JMO instruction template - Journal for Modeling in Ophthalmology

Manuscript title
Manuscript template for the Journal for Modeling in Ophthalmology
Authors: First Name Last Name, Second Author, Third Author
Simon Bakker
Author’s Affiliations: 1Department/Institute, University, City, Country; 2Department/Institute, University,
City, Country; 3Department/Institute, University, City, Country;
Kugler Publications, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Correspondence: Full name, address.
Correspondence: Simon Bakker, Kugler Publications, P.O. Box 20538, 1001 NM Amsterdam, The
Please provide an abstract of 350 words or less.
Aim or Purpose: To help make submitting an article to the Journal for Modeling in Ophthalmology
Key words: 5 to 8 keywords or phrases in alphabetical order, separated by commas.
Please use as little formatting as possible. Do not highlight text, only use black color font. All text
should be set in Arial. The main text should be 10 pt. See below for instructions on formatting section
titles. Do not use line-spacing or line-numbering.
Section titles
The manuscript title is 14 pt bold. Sections or sub-sections should not be numbered. Main section
titles are set in bold and the font size should be set to 12 pt, while sub sections are in 10 pt and bold.
The section level beyond that is set in 10 pt italic.
Please use sentence case for all titles, which means that only the first letter of the title is capitalized.
The first word after a colon (:) should also be capitalized, just as proper nouns and acronyms.
Sentence case should be used for all titles, including the one of the paper. See table 1 for an
Set spelling to English-US, font-type to Arial and font-size to 10 pt.
Only use abbreviations which are common, i.e., widely understood by ophthalmologists and/or
mathematicians and engineers. Introduce each abbreviation in parentheses after the first use of the
full term. Avoid abbreviations that have meaning only within the context of the specific manuscript.
Type your text with hyphenation off.
Use SI units (Système International d’Unités) of measure. See: Please write 20 mm or 4 mmHg with spaces, and not
20mm or 4mmHg.
Hidden text
Do not use ‘hidden text’ such as endnotes, footnotes, index entries, figure boxes, links, hyperlinks,
bookmarks, references or table boxes. Provide us with plain text and tables only.
Figure formatting
Figures should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals (1, 2, etc.) by their order in the text.
Multi-part figures may be referred to by using a, b, c and d in addition to the number. Please seek
permission for the use of figures from other publications and provide the source.
Although you may include your figures within the text file, we also need a separate high-resolution file
for each figure used. The resolution of these files should be 300 DPI or higher. Not only will lower
resolutions result in poor print quality for the twice-a-year printed highlights edition, but also new,
higher-resolution screens such as retina displays result in a poor-quality figure. Preferred file formats
are: TIFF, JPG, PSD, PNG. Please note that the native resolution for figures included in Word or
PowerPoint documents is too low for print by default. File names of figures should reflect this number,
however, please do not include the figure number or captions in the figure itself.
There is no additional fee for the use of color figures.
Please also provide the captions separately at the end of your document (see below for example). All
symbols or letters that appear in the figures should be defined in the caption.
Fig 1. Logo Kugler Publications. (Design: Max Velthuijs.)
Text reference
All figures should be referred to in the text like this: (Fig. 1).
Other figure guidelines
Try to crop figures as much as possible, only to show significant details. Either make sure a patient
isn’t recognizable or provide the patient’s consent to publish his/her picture at the time of submitting
your article as a separate file.
Table formatting
Tables should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals (1, 2, etc.) by their order in the text.
Please use as little formatting as possible, only set the column or row titles in bold. Please supply
tables either as a separate document or place all tables in a separate section at the end of the
document containing your manuscript. Do not place tables inline with the text. Only use your textprocessing or spreadsheet software table option for creating tables, do not convert tables to image
Table 1. A summary of title formatting rules for Journal for Modeling in Ophthalmology (JMO):
Manuscript title
Section title
Sub-section title
Sub sub-section
Text reference
All tables should be referred to in the text like this: (Table 1).
We highly appreciate manuscripts accompanied by videos, provided they are supporting/relevant to
the material presented. As usual, make sure you have all the rights. Please provide a (short) title and
description (no more than 200 words) for each video.
Text reference
All videos should be referred to in the text like this: (Video 1).
Apple QuickTime, AVI, or MPEG; or a link to a video on YouTube, Vimeo or any other website.
Please use WeTransfer to send us your video. Our e-mail address:
List here funding sources, financial disclosures, other contributors, if applicable.
References should be numbered consecutively in the text and in the reference list. Reference
numbers are entered as superscripts in the text.1 Please turn linkage off if you use references
software. References must be verified by the author(s), which can be done through PubMed:
References to journal articles should follow the Vancouver System reference citation format; more
informations can be found here: or
Please include DOI when available.
If you want to present additional data to the readers, such as questionnaires or further technical details
concerning the methods, these should be arranged at the end of your manuscript.
Peer review
All manuscripts submitted to the Journal for Modeling in Ophthalmology are peer-reviewed. Most
articles are accepted after minor or major revisions. More information on this process can be found at
the journal’s website:
If your manuscript requires revisions, please activate track changes in your word-processing program
or, when unavailable, highlight changes made. This will help reviewers and editors to quickly identify
and response to your revisions.