CS 4390/5390 Fall 2013 Shirley Moore, Instructor October 24 Class

CS 4390/5390 Fall 2013
Shirley Moore, Instructor
October 24 Class
RSA Cryptography
1. First we’ll watch a video of a lecture about RSA cryptography by Edward Burger
from Southwester University.
2. Next read the Overview of Public Key Cryptography by Rich Holowczek at
http://holowczak.com/rsa-cryptography-demo-applet/2/#overview .
Write down the steps of the RSA cryptography algorithm below.
3. In the algorithm, n  pq, where p and q are prime. What is  (n) ?
4. Now try the demo at
http://cisnet.baruch.cuny.edu/holowczak/classes/9444/rsademo/rsademo.htm .
Write down the steps using a concrete example.
5. Read the description of how the demo was programmed at
http://cisnet.baruch.cuny.edu/holowczak/classes/9444/rsademo/rsademo.htm .
What algorithms that we have learned about in class were used by the author?