Andrea - Mayatan Bilingual School

March, 11, 2011
Writing Skills, 9th
Ms. Hallie
Acknowledging the World
One of the hardest things in life is realizing how thankful you must be for the things you
have. Even though my life isn’t one of the best ones a person could have, I still have so many
things that I’m thankful for. I am grateful for even those things that appear to be insignificant in
life, but at the end they have a greater role than I imagined; in the same way that in nature a
small insect appears to be insignificant but at the end every single being depends on it. I could
make a list of the things I’m thankful for, but it would never end, so I will talk about the things
I’m most thankful for.
The first thing I must be grateful for is God, because without Him I wouldn’t even be
here. My friends allow me to have a peaceful and good time with them, and, I’m grateful for
having them as well. My family is one of the things I appreciate the most in life. They are always
helping me and taking care of me. Furthermore, they are always cheering me up when I try to
accomplish something. My family also works hard in order for me to have a good education,
which is one of the best gifts someone can give to a person.
Education is a thing that will bring many benefits in my life. The biggest benefit is that
education allows me to find job opportunities, which are hard to find here in Honduras.
Education won’t only help me find job opportunities, but it will give me a job in which I’m
going to be well paid. In addition, education will help me accomplish my goal of becoming an
architect or becoming an expert in mechatronics. It will also give me the magnificent opportunity
of winning a scholarship, in order to go to a college in which I could accomplish my goal.
More than thankful, I feel lucky for being in a bilingual school such as Mayatan. There
aren’t a lot of people who receive an education, much less go to a bilingual school with great
teachers. Mayatan School provides me a bilingual education, which will help me during all my
life. Moreover, Mayatan helps me find a sponsor who gives my brother and me the chance to
have a bilingual education.
In order for me to be in a bilingual school a lot of people must work hard. My family and
sponsor struggle everyday so that I can afford a bilingual education, but they aren’t the only one
who work hard. The teachers who leave their country in order to come teach here are also giving
a lot of effort in order to people like myself. In addition, the cleaning staff also works hard so
that I can study in a hygienic place. That’s why I’m thankful for every single thing in my life,
because every person in the world has done something that has helped me or will help me in the