Ecology Notes

Ecology Notes
“Principles of Ecology”
Chapter 2, Section 1
Organisms and Their Relationships
1. Explain the difference between abiotic and biotic factors.
2. Describe the levels of biological organization.
2. Differentiate between an organism’s habitat and its niche.
Interactions and Interdependence
a. ______________________________—the study of interactions between organisms and their
b. Coined in 1866 by German biologist Ernst Haeckel
c. _______________—contains the combined portions of the planet in which all life exists, including
Levels of Organization
a. _________________—group of organisms so similar to one another that they can breed and
produce fertile offspring
b. ______________________—groups of individuals that belong to the same species and live in the
same area
c. ______________________—assemblages or different populations that live together in a defined
d. _________________________—collection of all the organisms that live in a particular place,
together with their nonliving, or physical environment
e. _____________________—group of ecosystems that have the same climate and similar dominant
f. __________________________—the highest level of organization that ecologists can study
g. Diagram:
Biotic and Abiotic Factors
a. ______________________ factors—________________________influences on organisms within
an ecosystem
i. Example: _______________________
ii. What BIOTIC factors might influence, or affect, the bullfrog?
1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________
b. ______________________________—physical, or nonliving, factors that shape ecosystems
i. Example:
ii. Example: Bullfrog
iii. What ABIOTIC factors might influence, or affect, the bullfrog?
1. _____________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________
c. ______________________________
i. Area where an organism __________________________
ii. Includes _____________________________________________________ factors
iii. Determines the ________________________________________ of an organism
The __________________________
a. If the organism’s habitat is its “____________________”, its niche is its “_____________________”
b. _____________________—full range of physical and biological conditions in which an organism
lives and the way in which the organism uses those condition
c. Includes the ________________________________ the organisms eats, how it
____________________this food, and ________________________________________________
Community Interactions
a. ________________________________
i. Occurs when organisms of the same or different species attempt to use an ecological
resource in the ___________________________________________
ii. _______________________—refers to any necessity of life,
iii. __________________________________________ in nature often results in a winner and
a loser—with the losing organism failing to survive
iv. ______________________________________________________________—states that
no two species can occupy the same niche in the same habitat at the same time
b. _______________________________
i. Interaction in which ___________________________________________ and ________on
another organism
ii. __________________________________ —the organism that does the killing and eating
Ex: _____________________
iii. Prey —food organism Ex: _____________________
c. ___________________________________
i. Any __________________________ in which two species
ii. Symbiosis means “___________________________________________”
iii. There are three main classes of symbiotic relationships in nature:
