SFC minutes 5.19.14

SFC minutes 5-19-14
Group introductions
Tish Hild – Teacher and SFC chair, Mr. D - principal, Dan Hellerbach – 7th grade administrator and Climate Committee cochair, Ms. Carter – pre-K to 2 assistant principal, Ms. Claiborne – Kindergarten para professional and after-care
coordinator, Ms. Furno – Recess coordinator and coach, Brooke Thomas –, Parent and MS SFC parent rep Trish Pilla –
parent/PTA president, Ms. Wilson – social worker, Mr. Hollis - teacher, Mr. Hollbrook - teacher, Karimah Williams –
parent and elementary PTA president, Ms. Rivetti - teacher, Doug Miller - Parent, Libby Austen - Parent, Umeka Horsey –
central office, Ms. Gearhardt – elementary resource teacher, Margo Candelaria – Parent, k-2 SFC rep
Attendance Committee – Mrs. Carter
January 95.6%
letters going out and School Support Team (SST) to chronically absent and tardy families
Website policy updated and will post in summer
Climate – Mr. Hellerbach and Margo Candelaria
Hasn’t met – meeting next week
PBIS orioles event for middle schoolers who earned it
Family Community Engagement Committee – Dan Hellerbach reporting for Matt Croson
In May focusing on individual meetings to identify potential leaders and identify issues most pressing
8 people committed
5/27 at 8:15 with Ojeda
Attend IAF gubanotorial forum – trish Pilla, hie Jung, Karen Alexander, Steve Grantz, Daniel Horwitz, mr.D , Kimberly
o Asked candidates to support
 Housing
 Afterschool
 Gun violence
 Jobs through infrastructure projects such as school reconstruction
 And commit to work with and develop relationships with IAF and BUILD
 Not partisan will hold whoever is elected accountable
 Contact Elizabeth – jobs team meeting tonight at 6pm
Wellness Committee –Luke Hollis
5th grade fun run
Bike to walk to school day, we have small grant to support
Red hot run at RPCS – trophy ceremony today – RPEMS had largest team participating, even more then RPCS
Working on running fest with annual fund
o Still need 19 volunteers at the 10 mile run June 14th
Increase staff involvement and staff opportunities and health education
May 27th sex awareness sponsored by wellness 7pm in library
6th grade field day 5/30
Field day out of uniform day but athletic ware
Instructional Leadership Team & State of the school – Mr. D
Focusing on planning and prep for next year
o Middle school schedule
 Grade level common schedules, currently two different schedules/grade
 will allow for student integration and teachers can have common planning time and more
consistency across classes
 Will be shared Thursday at PTA mtg
o Elementary talking about student groupings and schedules for next year
 It has been difficult to differentiate needs of varying abilities
 Currently mixed heterogeneous groups in class with small groups within the class based on skills
 but hard to implement with large class size
 Want to maintain heterogeneity but thinking about bringing like groups together will allow for
 Heterogeneous groupings benefits lower performing students but don’t challenge high performing
 May have an enrichment day or more enrichment opportunities, increased technologies
 What is criteria for being pulled out for enrichment and what is communication? Need to work out
those procedures
 Good for all kids because it allows time for all levels to get enriched experience because they will get
targeted instruction at their level
o Bus going forward
 Working out plan, corner to corner, additional adult on the bus
PTA – Trish Pilla
o Thursday 5/22 7pm in multipurpose
 Elections, all offices open except treasurer
 Trish staying on unless someone tries to run against
 Hie Jung will give an idea of what we made at May mart and other financials
 Mr. D will report about his plans
o Family fun night 5/30 at 6:30
 Want teachers to play against parents on that night
 Need help organizing!
o Teacher appreciation luncheon being scheduled
o Traffic discussions/ task force
 Meeting held to see interest of parents to advocate for change
 Mostly complaining but need someone to step up and lead a task force
 Anisa Kupiec requesting a traffic study with the city
 Sandy Sommers looking into schedule change
 Roland ave construction held up, not sure of schedule
 Asked admin to communicate better what rules and expectations are – happened already
 Looking into getting an extra officer in the morning and afternoon
 Would like more teacher representation
Need more enforcement of the rules
Goucher – Ms. rivetti reported for Ms. Walker
2 ft student teachers all year
Now only 1 spring intern is coming back
Now not all slots are filled for next year
Voting for next year
Mr. Hollbrook – 13 y, 0 n unanimously – New SFC Chair