spectrum maximum

Operations manual
Search spectrum analyzer «Spectrum Jet»
Moscow 2012
1. Product designation
2. Technical specifications
3. Kit contents
4. Operation and description
5. Software
6. Management and software
7. Appendix
The present maintenance manual is designed to study the principles of operation,
methods of technical exploitation and technical maintenance of the product “SpectrumJet”.
Only specially trained staff responsible for correct operation of the equipment shall be
allowed to work with the analyzer “SpectrumJet”.
Before turning on the equipment it is necessary to study thoroughly the maintenance
manual of the analyzer “SpectrumJet”
1. Product designation
Search spectrum analyzer SpectrumJet is a high – speed swept spectrum analyzer
specially developed and designed for instant search and detection of unauthorized radio radiating
devices and transmitters. Due to high – speed scanning it can detect very short – range radio
signals and high frequency signals. Besides, it can accumulate signal spectrum, which allows to
quickly detect wide – range spread - spectrum signals (DSSS- Direct Sequence Spread
Spectrum), as well as to rapidly accumulate implementations for creating a background
panorama. The Analyzer can solve the problems of radio signals parameter measurement,
obtaining spectral estimates, signal demodulation By means of the analyzer the examination of
electromagnetic environment in the open and inside a building becomes quick and easy.
2. “SpectrumJet” analizer technical specifications:
Frequency range
Scanning speed with 10 kHz resolution
Intermediate frequency
Intermediate frequency range
Bands of digital filters
9 kHz – 19 GHz
not less than 5
140 MHz
20 MHz
20, 160, 320 kHz,
2 MHz
Noise ratio
not more than 12 dB
Minimum frequency hopping
10 kHz
Neighboring channel rejection
not worse than 90
Image channel selectivity in the frequency range up to 3 GHz
not less than70 dB
Image channel selectivity in the frequency range over 3 GHz
not less than 35 dB
Spurious-free dynamic range
Typ. 70 dB
Phase noise of heterodyne under turning out on 10 kHz in frequency Not more than -90
range up to 3 GHz
Long-term instability of heterodynes
AGC system
Maximum level of input HF signal
Level of spurious products
Average noise level
Band of analyzer in real time
Time of 9 kHz-19GHz range analysis, not more than
Input impedance
Input attenuator with 1 dB step
Operation temperature range
Power supply
Autonomous operation from in-built Li-Ion accumulator
Not worse than10
Not more than 20
-100 dB
- 115 dB
2 MHz
50 ohm
0 – 30 dB
0…..+50 С°
110 – 240 V
Not less than 4 hrs
390х310х190 mm
6,2 kg
Power line supply is 100 – 240 V, or from built – in LiIon battery.
Operation conditions:
Operating temperature range from +5 to +50о С.
Relative air humidity 85 % at 25 о С
Atmospheric pressure
460 mm of Mercury. .(6х104 Pascal)
3. Kit contents
The kit includes:
- hardware block with an integrated control computer and pre – installed software,
- power unit (aka – battery charger),
- antenna feed kit,
-operations manual,
- CD with the complex description and instruction,
- CD with license software installed on the embedded computer.
4. Device and operation
4.1 “SpectrumJet” Analyzer Structural Pattern:
“SpectrumJet” Analyzer Structural Pattern is shown in Fig. 1.
Frequency range of the analyzer is from 9 kHz to 7 GHz. The input part of the analyzer
has 14 input filters. The analyzer has an intermediate frequency output of 140 MHz with a
bandpass of 20 MHz. The main path of the device has a separate input and operates within a
range of 30 MHz - 3 GHz. The analyzer also includes a range converter of 3 - 7 GHz with four
input filters, synthesized by oscillator and broadband mixers. The signal from the converter is
delivered to the input of the range receiver of 30 MHz to 3 GHz. The linear path control is
performed through the master controller.
After the IF output further signals are processed in a digital signal processing (DSP)
block and embedded computer. DSP block is based on a digital computer, the basis for which is
formed by ADC, a direct digital converter down (DDC) and a signal processor (DSP). Digital
computer converts signals into a digital form and produces basic mathematical operations to
locate, store, filter and demodulate them. The digital receiver can be tuned to the signal up to 1
Hz. Range signals of 9 kHz - 30 MHz get to a separate input and after being filtered they are
processed right in the digital path.
