Integrity - Hoops Plus, LLC.


When has giving into peer pressure led to negative consequences?





Today's test for honesty seems to be, "It's okay

as long as you don't get caught," or "It's not

that bad, every one's doing it." What is wrong with these philosophies?






Who is a person that you know that seems to do the right things most of the time? What can you learn from their example?





How can I prepare ahead of time and be ready to combat the temptation to make the wrong decisions?











Integrity - Internal traits that guide behavior

Integrity is structural in nature. It is a combination of all inward traits that build upon one another to determine who you are. Just like a ship the structural integrity of an individual depends upon the material used to build it and the people who guide its construction. Linked to moral character integrity might be described as an individual's inside identity. Core value traits include but are not limited to the following:

HONESTY: Proclaims the truth.

POISE: Demonstrates calmness and self-control

 in the face of adversity.

PATIENCE: Exercises inward strength in the face of adversity without demanding a deadline to remove it.

DETERMINATION: Diligently works' to reach goals regardless of the obstacles.

PASSION: Has an intense emotion and feelings towards their sport and improving their performance.

“Character is doing the right thing when nobody's looking. There are too many people who think that the only thing that's right is to get by, and the only

thing that's wrong is to get caught.”

~J.C. Watts

“A cadet will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.”

West Point Honor Code

“Live so that your friends can defend you but never

have to.”

~Arnold H. Glasow

For many people, it’s easy to maintain integrity in the big things. They would never engage in major crimes or really bad things. But we sometimes have a hard time with the little things. How we handle the small decisions in life dictates how we react to the bigger ones, not the other way around.

When has giving into peer pressure led to negative consequences?





When did a “white lie” or moment of dishonesty lead to more dishonesty to cover up the first one?






Who is a person that you know that seems to do the right things most of the time? What can you learn from their example?






How can I prepare ahead of time and be ready to combat the temptation to make the wrong decisions?







**Complete this form, cut it out and return it to the concession stand next week and receive a free bottle of water. You can keep the other half of the paper.
