Spelling Words

Lesson 36 1-6-2013
1. Avarice: ____GREED_________________________________
2. Avaricious:____GREEDY________________________________
3. A PHRASE is a group of words used as a __SINGLE WORD____________________ in a sentence. It does NOT
have a subject and a predicate. Examples:
a. Aboard the ship
b. In addition to the gift
c. May have docked
d. During the night
e. Might have asked
4. A CLAUSE is a group of words with a ______SUBJECT AND A PREDICATE______________________, or front and
back wheel.
a. Examples: In “before the game began,” “game” is the simple subject and “began” is the simple
predicate, so this is a ___CLAUSE________________.
b. “As you may know”: simple subject is ________YOU________________________, simple predicate
is____MAY KNOW________.
c. “But they claim innocence”: simple subject is _______THEY______________, simple predicate
is___CLAIM INNOCENCE_______________.
d. “For the baseball flies into left field”: simple subject is____BASEBALL_______, simple predicate
5. Practice: phrase or clause?
a. When Nashville became famous
b. Inside the mansion
c. Along the ridge of the Smoky Mountains PHRASE
d. Before you called
e. Watch out!
CLAUSE—implied subject YOU
6. EVERY complete sentence has at least one __CLAUSE________. Some sentences have more than one
_CLAUSE__________. Remember, a clause has a ___FRONT AND BACK WHEEL________________, so a twoclause sentence is like a double tandem bike. It has more than two wheels but it works.
7. Look at this sentence: Before I WENT to Nashville, but after I WROTE the song, I BOUGHT the guitar. There are
_____THREE_____________ clauses in this sentence.
8. Practice: phrase or clause?
a. Since she went to Nashville
b. Regarding country and western music PHRASE
c. Then you can come home
d. After studying Tennessee
9. Review: KIN means ____FAMILY MEMBERS___________________.
10. DISPENSABLE means _____NOT NEEDED______________________.
11. There/their were five kids at the party.
12. Add suffixes to these words:
a. Steady + ly = STEADILY
b. Stray + er=
c. mad + est=
d. Wish + ful=
13. Which word is spelled correctly?
a. Wierd, weird
b. Fiegn, feign
14. Circle the letters that should be capitalized: my mama said, “you must pick the very best one at grandma’s
15. Circle the letters that should be capitalized: “the haunting in connecticut”
16. Complete sentence, fragment or run-on? At Grandma’s house, the kitchen is very big there are five bathrooms.
17. Circle the silent letter in each word:
a. Knife
b. Scene
c. Heir
18. Fix this sentence fragment: what you did last summer
I know what you did last summer.
19. Write the plural of each noun:
a. Lunch LUNCHES
b. Deer DEER
c. Mouse MICE
d. Candy CANDIES
Spelling Words
Print each word three times
1. possible __________________
2. gold
3. milk
4. quiet
5. natural
6. lot
7. stone
8. act
9. build
10. middle