Bill Clinton - Hillsdale Public Schools

February 11, 2011
5- Burzinski
Bill Clinton
Bill Clinton was born on August 19, 1946 in Hope, Arkansas USA. He was a
young boy with a dream. He always behaved well at school, but at home
things were harsh. When Clinton’s parents got divorced, a couple of years later
his mother married Roger Clinton. In 1962, Bill’s last name was legally changes to
Clinton. His stepfather was a nice person with Bill, yet he was an alcoholic. Every
time he did drugs things got worse. He became violent and Bill couldn’t stand it.
Before his mother got married, Bill lived mostly with his grandparents in Hope,
Arkansas. When he graduated from high school, Clinton entered Yale University
in 1970. He always got good grades and was an honor student. Clinton received
his law degree from Yale. He went back to his home state and taught law at the
University of Arkansas. While he was at college, he met a young lady named,
Hillary. Hillary and Bill used to go on picnics and museums, and romantic places.
At last, they get married on October 11, 1975. Fortunately, he was elected
governor of Arkansas in 1978. Later, he defeated George H. W. Bush when he
was elected president of the United States. Now, he is 65 years old and has a
lovely life with his family.
Why did I choose Bill Clinton? I choose Bill Clinton because he was a
person that was good in school and at home. His stepfather was crazed with
drugs, but he didn’t let that bother his life that was going to be a good one.
While president, he was pressed with charges for perjury, but then he was found
not guilty. Bill Clinton had to face a lot of things when he was president. Not
many people liked him. In fact, in his first years of president someone almost
killed him. During his childhood he was very brave with the bad things that his
stepfather did. Bill Clinton didn’t care what other people thought about him
because it doesn’t matter what is on the outside, it only matters what in the
inside. Clinton was someone with a dream, a big one, and a special person! In
1960, he was an honor student in high school and played in a jazz band.
What a hard life Bill Clinton had. He was a great president with the best
decisions but he was in danger out of the White House. Since that day Bill’s
mother married Roger, Bill knew something was going to go wrong. Believe it or
not, Roger did drugs and the more he did them the more violent he became.
One of the best things Clinton did was to visit Northern Irelands to bring peace
the violence between Catholics and Protesters. From 1946- 1993 Clinton had
great accomplishments and you already know some of them. Did you know, in
1978 he was elected governor of Arkansas?
What things they have back then that we may or maybe not have now.
Well, let’s compare! What sports do we have today? We have football, soccer,
tennis, baseball, basketball, hockey, snowboarding, skiing, softball, tee ball, and
I can go on and on. They had the same sports back then, but maybe played it
differently. One of the most famous sport teams was the Yankees. What music
was popular? Back then popular music was Michael Jackson, Paula Cole,
Shawn Colvin, and other popular people. Now, we don’t listen to them as much
as they did back then. We listen to Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez, Nelly, SnoopDog, Prince Royce, and so many more. What TV Shows and channels did they
watch? Back then they watched show and channels such as The Simsons, The
Fox Network, Choose or Lose and many others, but some people still watch
them today.
Bill Clinton had to face a lot of hard and easy thing during his election
and in the White House. Bill was very brave because he didn’t care what other
people thought of him. Clinton was also governor of Arkansas for two years.
Then in 1996, he was elected as president. He was pressed charges for perjury
and then he was found not guilty. In November 1996, he was the first president
to get reelected since 1984. At age 46, he was the youngest man to get elected
as president since John F. Kennedy, who was elected in 1960 at the age of 43. In
his speech on January 21, 1993, Clinton said:
“When our founders boldly declared America’s independence to the
world and our purposes to the Almighty, the knew that America, to endure,
would have to change. Not change for change’s sake, but change to preserve
America’s ideals___ life, liberty, the pursuits of happiness. Though we march to
the music of our time, our mission is timeless. Each generation of American…. We
must do what no generation has had to do before. We must invest more in our
own people, in their jobs, their future, and at the same time cut our massive
debt. We must do so in a world in which we must compete for every
opportunity. It will not be easy; it will require sacrifice. But it can be done, and
done fairly, not choosing the sacrifice for its own sake, but for our own sake.”
Bill Clinton was a great president, with great decisions. Some people
didn’t like him but he didn’t care about that. He was pressed with charges,
almost killed, and other things he didn’t do, but what he was trying to explain
was that not every time someone is going to like you. There will be time in your
life that, that will happen. You will just have to deal with it. Bill Clinton was so
strong, now he is in his 60s not having the good life he was having as president
but still having a nice life.
Works Cited
Benson, Michael. Bill Clinton. Minneapolis: Leaner Publications Co., 2004.
Kallen, Stuart A. A Cultural History of the States: Through the Decades The 1990s.
San Diego: Lucent Books Inc., 1995.