1. ________________________________
a. Both species ________________________ from the relationship
b. Ex: ________________________________________
i. _______________________ need
___________________________(bees, butterflies) to reproduce
ii. ___________________________ obtain _________________
from the _________________________________
iii. Both are ____________________________________ —MUTUAL
2. _________________________________________
a. One member _______________________ and the other is
b. Ex: __________________________________________________
i. _____________________________, small marine animals, attach
themselves to _________________________
ii. __________________________ perform
______________________ to the __________________, but
iii. As the ____________________________, the
____________________________ are able to eat the food
particles that pass by—
3. ___________________________________
a. One organism lives _____________________________________ and
b. The _______________________ obtains _____________________
nutritional needs from the other organism, called the host
c. Ex: __________________________________
i. Live inside the _______________________________ of their host
ii. _____________________________ most of the food’s nutrients
d. Ex: ______________________________________________
i. Live on the ___________________________ of mammals
ii. Feed on ______________________________________ of host
Chapter 2, Section 2
Energy Flow
1. Describe the flow of energy through an ecosystem.
2. Identify the ultimate energy source for photosynthetic producers.
2. Describe food chains, food webs, and pyramid models.
A. Producers
1. ____________________________________ is the main energy source for life on Earth
2. In few ecosystems, some organisms obtain energy from other sources than the sun
a. inorganic compounds ______________________________________________
b. example: mineral water that flows underground or boils out of hot springs and undersea
vents is loaded with chemical energy
3. ______________________________________
a. use energy from the sunlight to _____________________________________________
b. Example: ________________________________
4. ____________________________________—capture energy from sunlight
5. Energy From the Sun
a. __________________________________________—uses light energy to convert carbon
dioxide and water into oxygen and sugars/starches
b. On land, ________________________ are the main autotrophs
c. In water, __________________________ are the main autotrophs
6. Life Without Light
a. _________________________________—using chemical energy to produce carbohydrates
b. Occurs in very remote places:
B. Consumers
1. _______________________________—__________________________________________ for
their energy and food supply; also called “______________________________”
2. There are many different types of heterotrophs/consumers:
a. Herbivores—eats _____________________________ Ex: __________________________
b. Carnivores—eats ____________________________ Ex: _________________________
c. Omnivores—eat __________________________________________ Ex: _______________
d. Detritivores—eat ______________________________________________________,
otherwise known as “________________________” Ex: ____________________________
e. Decomposers—_________________________________________ Ex:
C. Feeding Relationships
1. _____________________________________
a. Energy stored by producers can be passed through a food chain
b. Series of steps in which organisms
c. Show a ___________________________________ flow of energy in an ecosystem
d. Example: ________________________________ ______________________________
e. Diagram:
2. _______________________________
a. Feeding relationships among various organisms in an ecosystem form a
b. Links all the _________________________________________ in an ecosystem together
c. Shows ______________________________ ways of energy in an ecosystem
d. Diagram:
3. ____________________________________________________
a. ________________________________________—each step in a food chain or food web
b. _____________________________ make the _____________________ trophic level
c. _____________________________ make up the ________________________ trophic
d. Each consumer depends on the trophic level _____________________________ for energy
e. Diagram:
D. Ecological Pyramids
1. ______________________________________ in an ecosystem can be represented by an ecological
2. ________________________________________—diagram that shows the relative amounts of
energy or matter contained within each trophic level in a food chain or food web
3. Ecologists have three types of pyramids:
a. ______________________________ Pyramid
Only _________________________________________ that is stored in one
trophic level is passed on to the next level
Only about __________________ of the energy available within one trophic level is
________________________________ to organisms at the next trophic level.
The ____________________________that exist between a producer and a toplevel consumer, the _________________________ that remains from the
b. ________________________ Pyramid
______________________—the total amount of
___________________________________ within a given trophic level
Represents the amount of __________________________________________ for
each trophic level in an ecosystem
Typically, the _____________________________ is at the _______________ of
the pyramid
c. ____________________________—shows the relative ______________________ at
Chapter 2, Section 3
Cycles of Matter
1. Describe how the cycling of nutrients contributes to the success of an ecosystem
A. Recycling in the Biosphere
1. _____________________________________ to an ecosystem, but organisms
_______________________________________________ to survive
2. More than ____________________ of the body is made up of just four elements:
3. Unlike the one-way flow of energy, matter is recycled ___________________________________
4. _________________________________________________—the passing of elements, chemical
compounds, and other forms of matter from one organism to another and from one part of the
biosphere to another
B. The ________________________________
1. All living things __________________________________________ to survive
2. _____________________________—process in which water changes from
3. ________________________________—water evaporating from ________________ into the
4. _________________________________—tiny droplets that __________________________
5. _____________________________________—when droplets become large enough, water returns
to Earth’s surface in the form of ______________________________________________________
6. Diagram:
C. Nutrient Cycles
1. The __________________________________
a. Carbon plays many roles and is a key ingredient of _________________________________
b. Four main types of processes move carbon through its cycle:
___________________________________________ (photosynthesis, respiration)
______________________________________________ (erosion, volcanic activity)
______________________________________________(burial/decomposition of
dead organism)
______________________________ (mining, cutting & burning forests, burning
fossil fuels)
2. The ______________________________________
a. All organisms require nitrogen to _______________________________, which
b. Nitrogen gas makes up __________________ of the Earth’s atmosphere
c. _______________________________________________—some bacteria convert nitrogen
gas into ammonia while others convert ammonia into nitrates and nitrites.
d. When organisms die, __________________________________ return nitrogen to the soil
as _________________________________.
