Aug 16 - St. Michael Parish

St. Michael & St. Francis Bulletin
August 15 & 16, 2015
Pastor: Fr. Harry Tully
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Letter to the Ephesians speaks to us, urging wisdom in our discernment of how to live
the Christian life. We are to “watch carefully . . . making the most of opportunity,” and “try to
understand what is the will of the Lord” (5:15).
We are promised a generous outpouring of God’s help in our attempts to live the gospel: the Eucharist. This is the
“living bread,” the Body and Blood of the Lord. To those who can only think literally, this seems not only foolish, but
repulsive as well. We need to have more wisdom, understanding, and faith to understand properly what we have been
asked to believe.
For our bread, which is food, and our wine, which is drink, to be transformed from things that give life to the
body into Christ, who gives life to the soul, another great transformation must take place. Not only are the physical
elements transformed, we are transformed as well. If we become people of Wisdom, eating of this banquet, we become
one with Christ, who is one with God. We become the Body of Christ, his living and real presence.
This wisdom for us is foolishness to the world. But there is a saying, “The proof of the pudding is in the eating.”
When we eat this bread and drink this cup, we become what we eat; that is, we become one with the Lord and with each
other. The proof of this is in our love. If we love God, if we love each other, and if we love others and serve them in
charity, our love will be living proof of God’s life and work in the world. We truly become the Body of Christ.
Today’s Readings: Proverbs 9:1–6; Psalm 34:2–7; Ephesians 5:15–20; John 6:51–58
Fr. Harry Tully, Pastor
St. Francis Xavier Emergency #812-218-9219 or 502-931-1499
Website -
St. Michael - 101 St. Michael Drive, Charlestown, In 47111
Ph. 812-256-3200 - Fax 775-307-6142
E-Mail -
Office Hours – 9:00 am-1:30 pm Tues. Wed., & Fri.
St. Francis Xavier – 101 North Ferguson, Henryville, IN 47126
Ph. 812-294-4682 - Fax 775-307-6142
Office Hours – Thursday 9:30am-2:00pm
Reconciliation – 4:00 pm Saturday or call the Rectory
Marriage – Please contact the pastor a year in advance. Advent and Lent are not
times for celebrations.
Baptisms of Infants or Adults Joining the Church – Must be a
practicing/registered member for three months. Please contact the DRE: St.
Sat – 5:30 pm
Michael–Juliann Eickholtz, St. Francis–Father Tully
Sun – 11 am
New To The Parish: Please call the office to register. Please introduce yourself
La Misa en Español
to the pastor at mass.
At 9:00 am
Parishioners Who Are Ill: Please call the pastor if a relative or friend is sick.
Domingo – 12:30 pm
Due to privacy laws hospitals no longer inform churches.
Bulletin Announcements: Get all bulletin announcements to the office in writing
by Tuesday evening.
Las Horas de Oficina - 8:30 am-1 pm Martes, Miércoles, y Viernes
Los Enfermos Es muy importante comunicarse con el Padre (debido
Reconciliación – 12:00 el ultimo domingo de cada mes o llama la Rectoría
a las leyes privadas, los hospitales no se comunican con las
Casamiento – contactarse con el padre un año antes el día de la boda.
Advenimiento y Cuaresma no son los tiempos apropiados para bodas.
Doctrina Cristiana: Las clases de educación religiosa para niños son
Los Bautismos de los Bebés o los Adultos Afiliando a la Iglesia – Por
cada domingo de 9:30 a.m. - 10:50 a.m. en la escuela. Recuerden que la
favor, llama al Padre, o – Juliann Eickholtz; a San Francisco
Arquidiócesis requiere que los que van a recibir los sacramentos estén
Miembros Nuevos de la Comunidad – Por favor, acérquense al Centro de
inscritos en las clases de religión.
información. También es necesario registrarse en la parroquia. Pregúntenos
Monaguillos: Los niños que quieran ayudar como monaguillos en el
por el formulario de registro.
altar tienen su ensayo el segundo domingo de cada mes después de la
misa de 11:00 a.m. Estos niños y niñas tienen que haber hecho la Primera
Comunión. Los interesados comunicarse con Pbro.
