Spring Semester 2013, Gugg 205, Thursdays, 5-7:30
Donald L. Anderson, Ph.D.
303-464-8501 /
Course Description:
Today’s organizations face constant pressures to change -- the need to change is one of the hallmarks of
contemporary organizations, whether it’s a government entity, a private business, a not-for-profit, or an
educational institution. For organizational members and managers, the ability to effectively facilitate
organizational change often distinguishes the implementation of a mediocre solution from an
extraordinary one that makes a difference. In this class we will examine the issues and practices of
organization development to understand what kinds of interventions are useful in what situations to make
change possible.
This course examines the major components of organization development and design: the evolution of
organization development, the nature of change, and how to effectively manage and implement change in
organizations. We will discuss the OD process in depth to familiarize you with the process of contracting,
data gathering, diagnosis, giving feedback, conducting interventions, and evaluating results. We will look
at different options for structuring organizations, consider the advantages and disadvantages of each, and
discuss how to implement an organizational design change.
Most importantly, we will make use of the knowledge you’ve gained throughout your time in the
COMM program to understand how the theories and concepts of organizational communication and
behavior underlie the choices that organization development practitioners make every day.
Course Objectives -- By the end of this course, you will be able to:
 Understand the process of organizational change as led by an OD practitioner
 Examine the types of OD interventions and identify when and why they are applied
 Be able to structure and propose an OD intervention
 Apply OD and communication theories, principles, and concepts to specific case studies
Required Text and Readings:
 Anderson, D. L. (2012). Organization development: The process of leading organizational change.
(2nd ed.) Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
 Additional course readings and case studies will be available via Desire2Learn at: (Desire2Learn can also be accessed through links on the myCUinfo page.)
Assignments and Grading:
Analysis papers
75 %
These will be weighted as follows:
Paper 1: 10%, Papers 2 & 3: 20% each, Paper 4: 25%
Final Presentation
A = 93-100
A- = 90-92
B+ = 87-89
B = 83-86
B- = 80-82
C = 73-76
C- = 70-72
D+ = 67-69
D = 63-66
D- = 60-62
F = 0-59
All assignments will be graded on a scale of 100 points and will be weighted as indicated.
Writing Assignments
Writing assignments are listed in the syllabus. You will be asked to respond to the case study readings
through evaluation and application of specific OD concepts. All papers should be typed and doublespaced. Assignments will be marked down 3 points for each day late. (Late papers should be submitted by
I expect that all writing assignments will demonstrate your most professional work, including thorough
and well-thought out arguments and discussions, appropriate citations where necessary, clear organization
in order to communicate unambiguously to the reader, and the absence of mechanical flaws (such as
grammar and spelling errors).
The best case study applications will involve an explanation of the concepts from the week and will use
specific examples and quotes from both the case study and the reading assignment to demonstrate
appropriate application of the material. Applying course concepts to case studies requires particular
attention to the logical flow of your writing. Be sure to do 3 things whenever you discuss how a concept
applies to situations in the cases: (1) identify and explain the concept to someone not familiar with the
course, (2) explain the situation you’re referring to, using specific quotes and examples, and (3) be very
explicit about how (1) relates to (2); that is, what is it that this concept tells us about this case situation
(and vice versa)?
Papers will be graded using the following grading criteria/rubric.
1. Concepts and ideas
Use of course concepts and readings
Explanation of course ideas
2. Organization and expression
Clarity of expression of ideas
Organization and logical flow
Use of data from the case
3. Mechanics and presentation
Professional presentation, including writing style, grammar, spelling,
appropriate reference format
Your participation will be counted at 15% of the final grade. Participation means having read the material
and discussion questions (when posted in the syllabus) and contributing to our collective understanding of
the material by asking questions, making relevant comments, and bringing examples to the class from
current events or personal experience.
Incomplete Grades
Incomplete grades are only granted under exceptional circumstances. If you find that circumstances
prevent you from completing the course, please discuss this with me prior to the final class period.
