
Name_________________________________________________________ Period_________ Date________________
Sedimentary Search
S6E5. Students will investigate the scientific view of how the earth’s surface is formed.
c. Classify rocks by their process of formation.
Objective: To become familiar with several samples of sedimentary rock.
Background: In this activity, you will examine the four sedimentary rocks. You will identify them by carefully examine
and observing the texture.
Instructional Procedures:
1. Examine grain size for each rock. It may be helpful to use a magnifying glass.
2. Read each clue then decide where the sedimentary rock belongs.
Sedimentary Rocks: Sandstone
1. Who am I?
Rivers often carry
grains of sand that
sink and become
sediment. This
sample is a grainy,
gritty-feeling rock.
Small pieces of this
rock are used in
I am_______________
Now draw/ illustrate me
use color, grain size,
presence or absence of
layering, presence or
absence of fossils?
How am I classified?
2. Who am I?
When ocean animals die,
their shells or bones
become sediment.
Because bones and shells
contain calcium
carbonate, vinegar causes
the dust from the rock to
bubble. This rock has a
very fine grain and is used
to make mortar and
3. Who am I?
Frequently, smooth
round stones and
pebbles are cemented
together as they tumble
through clay in old river
beds and streams.
These form a rock with
a coarse grain. It is
sometimes used for
I am _______________
I am _________________
Now draw/ illustrate me use
color, grain size, presence or
absence of layering, presence
or absence of fossils?
Now draw/ illustrate me
use color, grain size,
presence or absence of
layering, presence or
absence of fossils?
How am I classified?
How am I classified?
4. Who am I?
Layers of tiny particles
of clay often build up in
slow-moving water.
Rocks formed from this
sediment split into flat
pieces and have a very
fine grain. It is layered
and has a slippery feel.
When wet, it smells like
damp soil. This rock is
sometimes used to
make pottery.
I am _______________
Now draw/ illustrate me
use color, grain size,
presence or absence of
layering, presence or
absence of fossils?
How am I classified?
1. Explain the process of formation of clastic sedimentary rocks? ___________________________________________
2. Based on what you know tell why fossils are often found in sedimentary rocks not igneous? _____________________
3. Deduce as much as you can about the area from which the sediment was derived, how it was transported, the
environment in which it was deposited, and how it was lithified. Explain your reasoning. (Conglomerate)
4. Base your answer to the question below on the geologic cross section below, which shows a view of rock
layers at Earth’s surface. The dashed lines connect points of the same age. Major fossils contained within each
rock layer are shown. The valleys are labeled X, Y, and Z.
In which type of environment were the sediments that formed these sedimentary rock layers most likely deposited?
terrestrial plateau
Explain your choice.__________________________________________________________________________________
5. Compare and contrast the sedimentary texture of sandstone and conglomerate. Which one do you think
has sediment that was more greatly transported during its formation? ________________________________
6. Create your own sedimentary rock and explain the process of formation? ______________