LSUHSC-SOM Guidelines for the Use of Lecture Capture

LSUHSC-SOM Guidelines for the Use of Lecture Capture Technology
Rationale: Lecture capture is a learning tool that can enhance student learning in various ways.
1. It gives students the opportunity to review lecture material at their own pace, which can help
them fill in knowledge gaps and clarify confusing concepts after attending the lecture.
2. If desired by the lecturer, it allows students to preview materials prior to scheduled lectures,
thereby giving the lecturer the opportunity to utilize classroom time in more interactive
application activities.
Expectations for Use:
This technology is intended as a supplement for student learning. We value and expect student
attendance in class; direct interaction with faculty and peers is critical to professional education.
This supplemental learning technology will be implemented in the School of Medicine on a pilot basis in
July 2012. Course directors will decide whether or not their courses will use it. For courses in which the
technology is utilized, individual faculty members may still opt out entirely.
We encourage students to take their own notes and use the recordings to enhance their understanding
of difficult concepts. This intervention is independent of and in addition to the Note Taking Service.
Recording and Management of Lecture Capture Materials:
Course directors and other lecturing faculty may choose to make lecture materials available prior to the
lecture date. If this is the case, students are encouraged to review these materials prior to coming to
Enterprise AV will continue to check the status of equipment prior to lectures. The lecturer will be
responsible for starting and stopping the recording with each lecture. An SGA-appointed student liaison
will be available to help with this aspect. A lecturer may choose to stop recording for a period of time
during the lecture or may opt out of lecture recording altogether as stated earlier. Allowing the
recording of lecture material by a lecturer implies intent to allow its distribution according to the rules
set forth in this policy.
After the lecture is complete and any necessary editing is done, an e-mail link inviting the course
director to post the link on Moodle will be sent. Students will click the link that will lead them to the
The course director or designee will delete the links, and therefore remove the ability to view the
lecture materials, after the final examination in the course.
Professional use by students /protection of faculty’s academic property:
Chapter VII- Intellectual Property- Bylaws & Regulations of the Board of Supervisors of LSU:
“Faculty, pursuant to the “scholarly work exception”, exclusively own course materials including
‘electronic learning’ materials which they have created for use as course materials in bona fide
instruction of regularly scheduled courses for credit at LSU. This release of ownership by LSU is limited
to the extent that the faculty / author uses these materials in bona fide instruction of regularly
scheduled courses for credit at LSU. Faculty may not submit any of their authored digital media material
to an entity for use outside of LSU without review and specific approval from the Office of the
At the onset of lecture capture implementation (July-August 2012), students will sign a written
statement stating that they will not attempt to distribute lecture capture recordings and other course
materials. This signed statement will be provided to the coordinator of the OME prior to creation of the
students’ unique user names and passwords. Students who are unwilling to sign the statement will not
be provided with the access needed to view the lectures. Students will adhere to each course’s
expectations regarding professionalism, which explicitly state that students should not attempt to
distribute the lecture materials and recordings externally. Any known violation to this will result, at a
minimum, in the completion of a Physicianship Evaluation Form. Further disciplinary action may be