Discipleship Handout for Welcome pkgs

Disciple Making
Dallas Willard has famously said that, since making disciples is the main
task of the church, every church ought to be able to answer two questions:
 What is our plan for making disciples of Jesus?
 Is our plan working?
2013 National Transformation Tracker Results for discipleship:
We have not defined a discipleship process
We have begun discussion on our discipleship process
We have an intentional discipleship process in writing
We have a discipleship process in place, but it is not
fully working
Our Discipleship process is working
Due to the 2013 National Transformation Tracker results, the following
motion was made at General Assembly 2014.
General Assembly 2014 Motion:
Each church establish and report what their process is for
disciple-making to their District Superintendent by December 31,
2015 and on a biennial basis thereafter.
Steps to create your Disciple Making Process:
1. Brainstorm what you’re currently doing and where your gaps are:
a. Use Transformation Tracker survey to help assess this:
b. Use the Template Questions provided
c. Use the ‘Bringing Church Ministry to Life’ worksheet
d. Use the Disciple making resources provided as needed
2. Begin mapping out a plan
3. Lay out your church’s yearly calendar – will the plan work?
4. Take plan to others (such as Elders) for evaluation & further input
5. Send your plan to ECD – Kevin Lim – by December 2015
Handout created by ECD National Discipleship Team Rep: Cheryl Guinness, Rexdale Alliance Church
cguinness@rexdalealliance.ca; 416-741-1110 x2334
May 2015
Template Questions for Churches
1. What is your definition of a disciple?
2. What have you determined to be the characteristic marks of a mature disciple?
3. Describe the process that takes a person from where they are at spiritually to where
they are identified as a mature disciple.
4. In your process how does a person distinguish what his or her next step(s) are?
5. Given that human contact was critical in the model that Jesus exemplified; how does
your process include a person intentionally coming alongside the disciple?
6. How does your disciple making process enable the disciple to reproduce themselves?
7. What is your plan in the future to assess and adjust your disciple making process?
Bringing Church Ministry To ‘Life’ worksheet
Tim Beadle – Church Coach - WCD
It’s one thing to have a church mission and list of programs ‘on paper.’ It is another thing to see
it working functionally in ‘moving people’ along a relational church pathway to maturity in
Christ and connectivity to the church family. The following scenario is presented with follow up
questions to allow you to develop a ‘working knowledge and application of your church’s vision
and mission’ related to Jesus’ commission to make disciples.
Last weekend a family (parents in their late 30’s, 16 year old son, 12 year old daughter) arrived
at your church worship service uninvited and unannounced. In casual conversation following
worship they shared they had just moved into your community from another city where they
attended a church at Christmas and Easter.
Handout created by ECD National Discipleship Team Rep: Cheryl Guinness, Rexdale Alliance Church
cguinness@rexdalealliance.ca; 416-741-1110 x2334
May 2015
This weekend they will return to your church and, after worship, will share with the pastor they
would like to come to your church regularly. They shared they feel something ’is missing in life’
and want their kids to grow up with good morals.
As a leadership team, and based on the information shared about this new family who wants to
come to your church:
1. Where would you like to see each member of this family in one year’s time related to
church involvement/connectivity and spiritual formation? How about in two years’
2. What processes/pathways are in place in your church so your desires for them actually
occur and aren’t left to ‘good intentions?’ (The issue: ‘intentionality’ in bringing
vision/mission to life)
3. How are your church ministries designed/configured to help you achieve your desires
for this family?
Disciple Making Resources (use as needed):
The following Disciple Making Resources are designed to help in understanding what a mature
follower of Jesus looks like, and how a church ministry can align itself with the work of the Spirit
in leading people towards faith in Christ and onward to spiritual maturity.
All resources can be accessed at: www.transformcma.ca/resources/discipleship-pathways/
The Great Invitation vs. The Great Commission – This article focuses on the need to
understand that personal growth in Christ is part of Christ’s plan in preparing us to engage
in making disciples of others. We believe separating the invitation from the command turns
evangelism into little more than a make work project of people who don’t know Christ.
Jesus Approach to Disciple Making (FF Bruce) A classic article outlining Jesus’ strategy for
making disciples.
Stages of Spiritual Growth - This tool identifies stages of spiritual growth noting both the
characteristics associated with each stage of spiritual development, and how the church can
facilitate meaningful ministry in supporting believers along their journey toward spiritual
The Pathway to Relational Church Health – This practical tool focuses on a relational
pathway for a church to consider how it uses its programming to attract, associate, adopt,
apprentice and approve people as Christ followers towards becoming mature in their faith.
Characteristics of Spiritual Maturity – A helpful summary diagram from Putman that
outlines the process of spiritual formation in a believer and the most effective posture of
the church throughout a believer’s growth in Christ. Also see a Biblical Profile of Spiritual
Maturity and the description of a discipled person.
Handout created by ECD National Discipleship Team Rep: Cheryl Guinness, Rexdale Alliance Church
cguinness@rexdalealliance.ca; 416-741-1110 x2334
May 2015
Spiritual Journey Overview – This resource helps people self-identify the place they are on
in their spiritual journey. Coaching questions are also provided to encourage continued
spiritual growth and development. Provided by University Drive Alliance Church.
Disciple Making Bibliography – the following resource is an expanded bibliography of
disciple making resources compiled by the Alliance’s National Disciple Making Team.
Sample Plans - find some sample church Disciple Making processes listed on the website:
Disciple Making Programs - find listed some Disciple Making programs to consider for
your churches on the above website
More Disciple Making Programs to consider:
Passing it On – One on one disciple making / transformational mentoring tool to develop
Christ centered leaders that covers 5 value shifts. Visit www.mentorlink.org
Days with Jesus – MentorLink International joins with The Jesus Film Project to create a
discipleship tool using clips from the Jesus Film combined with excellent questions. Great
tool for families, new Christians and those that are visual learners. www.mentorlink.org
Growing in Christ Series – small booklets with homework that covers lessons on Christian
living, assurance of faith and beginning with Christ. www.navpress.com
Handout created by ECD National Discipleship Team Rep: Cheryl Guinness, Rexdale Alliance Church
cguinness@rexdalealliance.ca; 416-741-1110 x2334
May 2015