St. Michael Early Childhood Center – Infancy Care, Pre-S, Pre-K, Kindergarten & Day Care
Rita Poff – Director – School Ph. 256-3503/ Infancy Care 256-3500
El Centro para las Primeras Niñez de San Miguel - Preescolar-Kindergarten y Servicio de Guardería a Infantil
La Directora – Rita Poff – Ph. 256-3503
St. Michael
Mass Schedule
Mass Intentions
St. M
St. FX
St. M
St. FX
St. M
No Mass
No Mass
6:00 pm
St. FX
St. M
St. M
5:30 pm
Bernard Wessel
St. FX
9:00 am
St. M
11:00 am
Heilbron & Viola
Susie Schafer Harper
St. M
12.30 pm
En Español
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Weekend of August 15-16, 2015
Jesus announces that he is the “living bread.” And we
understand that the Eucharist is the center of our life in
faith: in our families, parish, local church and
throughout the world. We are the stewards of Christ’s
life in the Eucharist. We are called to put the Eucharist
into action. How do we do that? St. Paul enjoins us to
be always grateful, to worship, to try to understand the
will of the Lord and to watch carefully how we live.
What are some of the ways we can put the Eucharist
into action this week?
Rosary for Vision of Our Lady of Guadalupe is the
12th of each month at 7:00pm in church.
Faith and Enrichment
Pastor’s Corner
Dear parishioners,
The words of St. Paul to the people of
Ephesus in our second reading for this
weekend are as appropriate for us today as
they were when first written. You and I find
ourselves in troubled times, challenging our
beliefs, the teaching of the Church as well
as values all people aspire to. We are
given opportunities to respond and challenge
those who find fault with the 'norm'. We
gather each week as followers and disciples
of The Lord Jesus Christ to receive His life
giving presence to strengthen us in the
living of our faith. When we allow Him to
fill us with His very life we become truly
wise and capable of great things to the
glory of God.
Just a reminder, all children in the
parish should be enrolled in our Sunday
morning religious education classes
especially those who expect to receive
sacraments. Parents are the first teachers
in the way of the Faith, so your example and
encouragement go a long way in helping you
children grow in knowledge of what we
believe and what our Church teaches. Please
don't let them down. Let's give them the
Do you know of someone who has asked
about being Catholic or someone who wants to
know more of what our Church teaches? Let
them know about the upcoming RCIA program.
Finally, please pray for an increase in
those responding to God's invitation to
priesthood and religious life. The witness
of their generous response aids us all on
our journey of Faith.
God bless you and keep up the 'good' work,
Fr. Tully
Rosary at 5:00 before Saturday Evening Mass
Rosary at 10:30 before Sunday Mass
Saturday Evening Mass Intention: Florence & Calvin
Sunday 11:00 am Mass Intention: Paul McBride
Sunday 12:30 pm Mass Intention: The Latino
The Prayer Group at St. Michael welcomes everyone to
come and pray with them at 6:00pm every Monday in the
Bible Study Class
We will meet again on Monday at 7:00pm in Rectory
basement. We will begin with the book of “Acts”. Let
Steve Buit or Juliann know if you are interested in
joining us.
Faith Formation News
Registration for the 2015-2016 Faith Formation for
preschool thru high school. Registration forms and a
Faith Formation Calendar can be found at Registration forms can
also be put in the collection basket.
Sister Loretta from the Archdiocese Office of Catholic
Education will make a visit to present a program to the
children of the parish titled, “Helping children all over
the world” on August 30th at 9:30am.
Our service project each week is to collect non-perishable
canned goods for the North Clark Outreach Center.
Thanks to last week’s assistants: Cheryl Mann,
Lindsey Wirthwein, Laura Minner, Myriam Nino,
Stephen Dumeyer. We welcome the new families to
the Faith Formation program and the parish.
