Part_2 -

LESSON PLAN – Lesson: Introduction Monet (Date, April 23, 2015)
Title: Monet Impressionist Painting
Grade Level:
Date Taught:
April 23, 2015
Aim/Goal of the Lesson/Unit:
 To explore impressionism by discovering (or being reintroduced to) who Claude Monet is, and creating
a painting using unusual tools inspired by his works.
Fine Arts Goals Met by the Objectives:
 25A – Describe subject matter in visual art
 26A – Demonstrate the safe use of materials and tools
 26B - Create 2-D art from imagination and observation
 27A – Identify and demonstrate the qualities of good audience behavior
 27B – Identify images from a 2-D work of art and describe what they tell us about people and/or
everyday life
Objectives: Students will…
 Students will be able to identify Monet paintings
 Students will create a painting using unusual materials/techniques
 Students will use mixed media to create a painting inspired by Monet
 Impressionism – Using small, visible brush strokes to create a painting that is focused on light in nature
Teacher Materials: (_~60 students plus demos)
 Demo materials:
o 2 sheets of construction paper for painting 8”x11”
 1 for each class
o 2 sheets of construction paper for mounting 9”x12”
 1 for each class
o Q-Tips
o Egg carton
o Paint
o Glue
 For Student:
o Sheets of construction paper for painting 8”x11”
o Sheets of construction paper for mounting 9”x12”
 The 8x11 sheets will be in matching colors and be placed in the back of the room, so
students can choose their own
 The 9x12 will be placed back there on the next work day
o Tons of Q-Tips
o 2-3 egg cartons per table
o Paint
o Glue
 Exemplar
o Exemplar of a Q-Tip painting should be finished and hanging on the board by the time we start
the day 2 discussion
Motivation/Activities and Prompts:
 Monet prints
o Will be hanging around the room
 DISCUSSION: (5 minutes)
o Who can tell me who Claude Monet is?
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LESSON PLAN – Lesson: Introduction Monet (Date, April 23, 2015)
Title: Monet Impressionist Painting
 What style is Monet famous for?
 *Insert a question or two about the video*
o What we will be doing today
 We will be painting in a style that imitates Monet’s impressionistic style
 We will use Q-Tips to create our own small brush strokes to paint a scene
Monet would want to be a part of, because he will be a part of the scene
o Begin demonstration
DEMONSTRATIONS: (5-10 minutes)
o Begin demonstration by telling students they can choose what color paper they will use to paint
on (light blue, green, pink, or yellow)
 Students will be mounting these sheets onto a color similar, just darker, today also
 “I will choose ___ because I like this color”
o Once I have chosen my color and have my name on the back, I will discuss how Monet will be
part of the scene
 We will have ~4”x4.5” prints of Monet to add to the painting
 These must be in the image
 Do not disrespect Monet by covering him completely with paint, or only using
a small piece
 You may cut him out to fit in the painting better, so long as Monet is respected
o After I have talked about adding Monet I will go over the use painting material usage
 Do not use the same Q-Tip for multiple colors of paint
 Do not place a Q-Tip in each color before starting to paint
 Only use Q-Tips as you need them
 You may use a smock, some of the paint is not washable so this is recommended
 You will not be able to was your hands in the classroom so be extra careful when
o Now I can show students how to apply their colors
 I will dot my colors to create a scene
 Be careful of layering while the painting is still wet, they colors could get
 If you want to layer plan ahead
 When the paint is dry (next class session) you can add more layers of color to it
o When finished where does it go?
 Drying rack!
o Are there any questions?
o Release table captains to gather supplies
DESIGN/WORK SESSION: (10-13 minutes)
o Table captains will need to collect egg cartons, Q-Tips, and glue
 Release individual tables to select the color of their paper so there is not a massive rush
to the back of the room
o As students are working remind them to not mix colors, layer too much, or waste materials
o Students should not be too messy with this, if they are then have a talk with them during closure
about respecting materials and working under control
o When there is around 8 minutes left of class notify students clean up will occur in one minute
CLEAN UP: (3 minutes)
o Clean up could be a process
 I am expecting students to not want to stop painting right away, and taking a little
longer to clean, so I will allow for a bit of extra time for that
o Students are to place their paintings on the drying rack
 Table captains are to put supplies away while others will make sure the table doesn’t
have paint on it
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LESSON PLAN – Lesson: Introduction Monet (Date, April 23, 2015)
Title: Monet Impressionist Painting
CLOSURE: (3 minute)
o Who is Claude Monet?
 What is he known for?
 Can you name one of his painting?
Assessment: (how will you assess this lesson, please attach any rubrics)
Time allotted for lesson (___ minutes total):
Design/Work Session
5 mins.
5-10 mins.
10-13 mins.
3 mins.
3 mins.
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