e. _________________________________—other soil bacteria convert nitrates into nitrogen
gas; process releases nitrogen back into the atmosphere again
f. Diagram:
3. The __________________________________________________
a. Phosphorus is essential because it forms part of important life-sustaining molecules such as
b. Phosphorus __________________________________________________ the atmosphere
c. Instead it remains mostly on _________________________________________, and in
d. Diagram:
Chapter 3, Section 1
1. Identify what happens when an ecosystem is destroyed
2. Differentiate between primary succession and secondary succession
A. Ecological Succession
1. Ecosystems are ____________________________________________ in response to natural and
human disturbances
a. As an ecosystem changes, _________________________________ gradually die out and
___________________________________________ move in
b. __________________________________________—series of predictable changes that
occurs in a community over time
c. Sometimes succession results from ___________________________________________ in
the physical environment
d. Sometimes succession results from ___________________________________ from
human activity, such as _______________________________________________________
2. Primary Succession
a. _______________________________________ —occurs on surfaces where
b. Occurs on the surfaces formed as ___________________________________ build new
islands or cover the land with __________________________________________________
c. Occurs on ____________________________________ exposed when glaciers melt
d. __________________________________________ —the first species to populate the area
1. Pioneer species on volcanic rock is typically _______________________________
2. Lichen is made up of ________________________________ and can grow on bare
3. As lichens grow, they help ___________________________________the rocks.
4. When they die, lichens add ____________________________ to help form soil in
which ________________________________________________
3. Secondary Succession
a. ________________________________________ —succession following a disturbance that
destroys a community _____________________________________________________
b. Caused by ______________________, such as ________________, or human activity, such
as ________________________
4. Venn Diagram:
Chapter 3
*You will not be tested on any specific characteristics of each of the individual biomes!
Your focus should be on the standard below!
1. Investigate the relationships among organisms, populations, communities, ecosystems, and biomes
Biomes and Climate
1. Biomes—complex terrestrial communities that cover a large area and are characterized by certain
soil and climate conditions and particular assemblages of plants and animals
2. _____________________________________—ability to survive and reproduce under certain
conditions that differ from their optimal conditions
3. _______________________________________—climate in a small area that differs from the
climate around it
1. Home to ______________________________________ than all other biomes combined
2. ___________________________ —tops of the tall trees (extending 50-80 m above the forest floor)
3. ___________________________—second layer of shorter trees and vines
4. Abiotic factors: hot and wet year-round, thin, nutrient-poor soil
5. Dominant plants: broad-leaved evergreen trees, _________________________________________
6. Dominant wildlife: sloths, jaguars______________________________________________________
1. _____________________________________ —tree that sheds its leaves
2. Abiotic factors: generally warm year-round, alternating wet and dry seasons
3. Dominant plants: tall, deciduous trees
4. Dominant wildlife: _________________________________________________________________
1. Also called “_______________________________________”
2. Abiotic factors: warm temperatures, seasonal rainfall, compact soil,
3. Dominant plants: tall, perennial grasses, __________________________________
4. Dominant wildlife: lions, leopards, cheetahs,
1. All deserts are dry—receive _______________________________________ of annual precipitation
2. Can be _____________________ deserts AND _______________________ deserts!
3. Abiotic factors: low precipitation, variable temperatures,
4. Dominant plants: cacti, __________________________________________________________
5. Dominant wildlife: mountain lions, bobcats,
1. Dense evergreen forests of ____________________________________________trees
2. Also called the “____________________________”
3. Winters are _______________________________________, but summers are mild and long
enough to allow the ground to ____________________________
4. Abiotic factors: long, cold winters, short, mild summers, moderate precipitation,
5. Dominant plants: needle leaf coniferous trees such as spruce and fir, some broadleaf deciduous
trees, ____________________________________________________________________________
6. Dominant wildlife: lynxes, timber wolves, _______________________________________________
1. ________________________________________—layer of permanently frozen subsoil
2. During short, cool summers, the _____________________________________ to a depth of
a few centimeters and becomes soggy and wet
3. In winter, the ______________________________________________________________
4. Abiotic factors: strong winds, low precipitation, short and soggy summers, long, cold, and
dark winters, ______________________________________________________________
5. Dominant plants: ground-hugging plants such as
6. Dominant wildlife: few mammals that can withstand the harsh conditions, musk ox, Arctic
foxes, _____________________________________________________________________
Aquatic Biomes
1. Divided into _____________________________________________
2. Freshwater includes ______________________________________________________________
3. Marine includes ___________________________________________________________________
1. Abiotic factors: ____________________________________________________________________
2. Biotic factors: _____________________________________________________________________
Open Ocean
1. Abiotic factors:
2. Biotic factors: _____________________________________________________________________
Rocky Intertidal
1. Abiotic factors: ____________________________________________________________________
2. Biotic factors: _____________________________________________________________________
1. Estuaries—____________________________________________________________________
2. Contain a _____________________________________________________________________
3. Abiotic factors: ____________________________________________________________________
4. Biotic factors: _____________________________________________________________________