Faith Formation Calendar
Aug 16 – Session Three
Aug 25 – Session Four
Aug 30 – Session Five
Sept 6 - No class Labor Day weekend
St. Michael and St. Francis Xavier Sacrament
Preparation: The Faith Formation Commission, the
Pastor, and the Archdiocese state that a child must be
enrolled and attend classes the YEAR BEFORE and
YEAR of receiving the Sacrament of First Reconciliation,
First Eucharist or Confirmation.. Baptism of children
under school age requires the parents to meet with the
pastor before the sacrament is received.
Septemberfest/Kermes Meeting on August 19th at
A Big Thanks
Joyce Schafer, Joe Wafford,
Mary Wafford, Stephen
Eickholtz, John Eickholtz,
Brian Eickholtz, Kevin Traub,
Joe Hoffman, Juanita Hoffman,
Geniva Schlageter, Dinis
Eickholtz, Phyllis Eickholtz,
Annemarie Eickholtz, Becky Branstetter, Lawrence
Lyons, Rovilla Lyons, Joan Corbett, Dorothy Smith, Rosi
Kopp, Carol DeVary, Joe Rash, Raymond Eickholtz,
Juliann Eickholtz, Anne Bryant, Neal Bryant, Robert
Lindenmayer, Wanda Lindenmayer, Tim Baltz, Janet
Pike, Rusty Pike, Nancy Williams, John Williams, and to
all others who helped gather, shuck, clean, cook and
freeze corn.
St. Michael Ministries Schedule
Sat. Aug 22, 5:30pm– St. Michael
Eucharistic Ministers: S. Seals, M.P. Beach, Volunteer
Servers: J. Worley
Gift Bearers: R/J Pike
Cantors: S/S Buit
Musician: C. Eickholtz
Lector: S. Buit
Sun. Aug 23, 11:00 am – St. Michael
Eucharistic Ministers: J. Kinder, J. Dean, C. DeVary
Servers: C. Jackson/T. J. Jackson
Gift Bearers: S/A Barker Family
Cantors: J/M Wafford
Musician: Nancy Kinder
Lector: C. Dunn
Please Welcome into The St. Michael Parish Family:
Gordon & Maximina Curry and their children: Leydi and
Michael & Rachel Thibideau and their children:
Nicholas, Hannah. Lindsey Wirthwein and Alexis Hale.
Upcoming Church Picnics
Mt. St. Francis Annual Picnic
Sat. Aug. 29, 2015, 11:00am-Midnight
Games for all ages. Quilts,
Silent Auction Upscale Items
Gambling Tent and Beer Garden
$7,000 in Grand Prizes!
Mass at 4:00pm
August 8 & 9
St. Michael
St. Francis Xavier
$ 3,419.50
$ 1,141.00
Sunday Mass Intention: Kenneth Yost
The Fish Fry at St. Francis for
August is cancelled and will start
again the first Friday in September
5-7pm. Come out and enjoy! The menu
includes fish, fries, slaw, fried biscuits, drinks & desserts.
Thanks to everyone for your support.
Faith Formation Classes
Aug 16Aug 23Aug 30Sept 6-
Class 1st Communion class parent meeting
Labor Day weekend, no class
St. Francis Xavier Ministries Schedule
Sun. Aug 23- 9:00am
Eucharistic Ministers: Darlene Reul, Lawrence Yochum,
Dan Young
Servers: Ben Ulrich, Andrew Banet, Gage Higdon
Ushers: Bill Short, Don Rue
Gift Bearers: Mike and Ann Harbeson Family
Lector: Joe Banet
Please Welcome into The St. Francis Xavier Parish
Family: Lisa Dearmond and Johnny Price.
“To everything there is a season and a time to every
purpose under heaven a time to be born a time to love
a time to heal a time to die and a time of peace.”
