Email HW #5B ______ 15. The solid part of Earth is made up of

Email HW #5B
______ 15. The solid part of Earth is made up of material called
a. glacial ice.
b. lava.
c. rock.
d. wood.
______ 16. The word igneous comes from a Latin term that means
a. “from fire.”
b. “from wind.”
c. “from rock.”
d. “from fossils.”
______ 17. How do rocks get broken down into small fragments?
a. by freezing
b. by erosion
c. by deposition
d. by crystallization
______ 18. Scientists who study the processes that form and change rock are
a. geologists.
b. paleontologists.
c. botanists.
d. zoologists.
a. rock that forms when existing rock is altered
b. molten rock
c. rock that forms when molten rock cools and hardens
rock fragments are compressed and cemented together
d. rock that forms when
e. molten rock that is exposed at Earth’s surface
mineral crystals, and organic matter that have been broken into fragments
______ 19. igneous rock
______ 20. sedimentary rock
______ 21. lava
______ 22. metamorphic rock
______ 23. magma
______ 24. sediment
______ 25. A favorable location for a wind farm is a
a. river.
b. mountain pass.
c. rainforest.
d. city.
______ 26. A plate boundary at which two plates slide past each other
horizontally is a
a. divergent boundary.
b. convergent boundary.
c. transform boundary.
d. subduction zone.
______ 27. The German scientist Alfred Wegener proposed a hypothesis
now called
a. paleomagnetism.
b. continental drift.
c. floating continents.
d. sea-floor spreading.
f. rocks,
______ 28. Wegener hypothesized that the continents formed part of a single land
mass, or
a. mid-ocean ridge.
b. monocontinent.
c. supercontinent.
d. world land.
a. boundary between tectonic plates that are
sliding past each other horizontally
b. region where one plate moves under another
c. boundary between tectonic plates that are
moving away from each other
d. undersea mountain range
e. short segments of a mid-ocean ridge that are
connected by transform boundaries
f. the boundary between tectonic plates that
are colliding
______ 29. divergent
______ 30. convergent
______ 31. transform
______ 32. mid-ocean ridge
______ 33. subduction zone
______ 34. fracture zone