grosmont conservation area

Grosmont is one of the best preserved villages in the County. The
conservation area, designated in 1976, includes the whole of the castle and
church and their associated close-knit medieval settlement. The castle is
the most compact of the three “Castles”. St Nicholas’s church retains a
remarkably well preserved medieval nave and a distinctive spire that can be
clearly seen in distant views. Indeed the views into and out of Grosmont
Conservation Area are important to preserve.
The existence of a Town Hall illustrates the importance of Grosmont when it
had municipal status as a medieval borough. This is a key building on the
main street and whilst there are other significant individual buildings (e.g.
Glandwr) the essential character of Grosmont is derived from well preserved
groups of buildings of varying periods and styles. The other element of the
character of the conservation area is the relative absence of street furniture
and urban paraphernalia.
Grosmont is an essentially rural community and its prosperity in 16th and
17th centuries is the reason for its high buildings of that period. There has
been 19th and 20th century change and expansion but overall the special
character and integrity of the conservation area is considered in this
appraisal to remain strong. It has identified five distinct character areas.
We recommend accepting the consultants appraisal and would welcome
your views on the proposals. Comment by 31st October 2015 by email to or in writing to the Planning
Department, Monmouthshire County Council, County Hall, The Rhadyr, Usk
NP15 1GA.