Policy and Procedures Manual: Zones application fees

South Texas Swimming, Inc.
2014 House of Delegates Annual Meeting
05 October 2014
(Section XXVI - Southern Zone Championships, Paragraph A.2.C) Insert the following sentence:
The application fee is required at the time the application is made and is based on the number of
qualifying times at the time of the application. Final determination of the application fee is made
once the TAGS and Sectional times are updated, provided that TAGS and Sectionals are
completed prior to the first day of competition at Zones.
Paragraph currently reads: Swimmers must apply for inclusion and pay a required application
fee established by the Head Coach and the HoD. For the 2014 Zones team, the fee is $100 for
swimmers with three or more AAAA times or three or more Can-Am times, and $200 for all other
Proposed By: Didi Byerly
Rationale: The Policy and Procedures manual allows for zones entry times to be updated to
include times achieved at TAGS and Sectionals; however, it is not clear how the application fee is
calculated once those times are updated. This sentence will now make it clear.