Guide for running a community planting day_16.05.14

HOW TO Run a Community Planting Event - TEMPLATE
This guide has been prepared for the Brisbane Catchment Groups. Its purpose is to assist groups in the planning, delivery and pack up of community
planting events. Whether you’re planning a small community planting event or a Family Fun Day, hopefully this guide includes all relevant considerations.
You can use it as an initial planning tool for your event, and so are encouraged to edit/modify the table to suit those considerations listed below that apply
to your event.
Note – CCO refers to the BCC Creek Catchment Officer
Name Of Event: Magic Gully Planting Day
Familiarise with
available funds
Form an Event
Organising Team
Draft up a
If it’s part of a grant, check the Grant guidelines
Consider grant options such as Lord Mayor Suburban Initiative Fund
Consider sourcing In-kind contributions for catering, plants, council support (ask Creek Catchment Officer)
Consider sponsorship, eg. from a local business?
Have a shared vision, plan tasks, delegate responsibilities
An organising team is particularly useful for larger community events (e.g. an art festival)
Suggested roles in Event Organising team include:
 Event Coordinator
 Revegetation Coordinator (responsible for revegetation aspects of the event)
 Promotions and marketing.
 Volunteer coordinator (will be responsible for volunteer activities on the day; including delegating
smaller roles to be fulfilled on the day, eg. parking attendants; set up; first aid attendant.
- Create checklists and task lists as required.
- Allow at least 2-3months for planning (depending on size of event).
- Choosing a date:
 Can you piggy-back another event? It is a good way to expand promotion of your event. Google these
suggested events for more info and promotion resources:
- Clean Up Australia Day (1st Sunday in March)
- Neighbour Day (last Sunday March)
- Harmony Day (21 March)
- Speed Planting (Valentines Day) Landcare (14 Feb)
- World Envt day (5th June)
- National Tree Day (late July)
- National Threatened Species Day (7 Sept)
- Landcare Big Day Out
 Check for clashes (eg. Long weekend, school holidays, other event)
 If seeking sponsorship allow up to 7months head time.
 Do you need to make a Council Park booking? Ask Creek Catchment Officer or book on line:
 Consider weather at different times of year (optimal time for planting is Summer, Autumn and early
Winter months).
Start from event date and work backwards filling in key deadlines / milestones.
Organise at least 2 weeks prior to event
Determine meal type (morning tea; sandwiches; BBQ?)
Determine meal type (morning tea; sandwiches; BBQ etc) & food required (tea; coffee; milk; juice; fruit;
biscuits; sausages; bread; salad; sauces, etc?)
Decide if you will self-cater or use a catering company? Will food stall holders be invited to attend (Consider
environmentally friendly and ethical food suppliers
Determine equipment required:
 Water container
 cups; saucers; plates; cutlery;
 thermos filled with hot water; or stove & billy; or urn?
Plan ahead to have minimal food & packaging waste & organise bins/containers for
- Begin promotion your event to the public at least 6 weeks in advance.
- Attached are flyer & poster templates that may assist in preparation of promotional material for the event.
- Where to advertise / promote you event:
 Catchment group website (yours and other groups also) & social media pages
 Catchment Group e-news
 BCN website
Site Preparation
for planting site
Gear / Equipment
For Planting
Gear / Equipment
For Event
Advertisement / press release in local media
BCC Community Events Calendar Facebook page
 Speak to your CCO regarding possibly of promoting your event via BCC promotion avenues.
 Flyering in nearby streets; local shopping centres; community centres; library…
 Postering on local notice boards (local library, community centre, shopping centres etc.
 Install a sign at the site (eg. Corflute) - NB – Land Manager approval is required. Speak to the CCO.
 Volunteering Qld Website
see poster & flyer templates
If this planting event is part of a larger revegetation project, refer to revegetation plan.
Confirm Land Manager approval (ask CCO) prior to undertaking any site preparation.
Spray weeds at site (contractor) (at least 2 weeks prior)
Holes: digging tubestock holes
 do you want to pre-dig the holes or do it on the day. Pre-digging holes means the planting event runs
more smoothly. If pre-digging holes, do so 1-3 days prior to the event.
 How will holes be dug? By hand or auger; contractor or volunteers?
