Learning Resources Commitment FDTL 1001 and 1002

Learning Resources Commitment FDTL 1001 and 1002
1. Reading List
Key text(s):
Bolton, G. (2010) Reflective practice: writing and professional development. 3rd edition. London,
Cottrell, S. (2008) The study skills handbook. 3rd edition. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan.
Moon, J. (2004) A handbook of reflective and experiential learning. London, Routledge. [Available on
Additional reading (copies of these titles can be found in the library, or accessed online through
MyiLibrary or DawsonEra):
Bernard, G. W. (2003) Studying at university: how to adapt successfully to college life. London,
Buzan, T. (2011) Buzan's study skills: mind maps, memory techniques, speed reading and more!
Harlow, BBC Active.
Claxton, G. (2008) What's the point of school?: rediscovering the heart of education.
Oneworld. [Available on MyiLibrary]
Cottrell, S. (2011) Critical thinking skills: developing effective analysis and argument. 2nd edition.
Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan.
Cottrell, S. (2010) Skills for success: the personal development planning handbook. 2nd edition.
Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan.
Creme, P. & Lea, M. (2008) Writing at university: a guide for students. 3rd edition. Maidenhead,
Open University Press. [Available on MyiLibrary]
Dolowitz, D., Buckler, S. & Sweeney, F. (2008) Researching online. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan.
Drew, S. & Bingham, R. (2010) The guide to learning and study skills.
Farnham, Gower.
Fairbairn, G. & Winch, C. (2011) Reading, writing and reasoning: a guide for students. 3rd edition.
Maidenhead, Open University Press. [Available on DawsonEra]
Farrelly, P. (2010) Early years work based learning. Exeter, Learning Matters. [Available on
Ghaye, T. (2010) Teaching and learning through reflective practice: a practical guide for positive
action. 2nd edition. London, Routledge. [Available on DawsonEra]
Godfrey, J. (2009) How to use your reading in your essays. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan
Greetham, B. (2008) How to write better essays. 2nd edition. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan.
Hargreaves, S. (2007) Study skills for dyslexic students. London, Sage
Judge, B. (2009) Critical thinking skills for education students. Exeter, Learning Matters. [Available on
Lashley, C. & Best, W. (2001) 12 steps to study success. London, Continuum.
Levin, P. (2009) Write great essays! 2nd edition. Maidenhead, Open University Press. [Available on
Lewis, M. & Reinders, H. (2003) Study skills for speakers of English as a second language.
Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan.
Moon, J. (2000) Reflection in learning and professional development. London, Kogan Page.
Moon, J. (2006) Learning journals: a handbook for reflective practice and professional development.
2nd edition. London, Routledge. [Available on MyiLibrary]
Moore, S., Neville, C., Murphy, M. & Connolly, C. (2010) The ultimate study skills handbook.
Maidenhead, Open University Press. [Available on DawsonEra]
Oliver, P. (2012) Succeeding with your literature review: a handbook for students. Maidenhead,
Open University Press. [Available on DawsonEra]
Paige-Smith, A. & Craft, A. (2011) Developing reflective practice in the early years. 2nd edition.
Maidenhead, Open University Press. [Available on MyiLibrary]
Peck, J. & Coyle, M. (2005) The student's guide to writing: grammar, punctuation and spelling. 2nd
edition. London, Palgrave Macmillan.
Pollard, A. (2002) Readings for reflective teaching. London, Continuum .
Pritchard, A. (2008) Ways of learning: learning theories and learning styles in the classroom. 2nd
edition. London, Routledge. [Available on MyiLibrary]
Richardson, L. & McBryde-Wilding, H. (2009) Information skills for education students. Exeter,
Learning Matters.
Rose, J. (2007) Mature students guide to writing. 2nd edition. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan.
Wyse, D. (2006) The good writing guide for education students. 2nd edition. London, Sage.
Further reading on your topic may be available in the library, on MyiLibrary or through the University
of Worcester’s e-resources. For help and support finding this, please contact Lauren Butts
2. Library Access
You will be able to visit the on-site library on training days. Breaks will be scheduled to allow for
this. Access may be limited on other days. Please speak to your tutor/librarian for more
Books and journal articles can be requested from the University of Worcester library collection, using
the Postal Loan Service, at a cost of £3 per book or £1.50 per journal article. For more information,
visit www.worc.ac.uk/ils/955, or browse the library catalogue at prism.talis.com/worcester-ac.
As a University of Worcester student, you can use the SCONUL Access scheme to get access to and
borrow printed material at other university libraries. Most higher education libraries in the UK are
members of SCONUL Access. For more information, visit www.access.sconul.ac.uk.
Books can also be requested through Cornwall Library Service. For more information, visit
www.cornwall.gov.uk/library, or browse the library catalogue at prism.talis.com/cornwall.
3. E-Resources
As a University of Worcester student, you have access to a wide range of full text electronic
resources, including academic journals and e-books. You can access using the options details below.
Option 1:
Go to summon.worc.ac.uk, the library search engine.
Enter your keyword(s). Narrow down your search using things like Boolean operators (AND,
OR, NOT) and double quotation marks around a phrase. Use the Help feature for more information
on these.
Refine your search further using the menu on the left hand side of the results.
Option 2:
Go to login.worc.ac.uk and log in using your University of Worcester username and
Click Library Catalogue, then Catalogue Home, then E-Resources.
Choose your subject area and click Find Resources.
You will see a list of relevant resources. Click on any of these to start searching. If you are presented
with another log in screen, re-enter your University username and password.
Recommended resources for e-books: MyiLibrary, DawsonEra
Recommended resources for journals: Academic Search Complete, British Education Index,
SwetsWise Journals
For advice and help using the e-resources, ask your module leader or contact the Academic Librarian
(see below for more details).
If you have problems accessing the e-resources because your login details do not work, contact the
IT Helpdesk (helpdesk@worc.ac.uk or 01905 857500).
4. Academic Librarian
Support with research, and guidance on the University of Worcester e-resources can be provided by
the Academic Librarian for the Learning Institute, Lorna Crouchen. Lorna can normally be contacted
by email at library@learninginstitute.co.uk, however she is on maternity leave from 1st October
until mid April. For help and support using these services during her absence, please contact Lauren
Butts (lauren.butts@learninginstitute.co.uk).
5. Learning Institute website
Class and tutor notes for the module will be uploaded to www.learninginstitute.co.uk, in the FD
student area. There may also be additional/further reading, including digitised chapters from key
If you have problems access the Learning Institute website because your login details do not work,
please contact Rickie Smith (rickie.smith@learninginstitute.co.uk).