Allen Barker, Alicia Blair, Bea Beach, Joyce Bower,
Billy Brand, Sherry Buit, Norma Carl, Darlene Carter,
Alvin Collins, Jim Corcoran, Bernice Donahue, Patrick
Dunn, Don Hamerla, Rita Hamerla, Bill Hawkins,
Shannan Hawkins, Gus Hoefer, Curtis Ingram, Kenny
Jackson, Andy Korte, Michelle Korty, Chuck Ledbetter,
Terri Lynn Maples, Bob Masters, Michael Murphy, Ester
Toby Nelson, Dora Nevins, Ian Newland, Mitch
Newland, Janeson Payne, Ethan Phillips, Jennifer Richie,
Krista Simpson, Clarence Smith, Dorothy Smith, John
Speicher, Mariam State, Mark Thise, Teresa Thomas,
Billy Wayne Upton, Tim Wafford, Nancy Williams,
Paula Wolfe, Emma Yount. Names will remain on the list
for 6 months unless you tell us to remove them or request
that they be kept longer.
Keep College Students Connected - Do you have a
son or daughter attending college? Catholic Youth
Ministries would love to keep them connected to the
Catholic community by updating them on college ministry
opportunities. Email with your
child's name, email address, school mailing address, and
contact number so they can receive information on
retreats, service opportunities, and gatherings!
Mission at St. Michael this Fall
St. Michael will host a 3-night drama mission
performed by, Frank Runyeon. You really will not want
to miss this, so mark your calendars.
LUKE: Stories on the Road
(highlighting the theme of Mercy)
on Thursday, November 12, 2015, at 7pm,
The Sermon on the Mount
on Friday, November 13, 2015, at 7pm, and
on Sunday, November 15, 2015, at 7pm
Question of the Week
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Theme: Eternal Life
For a large part of the liturgical year, we devote
ourselves to listening to the mystery of Christ in all its
aspects unfolded as we seek God’s truth and
Step 1: Listen to the Word: This is a familiar story.
As you hear it proclaimed today what strikes you?
What is there in this story that touches your own
Step two: Look into your Life.
Children & Youth: How does receiving communion
help you grow in your faith? How does in help you to
love others?
Adults: Jesus promises us eternal life if we follow
him and believe. What makes it hard for you to
believe? What is easy about faith?
RCIA will begin September 8th. “The Rite of Christian
Initiation of Adults” is an adult convert program. St.
Michael and St. Francis work together with St. Paul and
St. Joe Hill on the program. This is also a great
opportunity for Catholic Adults (18years or older) to
review their faith and/or to prepare for the Sacrament of
Confirmation. This process is a period of learning as
well as discernment about becoming Catholic. We
welcome people of all faith traditions to learn more about
our Catholic faith and have their questions answered
about our practices. Most importantly, we hope that our
RCIA process helps those interested to deepen their
relationship with Christ and come to know Him through
the Catholic Church. Please contact Fr. Tully or Juliann.
Golden Wedding Jubilee 2015
All married couples of the Archdiocese who will celebrate
their 50th Wedding Anniversary during 2015 are invited to
the 32nd Annual Golden Wedding Jubilee Mass at 2:00pm
EDT on Sunday, August 23 at SS.Peter and Paul
Cathedral, Indianapolis. Registrations forms can be
obtained online at
Retreat Training day, Saturday, Sep 12, 9am-12:30pm
at the CYM offices, for high school youth and adults
interested in volunteering for retreat ministry at their
parish, school, or with the deanery retreat program. Preregistration is required. Deadline to register is Friday, Sep
4. Find us at or call 812-923-8355.
Catholic Story Time Returns! August 19th is the first
session after summer break! We will meet from 10:00 –
11:30 at the Aquinas Center on the 3rd Wednesday of
each month. The morning will include prayer, stories and
activities. If you have any questions please call or email
Christina at the Aquinas Center: 812-246-5044/
To learn more about Pope Francis’s visit in September
visit http: /
A Prayer for Our Troops”
Dear Lord… We thank you for the lives and service of
our men and women in the Armed Forces. Strengthen
them and give them guidance as they stand in harm’s way
to protect our nation and way of life. May they face each
day of their service the same way Your Son Jesus did:
with courage dignity and faith. And if it be Your will
when their work is through bring them safely home.
Lord please also bless the families of our troops. Reward
them generously for their sacrifices which are known
only to You. May we never forget those who have paid
the ultimate price for our freedom and safety: those who
have died in the service of our country. May they rest in
peace forever with You in Your kingdom. Amen