Classroom Behavior Policy: Students and faculty each have responsibility for maintaining an
appropriate learning environment. Students who fail to adhere to such behavioral standards may be
subject to discipline. Faculty has the professional responsibility to treat all students with understanding,
dignity and respect, to guide classroom discussion and to set reasonable limits on the manner in which
they and their students express opinions. Professional courtesy and sensitivity are especially important
with respect to individuals and topics dealing with differences of race, culture, religion, politics, sexual
orientation, gender variance, and nationalities.
Disabilities: If you qualify for accommodations because of a disability, please submit to me a letter from
Disability Services in a timely manner so that your needs may be addressed. Disability Services
determines accommodations based on documented disabilities (303-492-8671, N200 Center for
Honor Code: All students of the University of Colorado at Boulder are responsible for knowing and
adhering to the academic integrity policy of this institution. Violations of this policy may include:
cheating, plagiarism, aid of academic dishonesty, fabrication, lying, bribery, and threatening behavior. All
incidents of academic misconduct shall be reported to the Honor Code Council (
303-725-2273). Students who are found to be in violation of the academic integrity policy will be subject
to both academic sanctions from the faculty member and non-academic sanctions (including but not
limited to university probation, suspension, or expulsion). Other information on the Honor Code can be
found at
Observance of Religious Holidays and Absences from Classes or Examinations: Campus policy
regarding religious observances requires that faculty make every effort to reasonably and fairly deal with
all students who, because of religious obligations, have conflicts with scheduled examinations,
assignments, or required attendance. In this class, I will make every effort to accommodate all students
who have such conflicts with scheduled examinations, assignments, or attending class, provided students
notify me well in advance of the scheduled conflict.
Sexual Harassment: The University of Colorado Policy on Sexual Harassment applies to all students,
staff, and faculty. Sexual harassment is unwelcome sexual attention. It can involve intimidation, threats,
coercion, or promises to create an environment that is hostile or offensive. Harassment may occur
between members of the same or opposite gender and between any combinations of members in the
campus community: students, faculty, staff, and administrators. Harassment can occur anywhere on
campus, including the classroom, the workplace, or a residence hall. Any student, staff, or faculty
member who believes s/he has been sexually harassed should contact the Office of Discrimination and
Harassment (ODH) at 303-492-2127 or the Office of Judicial Affairs at 303-492-5550. Information about
the ODH and the campus resources available to assist individuals who believe they have been sexually
harassed can be obtained at:
Class Schedule & Writing Assignments
Week 1
Introduction to course,
Defining organization
development, OD history and
foundational concepts
Week 2
OD values and foundations of
organizational change
Assignment DUE in class on this date
Read Organization
Development;( hereafter OD),
chapters 1 & 2
Week 3
Visit Desire2Learn to download
this week’s case study (“Brother
John”). Please bring a copy to
Foundations of organizational
change (continued)
Read OD, chapter 3-4
Articles on Desire2Learn:
Dialogic OD
Visit Desire2Learn to download
the case study for this week’s
paper (“Sticker Shock”)
Week 4
The OD consultant and
consulting process, Entry and
Case study analysis paper due
Answer the following questions about the case study in a ~5 page
1. What is going on at Helping Hands? What is the problem?
2. What is your impression of Judy as a leader? Use one or more of
the management concepts in chapter 2 to explain Judy’s style of
management. Give evidence from the case for your view.
3. What opportunities for organization development work do you see
at Helping Hands? Refer to the Values of OD in chapter 3 – how
would your opportunities for OD work be modeling those values?
Which values guide your thoughts about how to take action at
Helping Hands?
What I’m looking for in this paper:
A good understanding of what OD is and what it can offer to a client.
Exploration of OD values and how those values direct certain choices
on behalf of practitioners.
Check the web for the site of an organization development
consultant(s), and bring the site to class.
Read OD, chapter 5
D2L: “Contracting for Success”
Week 5
Data Gathering
Read OD, chapters 6-7
D2L: “Dixie Weaving”
Week 6
Data Analysis and Diagnosis
Read OD, chapter 8
Read AeroTech case study, p.
