
Name: Terrè Block
Due Date: 9-30-12
Article Title: The Dangers of Ocean Acidification
Author/Source: Scott C. Doney
A: List the major ideas
Carbon Dioxide in atmosphere has increased to be 30% more abundant than a few
hundred years ago; by the end of century number will double or triple.
This large supply of Carbon Dioxide comes from the burning of fossil fuels-coal, oil, and
natural gas.
Fossil fuels contain little to no radioactive carbon 14, but contain unique ratio of stable
carbon 12 and 13.
40% of carbon dioxide derived from fossil fuel remains in the atmosphere, the rest is
taken up by vegetation on land or ocean in equal proportions.
About a third of the carbon dioxide released by the burning of fossil fuels currently ends
up in the ocean.
Absorbed carbon dioxide forms carbonic acid in seawater, lowering the pH level and
changing the balance of carbonate and bicarbonate ions.
Shift toward acidity, and the changes in ocean chemistry, makes it more difficult for
marine creatures build hard parts out of calcium carbonate. The decline in pH thus
threatens a variety of organisms, including corals, one of richest habitats on earth.
Within a century, the surface of the southern ocean will become corrosive to the shells of
tiny snails that form a key link in the marine food chain within this highly productive
The upper few hundred meters of the South Atlantic have higher carbon concentrations
Carbon dioxide (CO2) combines with water to form carbonic acid (H2CO3), found in
carbonated beverages. It releases hydrogen ions (H+), leaving bicarbonate ions (HCO3-1)
and Carbonate ions (CO3-2).
The pH of pristine seawater measures from 8 to 8.3, ocean is alkaline.
The pH of surface water has dropped by 0.1, by 2100 the oceans pH will drop 0.3.
B: Summarize the AUTHOR’s main point
Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere has increased to be 30% more, abundant in the
atmosphere. After, the industrial revolution economic growth increased throughout the world and
the motto “Bigger means better” shaped society. Corporations and businesses produced more and
more, while their products required large amounts of natural resources, like fossil fuels. The
burning of coal, oil, and natural gas over the years has built up in the atmosphere, but now there
is an increasing supply within the ocean. The growing amount of CO2 in the ocean has caused
the ocean’s chemistry to change and affect the creatures around. Carbon Dioxide forms carbonic
acid inside seawater, this acid lowers the pH of water. This change in chemistry, is very harmful
to creatures that require shells or hard parts to live, since the balance of carbonate and
bicarbonate becomes unbalanced not allowing them build their hard body parts. The decline in
the ocean’s pH level will damage the oceans ecosystem and be very harmful to great places like
the Great Barrier Reef.
C: Reaction paragraph
This event is a tragedy of the commons, many resources are exploited which cause
consequences to follow, but these consequences are ignored. The burning of fossil fuels will and
is taking a toll on the environment; I first believed that release CO2 was mainly absorbed by the
atmosphere since it is a green house gas. Reading this article, had me shocked by the affect CO2
has on the ocean, the creation of carbonic acid is very frightening. My first thought on the oceans
chemistry change, was that this could not possibly happen to such an open range of area. There
has to be a solution, which can reverse the effect or the chemical reaction of carbonic acid. I feel
really bad for the shelled sea animals that are having their shells or hard bones dissolved by the
acids in the water. It makes me think, what if the water we consumed was so acidic it dissolved
the layers of our lungs and throats. Over a short period of time probably two or three centuries,
the ocean’s great ecosystem will see a significant loss in the number of sea creatures, thanks to
the increasing amount of CO2 in the ocean. This is pretty dramatic, but by the time my
generation comes to power the world will see a change. The new generation is more conscious
with the world around and the effects that certain chemicals and actions have on the earth. While
global warming has heightened over the years, the search for clean renewable energy has also.
So What?
 Carbon Dioxide in atmosphere has
increased to be 30% more abundant
 The upper few hundred meters of the
South Atlantic have higher carbon
 The pH of surface water has dropped
by 0.1, by 2100 the oceans pH will
drop 0.3
What if..?
 Shift toward acidity, and the changes in
ocean chemistry, makes it more
difficult for marine creatures build hard
parts out of calcium carbonate
 40% of carbon dioxide derived from
fossil fuel remains in the atmosphere
 Absorbed carbon dioxide forms
carbonic acid in seawater
Says Who?
 Roger Revelle
 Hans Suess
 Scott C. Doney
 Victoria J. Fabry
 Robert H. Socolow
What Does This Remind Me Of?
 In the late 1800’s and early 1900’s
people in America would dump sewage
in rivers and lakes not knowing how it
would effect the environment or their
 It is like how the introduction of Asian
carp was misunderstood and now native
species of fish are being affected.
 This is a tragedy of the commons