Sustainability Policy

Sustainability Policy
Crazy Horses Limited, herein known as Crazy Bags believes that sustainable development should meet
the needs of the present without comprising the ability of future generations to meet their own
needs. It means improving quality of life for people today, as well as thinking about those who will
live after us.
Crazy Bags believe that a Sustainable Community is dependent on people acting together to create
healthy, safe places in which to live, work and play.
Crazy Bags will work towards both a sustainable community and sustainable development through:
Engagement - People should be able to contribute to decisions that affect their quality of life, and
their environment.
Equity - Resources should be used to provide for the needs of the whole community without exclusion
or disadvantage to any group.
Economic Development - We all depend on a strong, broadly based local economy. This should be
developed in partnership to provide opportunities for the whole community.
Supply Chain CSR Policy
1. Crazy Bags will strive to contribute to the creation of a sustainable society by understanding
and solving issues associated with the supply chains of our business.
2. Crazy Bags will strive to support improvements in our supply chains by seeking
understanding and implementation of the following principles by our business associates.
3. We will engage in fair trade, prevent corruption and comply with all applicable laws and
4. We will not be complicit in human rights abuse and violation.
5. We will not participate in forced labour, child labour or unlawfully cheap labour.
Environmental Policy
We all depend on the Earth’s natural resources to live. These resources should be protected and
1. Crazy Bags is committed to the principals and practice of protecting the environment where possible
from the result of the activities in creating products and services and minimising as far as possible any
such effects.
2. Crazy Bags aims to ensure;
a. Energy is used efficiently and we use environmentally friendly options where possible.
b. Use our materials economically causing as little waste as possible.
c. Re-use, collect and dispose of waste in as environmentally friendly manner as possible.
3. Pay particular attention to environmental issues including the conservation of energy and natural
resources, the control of noise levels, recycling of waste material and the utilization of non-polluting
4. Crazy Bags will set and continually revise achievable standards in minimising our carbon footprint.
5. Crazy Bags will educate, inform and involve its workforce in all issues relating to the environment
in an effort to improve wherever possible our environmental impact and to promote best practice.
6. We will endeavour to work with our suppliers to minimise carbon footprint wherever possible.
Crazy Bags strives to implement and encourage the highest environmental and ethical standards
through its global operations. Crazy Bags believes in doing business with those suppliers and
partners who embrace and demonstrate high standards of ethical business behaviour.
Crazy Bags will work towards working practices that promote a sustainable economy and
environment for all.
Crazy Horses Ltd is a privately owned company and takes its social responsibilities very seriously. We
are regularly involved with fund raising activities and regularly contribute financially as well as gifts
and products to local and national charities. We support fund raising activities of our staff and others
with contributions and time allowance.