The embedded computer performs overall management of the receiver, data input,
settings and current monitoring results visualization, as well as processing and data storage on
the hard disc or data transfer through standard interfaces or networks to the ultimate user. The
software installed on the computer is an instant and reliable means of solving the issues of
detecting unauthorized signals
Quartz reference
Direct converter
down DDC
Display 7”
Рис. 1. Structural scheme of the monitoring analyzer
4.2 Analyzer design features
The spectrum analyzer is in a ruggedized airproof plastic case Peli 1430 with vertical
loading and a belt to be worn on the shoulder. Dimensions of the analyzer with the lid closed are
390 x 310 x 190, weight does not exceed 6.5 kg. The device includes a set of antennas,
consisting of:
small-size flat antenna RS / AB with the range of 30-4000 MHz - 1 piece.
directional microwave antenna RS/A3-21 with the range of 3000-21000 MHz - 1 pc.
active magnetic antenna RS/AM930 with a power supply (or battery "Crown") - 1 pc.
The length of connecting antenna cables is 1.0 - 1.5 meters.
Technical characteristics of antennas can be found on the company's website
4. 3 Upper panel.
The upper panel , shown in the Fig.2, contains switches, signal connectors for antennas
and a color TFT display with a diagonal of 8,9 inches and a resistive matrix. All analyzer
management is done by a finger (or a stylus) directly from the screen of the analyzer.
Fig. 2. Analyzer upper panel.
The Upper panel contains:
- Power on button of the receiver
- Power - on and off the embedded computer
- ANT1 – range input of 9 kHz - 30 MHz
- ANT2 - range input of 9 kHz 30 - 3000 MHz
- ANT 3 - range input of 9 kHz 3 to 12 GHz
- 2 x USB-2.0
- Ethernet 100 Mb / sec
- Audio-headphone output
- 13,5 V - connection socket of the network supply
- Charge – charger connection socket.
- Line / charge / accum – AC – battery selector switch (network - battery) and battery charge
- Charge level - charge-level indicators.
Turning on the analyzer.
Take the following steps:
- Connect the antenna to the appropriate inputs, power the active antenna or insert a
battery "Crown" into it;
- If you use self-contained supply, pre-recharge the battery (charging time is about 3
hours, at the end of the charge cycle when all the four indicators start flashing, turn off the
charging when the indicators stop flashing),
- Switch on power supply on the left side of the upper panel,
- Switch on the embedded computer on the right side of the upper panel (power),
- Wait for the loading of the software on the computer of the receiver,
- Set the desired mode and start working.
Turning off the analyzer
Work back, i.e.:
- Switch off power supply of the embedded computer by short – time pressing of the
button Power,
- Wait till the computer of the receiver is switched off,
- Switch off power supply of the receiver on the left side of the upper panel.
5. Control software management and new software versions installation.
The embedded computer is running WinXP Pro SP2 Rus OEM (License) operating
system. If the program RS Spectrum Jet has not been installed on an embedded computer yet, or
if you want to install a more recent version, you are to perform the following operations:
- Connect the keyboard to the USB-2,0 connector on the upper panel,
- Turn on the analyzer
- After the auto – start of the program RS Spectrum Jet quit by pressing Esc on a
computer keyboard,
- Install the program using any media that can be connected to the port USB-2, 0
Specialized software, upgraded though the ROM digital receiver can be reset only by the
6. Management and software.
The spectrum analyzer can operate in different modes depending on the current task.
There are three basic modes defined by the software installed in the embedded computer.
Accordingly, they are:
- Monitoring mode of the signals spectral density
- Monitoring mode spectral density of signals against the background of the accumulated
panorama, differential mode,
- Radio mode, or manual control, demodulation,
Let us consider each in turn.
6.1 Monitoring regime.
The software RS Spectrum Jet installed on the embedded computer is loaded automatically when
you turn it on, ensuring its working ability in monitoring mode and radio signals analysis mode.