Watering: how will plants be watered on the day? This will depend on funds available and the site itself.
Consider these options: a watering truck on the day; pumping from nearby creek; bucketing from nearby
creek. (Note – pumping or bucketing water from creeks requires a permit: this must be arranged with the
CCO at least 6 weeks prior).
Keys: Are BCC keys for gates/toilets required?
Parking: options / requirements
Mulching: will the site be mulched prior to the planting event or on the day?
Road Closures: are road closures required? Speak with CCO.
Ensure all gear is has been sourced at least 1 week prior to the event
What gear is required and where can it be sourced from? (GC equipment, loads, BCC….?)
Refer to Grant Application if this is part of a grant.
Plants; hand tools; weed mat; stakes; tree guards; buckets / watering cans; gloves; fertiliser; water crystals
If necessary, place order for tubestock (if a contractor is involved they may do this).
- Arrange gear approx. 2 weeks before:
- Compile a list of gear required & where it will be sourced (purchased / borrowed / made).
Management on
the day
Toilets: If portaloos are required, arrange 2 weeks before (eg. Viking Portaloos, Kennards Hire).
Marquee / shade (local banks, local Councillors, BCC).
Tables & chairs
BBQ equipment
Pull Up Banners &signs
Brochures, stickers, group’s promotional material etc.
Safety Equipment (sun cream; first aid kit; insect repellent; handwash gear)
Sharps container
Rubbish bins – general; recycling; compost (Note – plan ahead to minimise waste).
- Plan ahead for how volunteers will be managed on the day. This is straight forward if only a small number of
experienced planters are expected to attend, however when a large number of people are expected to
attend (especially if they are not experienced) plan ahead.
- Things to consider include:
 Anticipated number of participants?
 What is the skill level of participants (remember that tree planting technique is not common knowledge)
 What age group(s) are you expecting?
 How many experienced bush regenerators / tree planters are coming and are they willing to assume a
leadership role in supporting volunteers to learn required skills and knowledge.
- Depending on the skills, experience and age of volunteers you will need to arrange them into teams and
delegate more experienced volunteers / group members to supervise them. Delegate more experienced
volunteers to roam during the planting event to keep an eye out and assist where needed.
- See attached: “Tips for Increasing Safety at Tree Plantings With Children”.
Draft a run sheet
for the day
- Complete at least 1 week prior to the event.
- See example Run Sheets attached
- Who will take photos on the day?
- Considerations: permission to photograph members of the public, record photo acknowledgements
- Complete Risk Assessment (see Template attached) approx. 1 week prior to the event. See the In Safe Hands
Toolkit ( for further resources for meeting duty of care obligations for volunteers.
- Consider Insurance requirements. Speak to CCO if you required assistance / clarification.
Prepare Paper
Event talent /
Other groups,
stakeholders to
- Working Bee Record (inc. sign-on sheet) (see Template attached)
- Name badges?
- Signage? (e.g. for toilet; hand washing etc)
- How to plant tube stock fact sheet (see attached)
- Emergency Services
Does this event have scope to include other activities / displays?
Some examples are:
- Geckos Wildlife
- BCC Environment Centres
- Face painting
- Kids games (sack races, egg & spoon)
- Tree planting raffle?
- Network with other catchment groups for educational activity ideas & contacts
- Theatre Group
Consider who else could/should be involved and make contact with them as early as possible.
- Men of the Trees
- Local Councillors
- Transition Towns
- Sporting clubs
- Rotary Club
- Local schools
- Scouts & Girl guides Groups
Make a list of things that could go wrong and develop contingency plans.
For example:
Under what conditions will you cancel / post-pone an event?
- Consider high winds; severe storms; extreme heat.
- In making your plan consider: volunteer comfort and safety; impacts of extreme weather on the plants;
how will you notify of cancellation?
Work from detailed run sheet prepared in advance.
See Example Run sheets #1; #2; #3 for examples;
See also example Briefing Notes for Event Coordinator/MC
Thank volunteers &
other appropriate
Post photographs on
Make sure all gear is
Evaluate the event
- On website; e-news; email follow up.
- Within a week
- Within a week
- Within a week ideally
Take time to consider the event: what worked; what didn’t work; what can be done
differently next time?
Ensure maintenance is conducted as per the revegetation plan.
Delegated to