Tuition-only Fellowships for Students Longer Than 7 Years in Program

Tuition-only Fellowships for Students Longer Than 7
Years in Program
The College of LSA is interested in assisting students with the completion of degree
requirements and recognizes that there are times when delays occur in the graduate education
process. By mapping out a financial plan, assuring a state-of-the-art degree, and developing a
timeline of study, the student can have a more focused path during the final stages of degree
When a student has spent more than seven years in their degree program, Rackham requires a
request for a time extension. If a student is interested in using a LSA tuition-only fellowship after
seven years in their program, the Rackham Petition for Modification or Waiver of Regulation
will be an instrumental part of the request to LSA. In addition to the materials required for the
Rackham extension process, one additional piece of information, the funding plan, needs to be
provided to the LSA Dean’s Office by the department (see list below).
Content of the Request (first three are required for the Rackham Time Extension process):
1. A new deadline (month/year) should be specified along with an explanation of why the
extension is needed.
2. A timeline must be included.
3. An additional memo from the department chair supporting this request and stating that
the degree will still be “state-of-the-art” is also required.
4. Include a funding plan for the remainder of the student’s time in the program. *
* This is not currently a part of the Rackham Time Extension Process
Form to Fill Out:
Rackham’s “Petition for Modification or Waiver of Regulation” *
* Please also attach the funding plan with the Rackham materials when sending to LSA for
tuition-only fellowship review.
Reminders: Please keep in mind that LSA does not require that Rackham approve the time
extension prior to the request for a tuition-only fellowship after the 7th year. Also, students do not
need to wait until the approval is given in order to register for the term.
Where to Submit:
In addition to submitting the time extension form to Rackham, a copy should be provided to
Paula Trail, LSA Dean’s Office via email or mailed to:
Paula Trail Hathaway
Manager of Graduate Education
LSA Dean’s Office
2212 LSA Building 1382