Analyzer control is exercised directly from the screen by way of virtual buttons. Digital data can
be entered using the virtual keyboard. If you work stationarily, you can connect a mouse and a
keyboard. It is your right to choose the most convenient way of managing.
In the monitoring mode, the analyzer can operate completely offline, performing a specified
6.2 Analyzer management.
The analyzer control is exercised by fingertips touch via virtual buttons on the screen of the
analyzer. In addition, the receiver can be controlled by way of a computer mouse, and digital
data can be inserted by way of an external keyboard connected to the relevant connectors on the
upper panel. The receiver can also be controlled via computer network. The software RS
Spectrum Jet installed on the embedded computer is loaded automatically upon turning on the
analyzer, ensuring its efficiency.
Fig. 3. Analyzer main menu.
At startup of the analyzer the main menu appears on the right side of the display (Fig. 4),
via its virtual buttons the access to the mode setting and insertion of all the master installations is
performed for the use of the analyzer in the monitoring mode of the receiver. The
main menu also contains a monitoring start button "Start". In addition to the
monitoring mode the software RS Spectrum Jet allows to use the analyzer in the
manual mode with the direct input of settings parameters.
Let’s analyze the purpose of virtual buttons of the main menu.
Exit - exit from the program;
Start / Stop - Turn on / off monitoring;
Setting – Installation of monitoring basic data
Max. – Activation of the mode of accumulation of panorama maximum
Marker – activation of the scale of measurement;
Diagram - reformatting of screen display.
I2C - control of connecting external blocks to the analyzer;
Demod. - activation of access to demodulators;
The top line of conditions almost repeat the menu buttons.
(direct control of attenuator is added – ATT
Menu button Setting opens access to monitoring ranging menu.
When pressing the virtual button Max an additional status line appears max - cleaning save. - download - save.jpeg. These buttons activate maximums accumulation, cleaning of
maximums displaying , saving of data into a file and uploading the background panorama, it is
also possible to save the image from the screen by pressing save.jpeg.
When you press the button Marker, measurement mode is activated and an additional
status line is displayed Measurement – Hiccough – Range max. - Fixed marker. When you
press the button Measurement, you can measure the distance between two maxims, and the
difference between their values (capacities).
Hiccough pressing enables you to see any part of the range by simply highlighting this
part with a finger move from left to right.
Range max. pressing allows to reflect the maximum signal level the displayed panorama.
Fixed marker button is used to activate the demodulator, so it works only when the
monitor mode is stopped.
When the button Diagram is pressed, the status bar with the buttons controlling data
display is screened: filling - line - color - difference. By way of these buttons, you can choose a
display with spectrum color filling, without filling, change of color, or display a differential
signal, more precisely the current spectral density difference and accumulation in the applied
When the button I2C is pressed , information about the options connected to the analyzer
is displayed, for example, comutators, converters, additional antennas, etc.
Pressing the button Demod. Will display a line bar for controlling the input attenuator,
and pressing the button Demodulator in the top line gives access to the choice of the
demodulator bar and sound leveling.
6.2.1. Monitoring mode engagement.
To set the monitoring mode it is enough to indicate the monitoring range limits. After
clicking "Start" the analyzer tunes to the specified frequency range of 16 MHz, calculating the
spectrum in the frequency band + / - 8 MHz with a resolution of 10 kHz. The digital receiver
transmits data to the embedded computer, where the data are processed. Using the
implementation of the current spectrum the computer can also calculate the average spectrum,
exponentially averaged spectrum, the spectrum of the accumulated maximum values, as well as
differential or difference spectrum. All the processed monitoring data are stored in the memory
of the embedded computer hard drive. In order to display you can choose any of the processed
spectrums, including the current one, or any of their combinations, including all of them. Thus,
to activate a radio monitoring mode it is necessary to perform the following steps.
Press the button "Settings." in the menu, or a virtual button "Settings." in the menu bar.
The display will screen a window shown in Fig. 5. Press the call button of the keyboard , and
enter digital data to "initiate a review» - START and to "end a review» - STOP (or "review
width» - SPAN). The same menu contains buttons that change the level of the calculation of the
signal power at the top and at the bottom of the display .. Choose the dynamic scale you like
Next, press OK and the "Start" in the menu.
