Fever 1793 (Chapters 1-11) Name Chapter 1: August 16th, 1793

Fever 1793 (Chapters 1-11)
Name ____________________________________
Chapter 1: August 16th, 1793
Abhorred (page 3) Sentence with the word:
Definition in your own words:
1. Who is the narrator of the story? What point of view is the author using?
2. The narrator says, “It was the war” (page 2). Which war is she talking about?
In 1793, Philadephia was the capital of the country. The novel does not say this directly, but it is hinted at on
page 4. What does the narrator say that lets the reader know that it is the capital?
4. Mattie compares herself several times to Blanchard’s ___________________________ (pages 2 and 4). Why
does she do this?
Chapter 2: August 16th, 1793
Apothecary (page 12) Sentence with the word:
Definition in your own words:
1. Mattie says, “…after the War of Independence ended in 1783. I was four years old. (page 7). How old is Mattie
in this chapter?
2. What is ironic about Mattie’s mother’s last name?
Why is Eliza vital to the Cook household?
4. Mattie says on page 9, “They both supped sorrow with a big spoon that’s what Mother said.” Who is she talking
about (two names)? Explain this quotation in your own words.
Chapter 3: August 16th, 1793
Robust (page 15) Sentence with the word:
Definition in your own words:
1. Mattie’s mother refuses to let her go to Polly’s to deliver food or go to the funeral. Why? What is she afraid of?
2. Mattie says, “Life was a battle…” (page 17). What type of poetic device is used here? Explain the meaning of
this quotation.
Chapter 4: August 16th, 1793
Miasma (page 20) Sentence with the word:
Definition in your own words:
Noxious (page 20) Sentence with the word:
Definition in your own words:
1. What is Mr. Carris’ theory of what is causing the sickness?
2. What is unusual about the currency in 1793?
Chapter 5: August 24th, 1793
Demure (page 32) Sentence with the word:
Definition in your own words:
1. What was Grandfather’s opinion of Polly? What word does he use that implies this opinion?
2. Who does Mattie meet on the way back from the Market? What are her feelings toward this person? Be sure
to provide evidence from the novel to support your answer.
3. What does each ringing of the bell represent?
Girls in 1793 would be shocked by girls’ clothing today. What lines in the story prove that? Include at least two
Chapter 6: August 30th, 1793
Quarantine (page 38) Sentence with the word:
Definition with the word:
What did Grandfather hear that causes Mattie embarrassment?
Why has the business of the coffeehouse improved so much lately?
Why does Grandfather not want to go anywhere?
Chapter 7: August 30th, 1793
Tedious (page 50) Sentence with the word:
Definition in your own words:
Dregs (page 53) Sentence with the word:
Definition in your own words:
Gala (page 51) Sentence with the word:
Definition in your own words:
What visible signs of wealth are present in the Ogilvie mansion? Give at least 3 details.
What causes the argument at the end of the chapter?
What prevents the fight or argument from continuing?
Chapter 8: September 2nd, 1793
Vehemently (page 61) Sentence with the word:
Definition in your own words:
Pestilence (page 60) Sentence with the word:
Definition in your own words:
1. Why is a “cannon blasted” in the front square?
Review the list of the Mayor’s orders on page 58. Which do you believe is the most helpful advice and why?
Which do you believe is the most useless advice and why?
Chapter 9: September 2nd, 1793
Taut (page 67) Sentence with the word:
Definition in your own words:
Why does Mattie have doubts about Mr. Rowley?
Describe Mother’s illness. What does she do that frightens Mattie at the end of the chapter?
Chapter 10: September 6th, 1793
Lancet (page 72) Sentence with the word:
Definition in your own words:
Valise (page 76) Sentence with the word:
Definition in your own words:
What reason doe Dr. Kerr give for why Mother cannot go with Mattie when she leaves town?
What is Nathanial Benson doing to protect himself from the fever?
Chapter 11: September 7th, 1793
Lurched (page 83) Sentence with the word:
Definition in your own words:
What is Mattie’s theory for why they are begin attacked by so many insects?
What happens to Mattie and Grandfather?