8.1 HLP Gothic

Home Learning Project – Gothic HLP
What is this home learning project about? Over the next few weeks you’ll be reading a Gothic book independently
and writing a book review about it. This book review will be handed into your teacher
How long will I have to do it? After this week, you will have 5 additional weeks to complete the project. A
suggested outline can be seen below. You will be handing in your book review the week beginning 13th October.
What is expected of me? It’s expected that you will work hard on this project. It’s a chance for you to demonstrate
to your teacher your ability to read a book independently and to create a suitable book review.
What will I learn from this and what skills will I develop? You will develop your Independent TRIC skill seen through
your reading and your response to the Gothic book through a book review.
How will it be marked? You will be marked on your ability to write a in a book review form.
How should I approach the project? This is a suggestion of how you could do the project. Tick off each section
when you’ve done it. You will also need the “Book Review Guidelines” sheet to help you. If anything is unclear,
please see your teacher.
Week 1 (this
Week beginning
1st September
Weeks 2-4
Week beginning
8th September to
week beginning
22nd September
Decide on the Gothic book that you’re going to read. This cannot be the book that
you’re reading as a class in your English lessons, but it could be a book that has
featured in one of your lessons. Your teacher can help you to choose a suitable
book. 
Read your Gothic book. 
As you read it, consider the following:
 How the book starts
 How characters get introduced to the reader, and the reader’s impression of
 The narrative, and how this progresses
 The climax of the story, and how the reader might feel about it
 The type of language used in the book and its effect on the reader
 Your impression of the book as you read it
Week 5
Look at the “Book Review Guidelines” sheet about how to write a book review. Plan
Week beginning
your book review. You also may want to look at book reviews online. 
29th September
Week 6
Write up your book review. 
Week beginning
6th October
Get ready to hand in your Gothic book review the week beginning 13th October.
Book Review Guidelines
The below are guidelines only for how to write a book review. The actual structure is up to you but there is
a suggestion below. Your teacher might give you some additional or different materials to support you
with this.
Suggested Structure
Title – give the book review a catchy title. It might be something alliterative or involve word-play. It might
feature a positive or negative adjective to demonstrate your view of the book.
Introduction – sum up the book in a couple of sentences. How does this book fit into the Gothic genre?
What makes this novel different to other novels you’ve read recently?
Setting – what is/are the main setting(s) used in the novel? How does the author create this/these
realistically in the novel? Use quotations to prove your points.
Character – focus on one of the characters (it doesn’t have to be the main character). What is the
character like in terms of physical attributes and personality? Use quotations to prove your points. How
does the character change/develop throughout the novel and how does the reader’s attitude change to
them during the novel?
Narrative – what is so appealing about the narrative (story) to the reader? How is the reader hooked into
the narrative and what techniques are used by the author to keep the reader interested? Analyse the
What problem does the villain cause for the hero? How does the hero attempt to overcome the
What is the climax (most exciting part) of the novel? What roles do the hero and villain play in this?
How is the problem resolved? Does good triumph over evil? If not, why not?
Is the novel left open for a sequel or on a cliff-hanger? If so, how does the author make you want
to read the next novel in the series?
Focus on the positive points – what did you really enjoy about the book? Be specific and detailed.
Consider the use of language, characterisation, description, narrative and setting. Justify your views.
Be critical – no novel is perfect. What could the author have done to improve the novel? Consider the use
of language, characterisation, description, narrative and setting. Justify your views.
Conclusion – What is the target audience for the novel? Consider age, gender, interests, etc. What other
authors or novels are similar? What star rating would you give the book out of 5? Justify the star rating.