A message from Unit 90 Campaign Chair Mary Jones: Yesterday

A message from Unit 90 Campaign Chair Mary
Yesterday was a remarkable day in the Quad
Cities. Some 2,600 volunteers – 1,750 of them
John Deere employees – took time out to make a
difference in our hometown. Whether it was
picking up litter along the bike path, spreading
mulch at a playground, or reading to a group of
preschoolers, you made the Quad Cities an even
better place to live and work at the annual Day of
I want to sincerely thank you for giving your time.
Now, won’t you please also give your money? The
Unit 90 campaign is nearing its end and we
currently are at 45% participation, with a goal of
60%. We have received pledges of $1.1 million,
or 71% of our financial goal of $1.6 million. I am
proud of this progress, but am asking those of
you yet to pledge to step up and make an
investment in a community we all benefit from.
Please click the pledge button to the right and
remember that 10% of all contributions will be
matched by the John Deere Foundation for local
education initiatives. And don’t forget that a
pledge of $60 or more allows you to wear jeans
once a month on designated United Way Days.
Thank you for your support of United Way, where
good things happen when we give together.
Mary Jones
Senior Vice President, General Counsel