Emergency Procedures 8.02

Early Childhood Education I
Working with Children
Apply policies and procedures to maintain a
safe, healthful environment for children.
Apply emergency procedures in early childhood
Essential Question: What procedures should be used during emergencies?
Basic Emergency Response
1. Call “911”
2. Administer first aid
3. Implement emergency procedures
Emergency Procedures for Smoke/Fire Emergencies
1. Sound the alarm
2. Line up children at the exit door
3. If infants are involved and the ratio of children to staff is greater than 2 to 1, place infants
in a crib with wheels and roll to safety
4. In case of blocked exits, use planned alternative exit routes
5. Taking roll book, proceed quietly to outside safe location
6. Leave lights on and close the door
7. Once safely outside, call the roll
8. Report names of missing children to rescue authorities
Emergency Procedures for Severe Weather and Disaster Emergencies
1. Consult specific safety procedures for each weather emergency in advance from the
American Red Cross, local fire department, or weather station
2. Following posted directions, proceed with children to predetermined location to take
3. Take attendance after reaching shelter
4. Report names of missing children
5. Access battery-operated radio and flashlight as needed
6. For tornadoes and hurricanes, have children sit on their knees facing the wall with faces
down, covering heads with their hands
Emergency Procedures for Threats/Imminent Danger
1. Lock down doors
2. Close blinds or curtains
3. Place the alert sign under the door
4. Use green for “all clear,” red for “needs assistance”
5. Reassure children that you are there to care for them
Apply emergency procedures in early
childhood settings.
Emergency Procedures for Utility and Maintenance Emergencies
1. Notify administration
2. Care for children in a secure location
Emergency Procedures for Illness and Injury Emergencies
1. Upon arrival, administer health checks; administer screenings as needed
2. Check vitals
3. Report illness to parents if fever is over 100 degrees or if medical attention is required
4. Isolate children who may have contagious illnesses until parents pick up
5. Fill out incident report if medical attention is required
Procedures for Specific Types of Injuries
1. Do not rely on possibly outdated antidote charts, first aid or product information
2. Do not give syrup of ipecac/other emetic until doctor or poison control center advises
3. Gather information needed --- child’s symptoms; first aid procedures administered, if any;
time of poisoning; child’s age and weight; name and amount of poisonous substance
4. With the poison container on hand, contact the local poison control center
5. Follow the instructions given by the doctor or the poison control center
1. Determine if the wound is closed or open
2. For closed wounds, apply a cold cloth or pack; for open wounds, wash with warm water,
then bring the wounded edges together as you apply a bandage
3. Determine if the wound is deep
4. For deep wounds or wounds that do not stop bleeding quickly, get medical help
5. Determine the source of the wound
6. For human and animal bites of all types, if the skin is broken, call a doctor at once
7. For insect stings, check to see if child is allergic and, if so, give them their medication for
this and get immediate help. If not allergic, scrape stinger away with fingernail, avoid
using tweezers, watch for signs of anaphylactic shock; if seen, get immediate medical help
8. For splinters, wash area with soap and water; use a pair of tweezers sterilized in alcohol,
boiled for 10 minutes, or held in a flame and wiped with a clean cloth; remove splinter; do
not apply ointment or antiseptic; cover with a sterile bandage until doctor can see it
1. Determine if the burn is first-, second-, or third-degree
2. First-degree burns, apply cold water to relieve pain; second-degree burns, get medical
help; third-degree burns, get immediate medical attention
1. If old enough, encourage the child to cough
2. If necessary, use the Heimlich maneuver