Lynch, Tichina English 1302 sec October 10, 2012 Felicia Dziadek

Lynch, Tichina
English 1302 sec
October 10, 2012
Felicia Dziadek
MLA Assignment
Direct Quote: The author, David Von Drehle, discusses a man’s horrible hobby due to certain happenings
in history, “Burglary was the usual occupation of Lawrence Ferrone, also known as Charles Rose. “ (Von
Drehle 6)
Paraphrase: David Von Drehle, the author of Triangle: The Fire That Changed America states how a man
makes a now common, bad habit of being a burglar because of negative situations in history. (6)
Work Cited
Von Drehle, David. Triangle: The Fire That Changed America. New York: Grove Press , 2003.
6. Print.
Direct Quote: The author, Robert E. Larzelere does research on the controversial subject of spanking,
“Dozens of countries have banned spanking as a form of child discipline.” (Larzelere 17)
Paraphrase: Robert E. Larzelere, the author of Should There Be a Law Banning Spanking of Children has
written an article on a very popular topic which is spanking and he states how there are a large number
of countries who have forbid spanking as a disciplinary action for children. (17)
Work Cited
Larzelere, Robert E. "Should There Be A Law Banning Spanking Of Children?." U.S. News Digital Weekly
3.36 (2011): 17. Points of View Reference Center. Web. 10 Oct. 2012.
Direct Quote: The author, Michelle Roberts does research on whether it should be allowed or not for
students to carry handguns on universities, “Many states forbid license-holders from carrying weapons
on school campuses, and in states where the decision is left to the universities, schools almost always
prohibit it.” (Roberts 8B)
Paraphrase: Michelle Roberts, the author of Tests, Textbooks, and Guns, has written an article on the
controversial subject of students carrying guns on universities and she discussed how several states
don’t allow even licensed-holders to carry guns on campuses, and if the state lets the universities decide
whether its allowed, the schools most of the time forbid it. (Roberts 8B)
Work Cited
Roberts, Michelle. "Tests, Textbooks, and Guns." Caller Times [Corpus Christi] 22 Nov 2007, Early Edition
8B. Print.
Direct Quote: The author, Jennifer Steinhauer addresses the controversial topic of corporal punishment,
“Roughly 15 countries have laws banning corporal punishment, and numerous states, including
California, forbid spanking in schools.” (Steinhauer)
Paraphrase: Jennifer Steinhauer, the author of A Proposal to Ban Spanking Sparks Debate discussed a
very popular topic on corporal punishment and she states that about 15 countries have laws preventing
corporal punishment, and a large number of states, including California, don’t allow spanking in schools.
Work Cited
Steinhauer, Jennifer . "A Proposal to Ban Spanking Sparks Debate." The New York Times . The New York
Times , 21 Jan 2007. Web. 12 Oct 2012.
5. Magazine
Direct Quote: The author, Enric Sala discusses how we need to care more for the ocean, “…this initiative
will focus on inspiring people to care and to act, reducing the impact of fishing, and promoting the
creation of marine protected areas around the world.” (Sala 45)
Paraphrase: Enric Sala, the author of New Drive to Protect the Seas addresses the fact that we need to
put more attention into the ocean, he says this ambition is to encourage people to care and take action,
lowering the growth of fishing, and advertising the establishment of the ocean protected areas around
the globe. (Sala 45)
Work Cited
Sala , Enric. "New Drive to Protect the Seas." National Geographic: Ocean. 06 2010: 45. Print.
6. Literature Book
Direct Quote: The author, Anne Lamott discusses how even great writers aren’t pleased with their first
drafts, “I know some very great writers, writers you love who write beautifully and have made a great
deal of money, and not one of them sits down routinely feeling wildly enthusiastic and confident.”
(Wardle and Downs 301)
Paraphrase: Anne Lamott, the author of Shitty First Drafts explains how even excellent writers she know
aren’t happy with their work at first, she says how there are some great writers she knows, writers who
we all enjoy the work of and are very famous, and none of them are happy with their writing the first
time around. (Wardle and Downs 301)
Work Cited
Wardle, Elizabeth , and Doug Downs. Writing About Writing . Boston/New York: Bedford/St. Martin's,
301. Print.
Works Cited
Larzelere, Robert E. "Should There Be A Law Banning Spanking Of Children?." U.S. News Digital Weekly
3.36 (2011): 17. Points of View Reference Center. Web. 10 Oct. 2012.
Roberts, Michelle. "Tests, Textbooks, and Guns." Caller Times [Corpus Christi] 22 Nov 2007, Early Edition
8B. Print.
Sala , Enric. "New Drive to Protect the Seas." National Geographic: Ocean. 06 2010: 45. Print.
Steinhauer, Jennifer . "A Proposal to Ban Spanking Sparks Debate." The New York Times . The New York
Times , 21 Jan 2007. Web. 12 Oct 2012.
Von Drehle, David. Triangle: The Fire That Changed America. New York: Grove Press , 2003.
6. Print.
Wardle, Elizabeth , and Doug Downs. Writing About Writing . Boston/New York: Bedford/St. Martin's,
301. Print.