Fig. 4
If you observe a heavy over charge at the lower, more loaded part of the range , switch on
the attenuator by pressing a virtual button “ATT” of the status bar.
6.3 Radio monitoring against the background of the reference panorama.
Model panorama is presented with two files, one of which contains maximum values
Pmax(F) of the spectrum elements accumulated for the given number of implementations or
time, and the other one contains their averaged values of Paverage(F) in all the working range of
the monitoring receiver.
Radio monitoring mode against the background of the model panorama prepared in
advance is more effective and allows to almost immediately detect and register newly appeared
signals, which could probably be related to unauthorized sources.
Signal levels in urban conditions, especially inside buildings ad due to interference, are
highly unsteady depending on the spot of antennae positioning.
Thus, it is necessary to
remember that such monitoring efficiency of maximum in case the antennae of the complex are
situated identically in space when a new model panorama is created as well as in monitoring
mode against its background.
Fig. 5.
To work in monitoring mode against the model panorama, primarily this panorama shall
be created. Use a virtual button «Max.» (PANORAMA) in the main menu before starting to
work, or else it is better to create in advance a spectral panorama against whose background you
will work. At the beginning, as described above, press the button “Setting” of the main menu and
specify the range in which you will work and create a panorama accordingly. However, as the
receiver operates very fast it is better to create the panorama in the whole frequency range 30 –
3000 МHz, or 30 – 7000 МHz. If further you press the button “Max”, this model panorama is
created automatically in the given range. Accumulation will proceed till you stop it by pressing
the same button. Before using it, a thorough analysis of the created model panorama should be
conducted in order to exclude the hitting probability of signals from unauthorized sources which
are to be detected. For this you shall display all the parts of the range by pressing the button
Having prepared the model panorama (button “save”) and having downloaded the file
(button “download”) , you can start working in the monitoring mode against the background of
the model file Pmax(F). Activate monitoring by pressing “Start” in the main menu. Return to
the menu “Diagram” and choose the image “Difference”. Check new sources appeared in the
monitoring mode against the panorama background.
Monitoring results are displayed and registered on the hard disc. Simultaneously with
registration a list of new detected signals is formed (LIST). The signals get into the list in case
one of the below mentioned conditions is fulfilled:
Pupd(F) > Pmax(F) + Dm
where Pupd(F) – current value of energy spectrum,
Dm – the threshold value (for signal detection against the background of spectrum
maximum ratings ) can be chosen within the range 3 – 12 dB by the button “Threshold” .
Fig. 7
6.5. Measurements by means of a marker.
Fig. 8.
Pressing of the button “Marker” in the main menu allows to measure accurately signal
frequency and power. The appeared marker cursor automatically determines frequency and
maximum value level from those displayed at the moment. Frequency values and power level
values are displayed on the screen. Marker control is executed by way of arrow keys. If the
mouse is connected the marker moves freely into any point of the spectrum. If you press the
button “Measurement” in the additional status bar, you can measure frequency difference
between two maximums as well as their power difference. For this purpose it is enough to move
a finger on the screen from one maximum to the other from left to right.
6.5 Radio mode – hand control of the analyzer.
The main modes of monitoring work are a monitoring mode of the given range and a radio
mode, i.e. signal receipt and analysis. If you detected a new signal in the monitoring mode it
should be analyzed. The easiest way is to tune the receiver to this signal and select a standard
demodulator. The below described radio mode serves this purpose.
To preset the receiver to the given range, you shall stop monitoring, press the button
“Marker” and activate “Hiccough” mode. Highlight the detected signal or the one under
examination with your finger or stylus. A finger move from left to right displays the part of the
range corresponding to the finger move trajectory. Finger move in the reverse direction restores
the display of the whole range.
Fig. 9.
Next press the button “Fixed Marker” in the status bar menu and touch the zone
carrying a signal – the digital receiver will tune to the given signal. An addition spectrogram will
be displayed, it will correspond to the chosen demodulator bar. Additional adjustments are set by
touching a screen on spectrograms.
To reset the receiver in the manual mode no data input is required. You can tune to any
point of the range reproduced in the upper window of the spectrum panorama by a finger