145 in OD
Case study analysis paper due
Read the AeroTech case study in OD and address the following
questions in a ~5 page data gathering plan:
 What are the presenting problems in this organization? What do
you think may be any underlying problems? Which of these
underlying problems is most likely, in your view?
 What data would illustrate whether these underlying problems are
occurring? Which method of data gathering would you use and
why? (Consider using the method of analysis shown in Figure
What are the advantages and disadvantages of that method of data
gathering? Include a proposed timeline for your approach and any
details about the data gathering method itself, including possible
interview and/or survey questions, documents to gather, and/or
observations you would conduct.
What I’m looking for in this paper:
Logical link between what the client says, what underlying issues may
be present, and the data gathering approach using what you learn from
the text and what you recall from social science research courses!.
Appropriate choice of data gathering approach given the underlying
Week 7
Data Analysis and Diagnosis
D2L: “The Process of
Diagnosis” and “Diagnostic vs.
Dialogic OD”
D2L: “The Metric Division”
D2L: “Preparing for Feedback”
Week 8
Feedback, Resistance,
introduction to interventions
Week 9
Read OD, chapter 9
D2L: “Understanding
Whole organization
Discussion question to consider as you read:
What is the difference between “Diagnostic OD” and “Dialogic OD”?
How might this difference play out in your analysis of the “Metric
Division” case data?
Read OD, chapter 12 and case
study “Crossroads Center”
D2L: “Diggins/Reinholdt
Whole organization
interventions: Organization
D2L: Galbraith reading
D2L: Case study TBD
Spring Break!
Team interventions
Read OD, chapter 11
“DocSystems Billing” case
D2L: “When a Team Breaks in
Case study analysis paper due
Read the “DocSystems” case in OD and answer the following
questions using course concepts in a ~5 page paper.
 What problems exist in this organization? How do these problems
differ based on the employees’ roles?
 Make a recommendation to the client about what could be done
next based on the data included. Summarize your observations for
the client, offer possible interpretations, and suggest an approach
for next steps. (What intervention(s) would you suggest? What
would be the intervention strategy and purpose?) Connect your
ideas with some of the concepts in the text.
What I’m looking for in this paper:
Clarity of presentation, useful categorization that summarizes the top
issues, prioritization of issues, rationale for choice of main issue(s).
Sorting through the many issues to focus on the most central. Write in
a way that motivates the client to take action, and directs action to the
central issues. You should cite the team interventions we’ve discussed
from the text.
Team interventions (cont);
Individual interventions
Read OD, chapter 10
Read OD: Case Study 4 (p. 213;
“Parks Department”)
D2L: “Greencycle Publishing”
Individual interventions (cont)
and Evaluation
Read OD, chapter 13
D2L: “The Case of Jim”
D2L: Coaching instruments
Global Issues in OD
Read OD, chapter 14
D2L: “Global Chain of
Final Presentations; The
Future of OD
Before class, complete “Coaching Instrument #1” and “Coaching
Instrument #2” (both available on D2L). Please bring copies of your
completed instruments to class.
Note: You may make up answers as you wish, or you may complete it
Final Presentations
Your final presentations will be held in class on this date.
“ASP Software” case in OD
By the final exam deadline,
submit your final paper to me by
Your presentation should be accompanied by a PowerPoint
presentation and will be supported by the written paper that you
submit no later than the final exam date. More information will be
provided in class.
Case study analysis paper due.
This paper should make use of all that you’ve learned throughout
the course, and should be 8-10 pages.
Read the “ASP Software” reorganization case study and prepare a
proposal/paper in the form of a letter addressed to the client. You
should be specific in your paper with what you would intend to do
next, providing evidence of the problems or opportunities for
organization development work you see (use examples) and then
propose an intervention to satisfy Susan’s request. Be specific with
what your intervention will accomplish, what you expect from the
sponsor and participants, and what your role will be. Include an
outline of the intervention(s) (timeline or agenda). (Ensure that you
explain your proposal in the language and supported by theories and
concepts we’ve discussed in class.)