Student Support Interagency / District Program

Student Support Interagency / District Program Descriptions
Nov 15, 2015
ADTP – Adolescent Day Treatment Program
9634 King George Blvd, Surrey, BC V3T 0G7
ADTP is a provincial resource program operated in partnership with Fraser Health. Students with mental health issues are
referred by Child and Youth Mental Health clinicians or by a psychiatrist. They are vetted by the Fraser Health team in
collaboration with the Surrey School District. Fraser Health assesses the suitability of the program and the school district
coordinates the academic portion and future school placements for the students.
APU – Adolescent Psychiatric Unit
13750 96 Avenue, Surrey, BC V3V 1Z2
APU is a provincial resource program that operates within the Adolescent Psychiatric Unit in Surrey Memorial Hospital.
Students are admitted through the hospital admission process, no district referral process is available for this program.
CDTOP – Child Day Treatment Outreach Program
15550 99A Avenue, Surrey, BC V3R 9H5
CDTOP serves elementary school aged students who have a diagnosis of anxiety, psychosis and or mood disorder who are
living in the Surrey/White Rock area. Either the school or clinician can initiate the referral process. Students are in the
program for one year, with intake happening from September to the end of April.
ETC – Educational Transition Centre
10453 Whalley Blvd, Surrey, BC V3T 5B1
In partnership with the Children’s Foundation - this is a bridging program focussed on elementary or younger high school
aged students as they transition from school to either an alternate program or back to a regular school setting. The zonal
district behavioural specialists are responsible for the referral process.
Fastrack Elementary
13838 91 Avenue, Surrey, BC V3V 7K4
This program is located at Creekside Elementary and provides support learning to students who have a FASD diagnosis.
Referrals are submitted either by schools, and reviewed by the District Fastrack Program Placement Committee.
Fastrack Secondary
13104 109 Avenue, Surrey, BC V3T 2N7 and
12870 72 Avenue, Surrey, BC V3W 2M9
There are three Fastrack Secondary classes providing learning to students aged 12 – 18 with a confirmed FASD diagnosis.
Referrals are submitted by schools and reviewed by the District Fastrack Program Placement Committee.
13104 109 Avenue, Surrey, BC V3T 2N7
This is a very specialized program for students who have been unsuccessful in the mainstream school system due to
social/behaviour and mental health concerns. The students can only experience success with one on one support in a
highly supervised environment. The referral process is initiated at the district level and the Interagency Principal must be
consulted and involved in the placement process.
Surrey School District 36 - Student Support - Education Services Department 14033 92nd Avenue,
Surrey, B.C. V3V 0B7
Tel: (604) 596-7733
Fax: (604) 595-6105
9457 King George Blvd, Surrey, BC V3V 5W4
This program is for students who have both a K (Mild Intellectual Disability) and H (Intensive Behaviour/Serious Mental
Illness) designation that require a more specialized learning environment than what is provided in a regular secondary
school. There is a focus on career exploration and transition to adulthood. Referral process is through the schools and
vetted through Student Support.
Growing Together
10707 146 street, Surrey, BC V3R 1T5
In partnership with Options, this program is hosted at Guildford Park Secondary and is for pregnant and parenting teens.
There is a daycare provided by Options for the children while the mothers attend school. The referral process can
originate from schools, other ministry partners or may include self-referral and is vetted through Options and Guildford
Park with support from Student Support.
HOPE – Helping Others, Providing Education
10707 146 street, Surrey, BC V3R 1T5
This program is hosted at Guildford Park Secondary and is a blend of school-based and district placements for students
who have a diagnosis of anxiety and/or depression. Students must have an H designation to be in the HOPE program.
They receive individualized support and planning as well as integration into mainstream courses and school life. Referrals
are submitted by the schools and vetted through Student Support.
Lee School
#101 – 6844 King George Blvd, Surrey, BC V3W 5A1
In partnership with Options, Lee School provides individualized programming and support for secondary students who
have been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder or depression and who have an H designation. Referral process is through
the schools and vetted through Student Support.
PLEA – Waypoint (boys) / Daughters & Sisters (girls)
#108 – 16590 96 Avenue, Surrey, BC V4N 2C3 / 12159 Sullivan Street, Surrey, BC V4A 3B4
Waypoint and Daughters & Sisters are provincial resource programs operated in partnership with PLEA. They are
residential treatment programs for youth who have current court orders directing them to attend a treatment program and
school. The students are referred by probation officers and are from all parts of BC. They also accept private fee-forservice referrals.
TREES – Teen Recreation and Educational Enhancement School
#114 – 13479 76 Avenue, Surrey, BC V3W 2W3
TREES is a program that is supported out of a partnership with MCFD and operated by PCRS. This program provides
individualized and group support for students with significant behavioural needs and who meet the criteria required for
receiving an H designation. This program includes both academic courses as well as a range of physical activities and
outdoor education. Referrals are made by MCFD to PCRS and reviewed with the Student Support team.
TREK – Trust, Respect, Empathy and Knowledge
13104 109 Avenue, Surrey, BC V3T 2N7
In partnership with Options, TREK provides individualized programming and support for secondary students who have an
H designation. This program has three components: humanities cohort, career and personal planning cohort and outdoor
education. Core curriculum and elective credits will be given through the cohorts throughout the year. Referral process is
through the schools and vetted through Student Support.