Chemistry Name: Unit 5 – Trends/Nomenclature Review Date

Unit 5 – Trends/Nomenclature Review
Periodic Trends:
Using the general trends; circle the correct answer:
Which has a larger atomic radius, K or Mn?
2. Which is the larger atom, W or Os?
3. Which atom is smaller, Cd or Y?
4. Which atom has lower ionization energy, Rb or Li?
5. Which atom has a higher electronegativity, N or As?
6. Which has a smaller atomic radius, I or Cl?
7. What atom would have the largest radius? _____
8. What atom would have the lowest ionization energy? _____
9. What atom would have the highest electronegativity? _____
10. Non-metals generally have ____________ atomic radii than metals.
11. Which atom in period 3 would have the lowest electronegativity?
12. Which atom in group 7 would have the highest ionization energy?
13. Which alkaline earth metal has the largest ionic radius?
14. All atoms want to have 8 valence electrons in their highest principal energy level. This is
called the ________ rule.
15. Which noble gas has 2 valence electrons? ____ Why does it not follow the octet rule like
the rest of the noble gases?
16. Which alkali metal (not including H) has the highest ionization energy?
17. Which d-block metal has the highest electronegativity?
18. ______________ are larger than their neutral atoms. Are they usually metals or
19. ______________ are smaller than their neutral atoms. Are they usually metals or
20. The _____________ metals are the most reactive of all the metals.
21. The ______________ are the most reactive non-metals.
22. The _________________ are unreactive because they have 8 valence electrons.
23. Fluorine is 1 electron away from obtaining ____________________ configuration.
24. What element is in group 6, period 5? _____
25. Write the symbol of an element that is not a good conductor of heat and electricity. _____
26. Write the symbol of the element that is in period 6, group 10. _____
27. Metals _________ electrons to form positively charged ions called ________.
28. Non-metals _________ electrons to form negatively charged ions called ________.
29. Why does the F1- ion easily form and the N3- ion rarely form?
30. Use your nomenclature worksheets to study for that portion of the test The answer keys on
on my website).