warrior or a suave dahar master
that will have all of the ladies chasing after him.
17. Liamo: Thanks. How about you Goresh? Do you have any children.
18. Goresh: We do not have the same family structure as most mammalian species. Our eggs are
incubated in hatcheries, and our hatchlings are cared for by caste educators.
19. Chalice: So, no children then?
20. Goresh: My mate has borne six eggs since we were assigned to one another. I do not know if any
21. Liamo: Assigned? Are you saying Gorn are assigned mates?
22. Goresh: Yes. Caste Committees pair off genetically compatible Gorn for reproductive purposes.
23. Chalice: That is different.
(Moving back to the first)
Valkara: What just happened?
Jeneiva: It appears I will take your goal in three moves.
Krang: No. This is not possible.
Sklood: I like my Merridor fresh and from the Labor caste in the Thilt region of the homeworld.
Krang: As luck would have it, I think the late doctor had a case stashed in the cargo hold. I shall
return. (he starts to walk away from the group.)
Valkara: (laughs good naturely) Well done. It has been a long time since I faced off against a
worthy opponent. Now, if you will excuse me.
Jeneiva: Thank you General. You had me in trouble a few times there. Who’s next?
Valkara: Krang, I must have a word with you. (he stops and she walks up to him, away from
prying ears)
Krang: What is it Valkara?
Valkara: I know how you feel about me.
Krang: You do?
Valkara: I never suspected, and always considered you to be my loyal first officer. I will need
time to understand my own feelings. However, in the meantime, I do not want your emotions to
interfere with the operation of this ship.
Krang: I see.
Valkara: I need the old Krang to return: the one that fought at my side for so many years.
Krang: Yes, General. Now, if you will excuse me, I have a case of Merridor to dig up for the crew.
Valkara: Very well my friend.
(moving on to the fourth table with the outcasts. It’s the usual crew, but To’jet has joined them.)
Frintz: Has anyone noticed the changes to the crew since the Gorn have returned?
Torq: You’re telling me. There hasn’t been a fight in over a week. I’ve never been so bored.
M’artosh: I’ve never seen Engineering run so smoothly.
To’jet: Efficiency is up all over the ship. It’s a testament to the General’s leadership.
Hathar: The entire crew has really come together.
Frintz: They sure have. Before the mutiny, the various species aboard the ship didn’t interact
with one another any more than they had to. Now and look at them. Looks like forced
integration really did the trick.
46. Hathar: This doesn’t even seem like the same ship and crew.
47. Torq: And, yet, here we are. Same group, same table, and still out of the loop.
48. To’jet: (sighs heavily) The more things change…
(Krang returns with a case Merridor. He drops it on the table. It’s pried open, bottles removed, opened,
and drinks served all around.)
49. Sklood: Ah, now this is a good vintage.
50. Chalice: I have never had anything like Meridor before. It is sweet but…not sugary. I feel
energized. (Gulps down more)
51. Jeneiva: It is very different from Bloodwine or Warnog. How is it made?
52. Sklood: It is derived from a sour berry in the Thilt region of the Labor caste hatchery world.
53. Valkara: How is it fermented? Is it yeast or another catalyst?
54. Sklood: It is masticated and held in the third stomach of juvenile Labor casters and regurgitated
after two weeks.
55. Krang: You mean the berries are chewed up, swallowed, the juices held in a Gorn’s stomach for
two weeks, and then it is vomited?
56. Sklood: A good summary Commander. (The table does a spit take. Sklood is confused by the
reaction) What? Did I say something?