1. Avoid the sun and tanning salons for 6 weeks before and 4 weeks after Laser treatments.
2. MUST avoid bleaching, plucking, waxing or threading 4 weeks prior to treatment.
3. If you have history of perioral herpes, prophylactic antiviral therapy may be started the day before treatment
and continued one week after treatment.
4. RECENTLY TANNED SKIN CAN BE TREATED but may be less effective.
5. The use of tanning skin products must be discontinued one week before treatment.
6. On the day of the laser treatment, shave all areas to be treated and do not apply any Lotions, Body oils,
perfumes, deodorant, or makeup in the area to be treated.
1. The skin is shaved prior to treatment. The use of topical anesthetic is optional.
2. The Copper Cool Tip will be used with the laser to cool the skin during treatment along with chilled aloe vera.
3. Protective eyewear will be worn by the patient and all personnel, in the treatment room, during the procedure
to reduce the chance of damage to the eye.
1. Immediately after treatment, there should be erythema (redness) and edema(swelling) at the treatment site,
which may last up to 2 hours, or longer. The erythema may last up to 2-3 days. The treated area will feel like
sunburn for few hours after treatment. The application of Ice during the first few hours after treatment will
reduce the discomfort and swelling that may be experienced.
2. Aloe Vera gel or ice may be used after treatment. Darker pigmented people may have more discomfort than
lighter skin persons and may require the Aloe Vera gel and ice longer.
3. Avoid sun exposure to reduce the chance of hyperpigmentation (darker pigmentation)
4. Use sunblock (SPF 30+) at all times throughout the course of treatment.
5. Avoid picking or scratching the treated skin. Do not use any other hair removal treatment products or similar
treatments (Waxing, electrolysis or tweezing) that will disturb the hair follicle in the treatment area before your
next appointment. Shaving may be used.
6. Anywhere from 5-14 days after the treatment, shedding of the surface hair may occur and this appears as new
hair growth. This is NOT new hair growth. You can clean and remove the hair by washing or scrubbing the area
with a wet cloth or Loofa sponge.
7. There are no restrictions on bathing except to treat the skin gently, as if you had sunburn, for the first 24 hours.
8. Call Renew Laser & Skin with any questions or concerns you may have after the treatment. If you experience
any brown crusting, do not pick or scratch. Allow it to fall off naturally. In rare cases you may have areas that
develop blisters. Do not pick or remove the scabs. Apply antibiotics cream twice daily until healed. The area
will heal in 5-7days.
For optimum results it is import that you keep all of your appointments. Your follow-up treatment is
customized to your individual conditions and your schedule has a direct effect on the final result of your
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