PFHS Athletic Booster Scholarship Application 2015-2016

Potomac Falls High School
Athletic Booster Club Scholarship Application
Potomac Falls Athletic Booster Scholarship Program
Four (4) individual $5,000 scholarships ($20,000 total) are available to eligible Potomac Falls
graduating senior athletes, trainers or managers for the 2015-2016 school year. The
scholarships are intended to reward not only strong academic performance, but also the
exceptional leadership, sportsmanship, conduct, and citizenship of our student athletes.
Key eligibility criteria include:
PFHS graduating senior
Athlete, Trainer or Manager
Earned varsity letter in a PFHS sport
2.5 GPA or higher
Parent/Guardian is a current PFHS Athletic Booster member
Accepted into a college, university or accredited trade school
Coach’s written recommendation
Examples of exceptional leadership, sportsmanship, conduct and citizenship
Those interested should contact the Potomac Falls Career Center or the Athletic Booster
website for an application and more information. Completed applications are due by April 15,
2016 in the Career Center.
**Submit completed application, including coach’s recommendation, essay, and copy of your
college/university/trade school acceptance letter to the PFHS Career Center, Attn: Athletic Boosters. The
deadline for application submission is April 15, 2016.
Potomac Falls High School
Athletic Booster Club Scholarship Application
<Use back of page for additional space as needed>
Applicant full name: __________________________________________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Phone #: _________________ Email: ______________________ Graduation year: ______ Weighted GPA: _______
Potomac Falls sport/athletic club: __________________________ Earn varsity letter (Y/N): ____
Year: _________
Role (Player/Trainer/Manager): ________________________ Coach’s name: __________________________________
Name of college/univ/trade school accepted into: _________________________________________________________
Have you been awarded a full scholarship to the school above (Y/N): _____
Parent/Guardian name: ____________________________________________ Athletic Booster member (Y/N)? _____
Parent/Guardian phone #: ________________________________ Email: _____________________________________
Provide examples of your leadership in:
Athletics: ___________________________________________________________________________________
School: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Community: _________________________________________________________________________________
Provide examples of your sportsmanship in the athletic environment:
Have you ever been ejected from a game (Y/N)? ______ If yes, provide details:
**Submit completed application, including coach’s recommendation, essay, and copy of your
college/university/trade school acceptance letter to the PFHS Career Center, Attn: Athletic Boosters. The
deadline for application submission is April 15, 2016.
Potomac Falls High School
Athletic Booster Club Scholarship Application
Provide examples of your exceptional conduct:
In school: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Outside school: ______________________________________________________________________________
Have you received detention, been suspended from school, or arrested (Y/N)? ____
If yes, provide details:
Provide examples of your citizenship in school or in the community:
How many verifiable community service hours do you have? ______ Supporting? _____________________________
Contact name: ________________________ Email: ________________________ Phone #: _____________________
Written recommendation from your coach attached (Y/N)? ____
Essay describing “How Potomac Falls athletics have positively influenced my life” attached (Y/N)? ____
Copy of college/university/trade school acceptance letter attached (Y/N)? ____
I certify that all of the information contained in the application is complete and accurate
Printed name
**Submit completed application, including coach’s recommendation, essay, and copy of your
college/university/trade school acceptance letter to the PFHS Career Center, Attn: Athletic Boosters. The
deadline for application submission is April 15, 2016.
Potomac Falls High School
Athletic Booster Club Scholarship Application
Essay (250 words or less)
“How Potomac Falls athletics have positively influenced my life”
**Submit completed application, including coach’s recommendation, essay, and copy of your
college/university/trade school acceptance letter to the PFHS Career Center, Attn: Athletic Boosters. The
deadline for application submission is April 15, 2016.
Potomac Falls High School
Athletic Booster Club Scholarship Application
Coach’s Recommendation
Applicant Name
PFHS Sport
Coach’s Name
Coach’s Signature
**Submit completed application, including coach’s recommendation, essay, and copy of your
college/university/trade school acceptance letter to the PFHS Career Center, Attn: Athletic Boosters. The
deadline for application submission is April 15, 2016.
Potomac Falls High School
Athletic Booster Club Scholarship Application
Attach copy of college/university/trade school
acceptance letter
**Submit completed application, including coach’s recommendation, essay, and copy of your
college/university/trade school acceptance letter to the PFHS Career Center, Attn: Athletic Boosters. The
deadline for application submission is April 15, 2016.
Potomac Falls High School
Athletic Booster Club Scholarship Application
**Submit completed application, including coach’s recommendation, essay, and copy of your
college/university/trade school acceptance letter to the PFHS Career Center, Attn: Athletic Boosters. The
deadline for application submission is April 15, 2016.